Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 35 The First Speech, Jade Resources

War is cruel.

Momentary pity for the enemy is digging a hole for oneself.

Therefore, uphold the choice of killing without mercy.

Under the leadership of Zhao Feiyan.

The guardian dragon guard rode the iron cavalry in the northern border and killed all the remaining bandits.

No one can escape the disaster.

At this time, in the entire Raging Fire Village, except for the guardian dragon guard and Zhao Feiyan, only the corpses were left on the ground.

This is Chaoge Village's attitude towards the enemy.

Kill without mercy!

And at the same time.

Yang Chuan also quickly received a system prompt to capture the Fire Fortress.

"Hint: Successful crusade against Raging Fire Village, +1000 Reputation Points, and a Trial Treasure Chest."


"It's very efficient."

"It only took ten minutes from the beginning to the end of the battle."

"It seems that the goal of capturing 10 bandit cottages can be accomplished today. The biggest difficulty is to hurry."

"Fortunately, the bandit cottages are all gathered in Montenegro, so the distance between each cottage is not too far away."

This is also good news for Yang Chuan who wants to catch up.

and at the same time.

Zhao Feiyan went out to attack the bandit cottage, and Yang Chuan was not idle either.

"At present, the territory has been upgraded to a level 5 village, and a huge amount of basic resources are still needed, and it will be impossible to get it together for a while."

"However, the resources needed to upgrade the Tongquetai are only 900 units of jade."

"How to get jade!"

In order to enhance the combat effectiveness of Chaoge Village.

The most direct way is to upgrade the level of the territory.

However, the basic resources of the current territory do not allow Yang Chuan to really do it.

Therefore, Yang Chuan could only turn his eyes to the Bronze Sparrow Terrace.

At this time, 50,000 units of wood, 50,000 units of stone, and 5,000 taels of gold, the amount of resources in Chaoge Village, all met the above conditions.

But only 2000 units of jade resources,

At present, Yang Chuan only has 1103 units of jade, so if you want to upgrade the level of Tongquetai.

There is still 900 units of jade.

Yet at this moment.

Look at the resource list of the territory in front of you.

[Red Fire Ore]: 9150 units

【Urban Iron Ore】: 1153 units

Yang Chuan's eyes lit up immediately, the amount of these two rare resources had accumulated to such an extent.

"If you arrange for Yi Changge to turn the red fire ore into red fire equipment."

"Maybe you can get a lot of jade from the trading platform."

"After all, Chiyan equipment is also blue-quality equipment."

"At present, most of the lords are still using the iron knives and rough clothes left by the invading bandits."


Thinking of this, Yang Chuan seemed to have discovered a new continent.

Immediately arranged for Yi Changge to use the red fire ore to forge the red flame equipment.

Immediately after.

After arranging the production work, Yang Chuan called the chat forum again.

And posted the information of Chi Yan's equipment in the chat forum.

This is the first time Yang Chuan has spoken in a chat forum.

But about the existence of Yang Chuan.

It is no stranger to any lord.

[Red Flame Equipment: Red Flame Armor]

[Red Flame Equipment: Red Flame Bow]


[The above equipment will be sold on the trading platform, everyone is welcome to come and buy. 】

[In addition, you can also customize the style of weapons, including knives, guns and sticks. 】

[Trading materials: resources, gold, jade]

【Thank you for your support. 】

【There are not many quantities, welcome to snap up. 】


Yang Chuan's sudden speech was enough to make the lords excited.

But after seeing the information about Chi Yan's equipment, there was a sensation in the entire chat channel.

Equipment in blue quality.

Powerful equipment blessing effect.

This is not a rusty iron knife, a rubbish white equipment like a sackcloth can be compared with it.

If you can buy one.

The effect of improving the combat effectiveness of the arms is bound to be very significant.

"This is the so-called Ande mansion with thousands of rooms, which shelters all the poor people in the world!"

"Fuck, Yang Chuan, you are awesome!"

"We are willing to sell all blue-quality equipment. Should we flog Li Mu's corpse?"

"You can always trust the big guy Yang Chuan. This is the real big guy. There is no doubt about it. Every time he does a job, he can always cause extraordinary results!"

"I'm more concerned about the number of Chiyan equipment."

"You said that Yang Chuan's initial equipment will be a blacksmith shop?"

"You are kidding me, it should be a blacksmith shop that is countless times stronger than a blacksmith shop."

"So my awareness is that these blue-quality equipment sold by Yang Chuan should be forged from a blacksmith shop that is countless times stronger than a blacksmith shop."

"??? You are talking about it!"

"These are not important. I just want a blue-quality red flame bow. Don't grab it from me."

Watching chat forums with heated discussions.

Yang Chuan nodded with satisfaction, that's what he wanted.

After all, this is the only way to get the resources you want quickly.

As for the sale of Chiyan equipment, what are the consequences?

In fact, Yang Chuan also considered it before again.

Although the red flame equipment is very strong.

There are more lords who can snap up Red Flame equipment.

In this case.

Countless lords snatch Chiyan equipment, but it is impossible to arm the troops under his command with blue-quality equipment like Yang Chuan.

So for Yang Chuan.

It is still using rare resources in exchange for other resources.

It's just that rare resources are forged into equipment.



An hour passed.

Yi Changge forged ten pieces of red flame armor.

Yang Chuan started to prepare and sold these ten pieces of red flame armor as the first batch of equipment.

【Commodity: Red Flame Armor】

【Quantity: 10 pieces】

[Transaction requirements: 50 units of jade]

And with the transaction information, it appeared on the trading platform at the same time.

A small team of well-armed gangsters.

At this time, it appeared not far from Chaoge Village.

It is Huangfeng Village.

Three hours passed.

Huangfengzhai, a second-level bandit cottage, launched an attack on Chaoge Village.

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