Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 42 Ten Treasure Chests, Full Of Harvest

"Master, fortunately, I did not disgrace my life!"

"Today, the ten bandit villages, including Heishui Village, which declared war on our Chaoge Village, have all been captured."

"This is the trial treasure chest!"

When Zhao Feiyan's charming sound sounded, the dragon guards took the trial treasure box off the Northern Xinjiang cavalry.

Yang Chuan nodded in satisfaction: "Good!"

"There are women like you, why should Chaoge Village be afraid of bandits!"

Between the lines of the discourse.

Everything revealed Yang Chuan's excitement.

After receiving the trial treasure box one by one, the lights in the Tongque Terrace were brightly lit.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs delivered hot meals at the first moment. After a day of fighting, it is now necessary to relax.

at the same time.

Yang Chuan looked at the trial treasure box in front of him, and his heart was filled with anticipation.

Many good things can be found in this trial treasure chest.

But the rewards are random.

Whether you can get rare resources, or architectural blueprints, etc., everything depends on luck.

Fortunately, at this moment, Yang Chuan suddenly thought that Cai Wenji's talent for Gushang Elegy would increase her luck by 10 points.

If Cai Wenji opened the trial treasure box, it might increase the chances of getting good things.

"Wen Ji, you are the one to open this trial treasure chest."

Thinking of this, Yang Chuan directly handed over the trial treasure box to Cai Wenji.

"Really?" Cai Wenji's expression was excited: "The servant will not let the master down."

When the voice fell.

Cai Wenji didn't have ink marks, and directly opened the first trial treasure chest.

"Hint: Successfully open the trial treasure box and get 10,000 units of wood."



It's embarrassing.

Cai Wenji's pretty face blushed slightly, and then she closed her eyes, and opened all the remaining trial treasure chests without any thought.

What a sense of ceremony to open the box.

What is the right time and place, Feng Shui pattern and so on.

It doesn't work well in front of Cai Wenji.

If you want to adjust it, you can directly draw ten consecutive draws, and it is easier to worry about gains and losses when you are grinding.

"Hint: Successfully open the trial treasure box and get the architectural blueprint → tavern."

"Reminder: Successfully open the trial treasure box, and obtain general skills → Flood Dragon Going to Sea."

"Hint: Successfully open the trial treasure box, and get the formation → wild goose formation."


Through the hands of Cai Wenji.

After all ten trial treasure chests are opened, one architectural blueprint, one general skill, one array, and the rest are all rewards for basic resources.

Not bad luck.

You must know that it is still in the trial stage for newcomers.

Even if the crusade against one hundred and eight villages in Heishan begins, most of the lords are still in the state of accumulating basic resources.

This is the same as accumulating grain widely and becoming king slowly.


Being able to get three item rewards out of the ten trial treasure chests is enough to prove Cai Wenji's luck.

"That's right, Wen Ji, you are truly the left hand of God."

Hearing Yang Chuan's praise, Cai Wenji nodded with a pretty smile.

Immediately after.

Yang Chuan began to check the specific information of the item.

The first is the architectural drawing of the tavern.

"Architectural Drawings: Tavern"

"Build Quality: Class C"

"Building role: There are a large number of special talents gathered here. If you are lucky, you can also recruit hero units from them."

"Construction consumption: 100 taels of gold, 100 units of jade, 1000 units of wood, 1000 units of stone"


This is not bad.

Special talents can be recruited, and there is even a chance to recruit hero units.

But for Chaoge Village, which has a large number of talents, it does not have a great effect.

You must know that at present, in terms of hero units alone, Yang Chuan currently has three peerless beauties, Cai Wenji, Zhao Feiyan, and Li Xiuning.

Let's talk about special talents.

Just ask, in Chaoge Village, if there is a citizen who comes out first at random, which one is not all possessing special skills.

"Fortunately, the construction cost is not much."

"Otherwise, there is really no need to build it."

Yang Chuan muttered to himself.

Move on to the next reward.

"Warlord Skill: Flood Dragon Going to Sea"

"Quality: Blue"

"Effect: Qi covers the spear and penetrates the enemy instantly."

"Upgrade: 5 force/level 1"

"Full level: Level 9"


"Blue-quality general skills!"

Yang Chuan's eyes lit up.

This book Flood Dragon Going to Sea can be used by Li Xiuning.

Moreover, Li Xiuning's weapon now happens to be a black iron spear, which fully meets the requirements of cultivating the dragon to go to sea.

Coupled with the talent effect of Wushan Goddess.

In addition to increasing the effect of military commander skills by 500%, the proficiency of military commander skills has increased by a hundred times.

In this case.

According to the blessing effect of Jiaolong going to sea.

Level 1 adds 5 points of force, and if you upgrade to level 9, you can add an additional 45 points of force.

But after being blessed by the talent effect of Wushan Goddess, it is a full 225 points of force.

SSS level talent is really terrifying.

"Hint: Li Xiuning comprehends the general's skills and goes to sea."

"Reminder: With the blessing of the talent effect, the force will be increased by 25 points."

Without even thinking about it, Yang Chuan sent Jiaolong to Li Xiuning directly.

After learning, Li Xiuling's force suddenly increased again

"Force: 135X2 points"

"Force: 135X2+25 points"

But it's a pity.

The effect of Chidi Yaoji's bloodline on the double force increase does not apply to the buffing effect of general skills.

"You can't be too greedy."

"The buff effect of general skills is increased by 5 times, which is enough to make Li Xiuning have the power of a king."

Yang Chuan murmured to himself, and looked at the reward in the last trial treasure chest.

It is a formation.

This is also the first time Yang Chuan has obtained a formation so far.

But after checking the formation information, Yang Chuan couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Formation: Goose Formation"

"Quality: Class A"

"Array effect 1: When charging into the formation, increase the damage bonus by 500%."

"Array effect 2: When charging into the formation, reduce melee damage by 25%."

"Array effect 3: When applied to long-range attack units, the attack range is increased by 25%, and the attack speed is increased by 20%."


Suitable for iron riding.

The same applies to ranged attack units.

Is this the effect of the array!

But it is obvious that this wild goose formation is more suitable for heavy armored cavalry to charge into battle.

Flying like geese.

Wherever it went, it was instantly wiped out!

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