Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 54 Witchcraft? Invincible Chaoge Village

Liu Mazi didn't know.

What he was referring to was Li Xiuning, who was the most powerful in the entire Chaoge Village.


All the elite bandits sent out in the first round died.

Their fighting power against Chaoge Village.

have a certain awareness.

The Detachment Army's thunderous combat power made Feng Feilong stunned, and Liu Bazi was a little horrified.

Just in their view.

No matter how strong the Detachment of Women's Army is, the number will not exceed 100 after all, so there is nothing to be afraid of!

"Army attack!"

The bandit army, which was crowded with blackness, moved in full force in the next moment.

With bandit cavalry as the vanguard.

The bandit shooter, led by Feng Feilong, launched a long-range attack on the Women's Army.

Arrows rained down.

A huge net was formed, covering all the Women's Women's Army in it.

This time the number of bandit shooters.

There are as many as one or two hundred people.


After killing the elite bandits in the first round, the Women's Army did not charge again.

Instead, under the protection of the Chiyan City Wall, he returned to Chaoge Village.

Arrows rained down.

All hit the Crimson Flame City Wall.

The Dragon Guard responded immediately, the red flame bow in his hand was full, and rows of sharp arrows flew out quickly.


Compared with the sharp arrows shot by the bandit shooters, it is densely packed.

The sharp arrows shot by the guardian dragon guards, with traces of afterimages, directly penetrated the body of the bandit cavalry.

In an instant,

A row of bandit cavalry fell to the ground and died.

"Is this the attack power an archer should have?"

"Our cavalry also wear heavy armor."

face such a situation.

Feng Feilong, who was attacking from a distance, was stunned again.

A beautiful woman.

From a distance of a thousand meters, shoot through heavy armored cavalry with bows and arrows!

I am afraid that Hou Yi is not alive.

Have Li Guang's archery skills.

However, in fact, the Dragon Guards are so terrifying, all of them have the blood of the Houyi clan.

Born to be a sharpshooter.

You must know that the requirements for training the Dragon Guards are higher than the requirements for training the Women's Army.

According to Yang Chuan's arrangement.

Only people with the blood of the Houyi clan can train as guardians of the dragon.

As such.

Although there are constantly people joining Chaoge Village, there are very few people who may be trained as Dragon Guards.

resulting in so far.

The number of Women's Troops is almost equal to the number of Dragon Guards.

You must know that from the second day of the rookie trial, Mu Chengxue and Mu Rushuang, the twin sisters, changed their jobs to protect the dragon guard.

But after that.

In the face of the menacing army of bandits that numbered over a thousand.

The situation of Hulongwei at this time was exactly the same as that of the Women's Army.

Although it is a super class.

But the number is still too small.

1000 meters.

700 meters.

500 meters.


The location of the bandit army is also getting closer and closer to Chaoge Village.

"Capture Chaoge Village."

"Don't take pity on fragrance and jade."

"This group of beautiful women is what we have."

A deafening cry rang out from Liu Maazi's mouth.

Approaching Chaoge Village.

It seems to also predict that the victory of this offensive and defensive battle is coming.

But at this moment.

The Phantom Arrow Tower launched an attack.

The Red Flame Arrow Tower launched an attack.

The Tower of Holy Light launched an attack.

Three different arrow towers instantly attack the bandit army.

And after obtaining a 5x increase effect.

Every attack of the arrow tower can take the life of a bandit.

Especially the Holy Light Arrow Tower.

With the multi-attack special effect, it's even more than a dozen.

A holy light shot out, and then split into nine holy lights, directly penetrating the bandit's body.

Not a single bandit.

Can resist the attack of the arrow tower.

Seeing this, Liu Mazi immediately stopped moving forward.

"You are bullying me for not reading or going to school, right?"

"The attack power of the arrow tower is so terrifying?"

He couldn't figure it out.

Especially the Phantom Arrow Tower, only the quality of D-level.

How come to Chaoge Village, the attack power displayed is not even weaker than the B-level arrow tower.

However, at this time, for this group of invading bandits, the good drama has only just begun.

The fire is adorned with stars.

Like fireflies in the night sky, they suddenly floated in the battlefield.


The spark of fire suddenly spread, and a minute passed, forming a prairie prairie.

All the bandit armies that approached were swallowed up in the raging fire.

"Hint: Cai Wenji activates the military division technique - a spark ignites a prairie fire!"

"Success rate: 100%"


In front of Yang Chuan, a prompt message appeared.

100% success rate.

The sparks of fire were completely in full bloom.

a time.

Howling sounded.

Desperate screams rang out.

In the last second, I was thinking of the bandit army who brought the beauty back.

This moment has been on fire.

The spark that emerged out of thin air turned into a prairie flame, igniting everything around it.

Countless bandits were engulfed in flames.

"What is this?"


Liu Mazi was completely stunned.

The first is the thunderous Detachment of Women.

After that is the dragon guard who shoots through heavy armor with sharp arrows.

Coupled with the terrifying arrow tower.

And now, a magical flame suddenly appeared.

An army of bandits that numbered over a thousand.

Just getting close to Chaoge Village is already a situation of nine deaths.

At this time, the only surviving bandit shooter was left with a long-range attack.


"It's still a der, what's the difference between this death sentence."

Liu Mazi, who reacted in time, turned around in fear and planned to run away.

can be followed.

A whistling wind sounded.

When he looked up.

Li Xiuning, who was as fast as lightning, had already stood in front of him.

The black iron spear pierced out of his hand, blocking Liu Mazi's way.

"Beauty delivered to your door."

"Then uncle, I accept it rudely."



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