Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 69 I, Shi Huangdi, Make Money And Get Rich From Auction (57)

[Area Tip]: Congratulations to Yang Chuan, the lord of Chaoge Village, for destroying a centaur team.

"Hint: +100 Merit"

The good news of victory soon appeared in front of Yang Chuan in the form of prompt information.

"Regional hints?"

"At present, in the entire Yongzhou, I am the only lord."

"No, it should be said that in the third stage of the newcomer's trial, there is only one territorial force in Chaoge Village."

Yang Chuan smiled helplessly.

Obviously, only one of his lords can receive the prompt in this area.

so lonely.

But it's cool too.

One step ahead, one step ahead of other lords, who doesn't like it.

But so far.

It is not difficult to discover the content of each stage of the trial of newcomers.

In the end, even if you are qualified to compete for hegemony of all races, after entering the battlefield of all races, it is not necessarily the intrigue before the lord.


Although the involution is very powerful now.

But in front of the same enemy.

The goal of the Daxia people is absolutely unified.

After thinking about this, Yang Chuan, who was free, could finally take this opportunity to put the things he didn't need in Chaoge Village on the trading platform.

In exchange for basic resources.

Should be able to meet the requirements of 723 to upgrade the scale level of the territory.

"Consignment Goods: Tavern Architectural Drawings"

"Transaction Method: Auction"

"Auction duration: 1 hour"

"Starting price: 10,000 basic resources"

"Seller: Yang Chuan"

"Selling introduction: If this building is built, hero units can be recruited. Really, I won't lie to you."

Different from the previous trading method.

Valuable items can be traded through auctions.

So Yang Chuan is not in a hurry for a while.

And after consigning the first product, Yang Chuan also deliberately opened a chat forum, intending to use his celebrity effect to publish an advertisement.

"Hello everyone, I'm Yang Chuan, I represent Chaoge Village, I just received a text message from the First Emperor, urgently needing 300,000 basic resources, I can revive the Terracotta Warriors and take me to pretend to fly.

"So in order to help the First Emperor, I decided to smash the pot and sell iron. I am a brother, so I will come to the trading platform to have a look.

Still have to be a little smoother.

Everyone is also a lord.

No matter how well a territory develops, it may be possible to gain the envy and follow of other lords in a short period of time.

But I want to get everyone's approval.

In the end, it is his own personality.

Nowadays, Li Mu's child, who is pulled out and whipped every day, is the best choice.

As soon as you come up, you install X.

Wonder what's the use?

Doing it like Yang Chuan does and earning money standing up, is it a shame?

No shame!

If you want to do the opposite, you can also make more lords go to the trading platform and auction the things sold by the group.

Such a few words.

You can get multiple benefits.

Why not do it.

Besides, did Yang Chuan do this to the Virgin?

Not the Virgin.

After all, it is an auction method. The more lords participate, the more basic resources will be harvested.

"I'm Qin Shi Huang, I'm making money!"

"I am the Great Sage Monkey King, because the golden cudgel is too ostentatious and detained by a mysterious force, I only need 10 yuan to redeem the golden cudgel, and then I will take you to make trouble in the Heavenly Palace after hitting Brother Monkey.

"@杨…………Big brother, I think you must have been deceived."

"Agree with the speech above, how can 300,000 units of basic resources be enough to revive the Terracotta Warriors [I think at least 500,000 units of basic resources are needed.

"Gan, to say that, I think 1 million units of basic resources are needed."

"You guys, can't you remind Yang Chuan to download the national anti-fraud APP?"

"Yeah, mature like me."

"I found that a stone was very strong. I stared at it for a long time, but it still remained motionless."

"Oysters are grilled, are they still oysters?"

"Walnuts caught in the door, can you still nourish your brain after eating them?"

"Can I eat on an empty stomach?"

"Master, what do you do?"

"Today, am I mentally retarded?"

"Hello everyone, I'm Zha Zhahui, if it's a brother, come and cut me.


Yang Chuan's advertisement appeared, and the entire chat forum was distorted in an instant.

(bdch) However.

After everyone saw one item after another auctioned by Yang Chuan.

They expressed their hearts again.

After all, the advertising effect can only be used to attract popularity. Whether it can be sold at a high price depends on the items being sold and whether the lord needs it.

"I laughed out loud after seeing the introduction of the tavern's architectural drawings."

"Mr. Yang Chuan, let's face it, the building of the tavern can really find hero units.

"There is also an introduction to the sale of the mountain axe."

"This axe is very strong, but I don't know if it can drive mountains."

"This jet-black long sword seems to be covered with armament colors, and it should be indestructible... ah!"

"Xuantie spear, the spear used by sister paper, it's genuine, it's definitely a beautiful girl."

"If I hadn't seen the introduction of the Xuan Tie Long Spear, I would have almost believed it."

"That's not necessarily true. In case the black iron spear sold by Yang Chuan must be used by the girl?"

"If you sell one piece, it's okay to sell two pieces."

"This B sells 30 pieces of black iron long spears, and claims that all of them are used by beautiful girls...………………Do you believe it?"

"I do not believe."

"I don't believe it either, but I'll buy one anyway, it just happened to be it."

"Gan, the brother upstairs has a lot of experience in taking orders."

"The child is born, and I will raise it."

After a very lively discussion.

at this time.

In the entire chat forum, the topic is almost unified, and all are discussed about the items sold by Yang Chuan.

in this case.

When Yang Chuan closed the chat forum and opened the trading platform.

The result of the auction has far exceeded his expectations.

[Tavern architectural drawings]

Brother Goldfish: 20010 units of wood

Died: 20020 units of wood

Goldfish: 31,000 units of wood

Goldfish: 39,800 units of wood


It's not just that an hour has passed.

The price of the tavern architectural drawings has already been raised to 40,000 units of wood resources.

At first glance it doesn't seem like much.

But you must know that not all lords are like Yang Chuan, and it is not easy for them to save some resources.

But the same is.

When the price of the tavern's architectural drawings was raised to 40,000 units, the intensity of the competition eased significantly.

But other than that.

The blue-quality equipment sold by Yang Chuan is also above the price of 10,000 or 20,000 units.

"It seems to wait until after the auction ends."

"The harvested resources should be enough to upgrade the scale of Chaoge Village into a town."

Yang Chuan was lying on the Bronze Sparrow Terrace.

On the side, Xi Shi tenderly peeled the fruit and sent it to Yang Chuan's mouth.


this life.

I don't even dare to think like this in a dream.

Thanks to the book friend 【T™ Simple の Love】 for the monthly pass.

Thanks to the book friend [Goldfish Brother] for the monthly pass.

Thanks to the book friend [13795...] for the thousand-point reward.

Thank you for your support, I can only change 7 times a day to express my gratitude. .

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