Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 71 God-Given Dragon Vein, Mythical Achievement Task (77)

Hide achievements?

Guoyun Township?

Unexpectedly, the scale and level of the first general's territory, promoted to the lord of the town, would have hidden achievement tasks.

When it appears, it is considered complete.

You can directly get rewards for achievement tasks, and there are follow-up achievement tasks.


Yang Chuan made a choice without even thinking about it.

After that, the information of the follow-up achievement task appeared in front of Yang Chuan.

【Achievement Mission】: God-given Dragon Vein

[Task requirements]: Find the dragon veins near the territory and take it for yourself!

[Task Difficulty]: Mythical level

[Task Reward]: Luck Township

[Special Reminder]: As the first lord to increase the size of his territory to a town, there must be hidden dragon veins near your territory, please look for it carefully.


"Three One Zero" Yang Chuan froze in place.

Mythical achievement quests.

To know the hidden achievement just completed, the first town.

But the legendary hidden achievement task.

In this way, what he said made sense.

After all, there is a legendary hidden achievement task as a triggering pre-task.

So obvious.

The trigger conditions for a myth-level achievement task like the God-given Dragon Vein must be very difficult.

It's just that there are illusory things like dragon veins, which I should go there to find.

You must know that this is a mythical achievement task.

For Yang Chuan.

It's not just to complete this task, to change to Human Emperor, one of the requirements is to complete the mythical achievement task.

"It seems impossible to be clean for a few days now."

"The dragon veins must be found as soon as possible."

"Avoid waiting for most of the lords to enter the third stage of the newcomer trial, and they may be preempted by other lords.

While thinking of this.

Yang Chuan looked at the golden light of the dragon pattern that just fell from the air.

Immediately, I saw a majestic golden dragon with stone patterns standing in the center of Chaoge City.


This stone-patterned golden dragon is the national luck town item for rewards.

As for what effect.

Walk slowly with Yang Chuan.

He actually felt an extremely comfortable warm current pouring into his body in an instant.

The previous sense of fatigue and oppression all disappeared at this moment.

Yang Chuan's whole temperament seemed to have undergone a subtle change, he was not angry and majestic, but upright and awe-inspiring.

Stand between heaven and earth.

It is the middle of heaven and earth.

and this.

Perhaps it is one of the various changes brought about by the increase in national luck and luck.

[National Fortune Town Objects]: Heaven and Earth Spirit Dragon

[Town item quality]: S grade

【Town effect】

Effect 1: When the national luck is obtained, the increase is 5 times.

Effect 2: A random national luck BUFF

(The BUFFs of the national fortune are: good weather, good harvests, prosperous livestock, etc.)


This is Guoyun Township!

When harvesting national luck, the direct increase is 5 times.

After checking, Yang Chuan involuntarily took a deep breath.

What is national luck.

It is the cornerstone of a territory.

Now that there is a heaven and earth spirit dragon, after this national luck town, every time the national luck is harvested, it will increase by 5 times.

"Why didn't you show up sooner."

"In this way, the 1,000 points of National Luck harvested just now can be increased by 5 times.

People are greedy, and Yang Chuan is no exception.

In the case of all lords, with the same combat power, the competition is definitely the luck of the country.


Who would despise his national fortune too much.

However, at this moment.

Yang Chuan, who had just calmed down, was about to enter the town hall to check the changes in it.

The Wanzu announcement appeared again.

[Announcement from Ten Thousand Races]: Congratulations to Sun Ziyu, the lord of Gusu Village, for successfully completing the second stage of the newcomer trial and entering the third stage of the newcomer trial.


"Sun Ziyu?"

Yang Chuan was stunned for a moment.

This kid catches up with his own progress, which is quite fast. It is estimated that he directly captured the fifth-level bandit stronghold.

Otherwise, one hundred and eight villages in Montenegro.

If you really want to start from the low level and attack slowly step by step, without ten days, it is impossible to complete the second stage of the newcomer trial.

"Sun Ziyu, that's it."

"He can be regarded as stepping into the footsteps of Li Mu's child, taking over the position of Wannian's second child."

"You can't say that. A few days ago, Sun Ziyu was not number one on the trial leaderboard."

"That's Mr. Yang Chuan being lazy."

Let Sun Ziyu run 800 meters first, and then Mr. Yang Chuan started to rectify. "

"I agree with the above point of view, this description is very appropriate, at least so far, there has not been a bright dark horse..."

"I feel like we're floating."

"With only five dollars in my pocket, I look down on local tyrants with millions in their pockets."

"Hahaha, anyway, in the chat forum, you can say whatever you want, if you don't accept it, you can hit me along the network cable!"

……… Awesome. "

"I'm speechless, but I'm even more curious about the changes that will occur in the third stage of the newcomer trial."

The atmosphere in the chat forum is still very weird, after all, there are everyone.

Or rather.

Just like a sports game, everyone's focus will always be on the first place.

As for the second place.

To put it bluntly, he is also a loser after all.

But all of this is not important to Yang Chuan at this time.

Unlike other lords.

Yang Chuan's focus at the moment is Sun Ziya's next choice.

Meteorites fell from the sky.

Divided into Kyushu.

Which area did Sun Ziyu choose as the location of the territory.

This is what Yang Chuan cares most about.

"Old Xun, the talent of Kyushu, our Gusu village, where should we choose?"

Inside Gusu Village.

Sun Ziyu fell into deep thought, his face was full of entanglements, and he didn't know how to choose.


Sun Ziyu is very cautious and full of worries before doing things.

If it hadn't been stimulated by Yang Chuan's 4.9, I am afraid that before this, they would definitely not have gone to attack the fifth-level bandit stronghold.

However, Sun Ziyu was lucky.

Recruited an intelligence type hero unit.

So Sun Ziyu can have today's development.

On the side, the old man called Xun Lao played a vital role.

"In terms of resources, Yuzhou has the most abundant resources, and similarly, the competition is also the fiercest.

"In terms of long-term development, Yongzhou is an excellent place. Although there are internal and external troubles, there are not many competitors."

After Sun Ziyu heard the words, he nodded half-understanding.


"Easy to defend but difficult to attack, rich in resources.

"I believe we can take the lead in gaining a firm foothold in Jingzhou before other lords complete the second stage of the rookie trial!"

7 more completed today.

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