Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 75 Mythical Identification Technique, Unidentifiable Resources (47)

The battle begins.

Li Xiuning, who took the lead, was the first to enter the kobold tribe with the blessing of the military commander's flying cavalry.

Iron hoof charge, offensive storm.

Wielding the black yao long spear, beheading the nearby kobold warriors one after another.

a time.

Countless howls resounded throughout the kobold tribe,

After that, the heavy-armored cavalry, who were promoted to Wushan's beautiful girl, followed one after another with murderous aura, directly overrunning the formation of the kobold warriors.


The afterglow ray of light, the purple hair of the lightning kobold, became a little strange, dark and deep eyes, full of anger, watching Li ~ Xiuning and the beautiful girl of Wushan.

Lord-level racial creature.

This is the first time we have met so far.

Its combat power is naturally extraordinary.

Especially at the time when the hammer flashing lightning in his hand started to condense the lightning at this moment.

Looking around, there are four kobold elites, holding pitch-black warhammers, all of them are fourth-order combat power.



Before Li Xiuning could kill him, a flash of lightning fell in the air.

The huge power instantly creates a dusty scene, and its power can be imagined.

Fortunately, Li Xiuning responded in a timely manner, turning sideways and dodging the lightning attack released by the lightning kobold.

"There's still some patience."

"But that's all, nothing to be afraid of!"

Speaking softly, Li Xiuning's tone was full of disdain.

This confidence stems from the absolute suppression of combat power.

As the hero unit with the highest force in Chaoge City, Li Xiuning's force at this time has already exceeded 600 points after the increase of the imperial maiden's ascension and the increase of the bloodline Scarlet Emperor Yaoji.

There is also the weapon blessing effect of the Hei Yao Long Spear.


A heroic unit of the general type.

Li Xiuning's combat power was comparable to that of the overlord Xiang Yu, and it was enough to compete with Lu Bu.

This mere kobold, to Li Xiuning, is nothing more than a juggling clown.

next moment.

A tearing cry sounded excitedly.

Between the lightning and flint, Li Xiuning, who adjusted his posture, had already killed the lightning kobold in front of him.

On top of the black yao long spear in his hand, a terrifying energy burst out, turning into a silver light wandering dragon, wrapped around the blade of the spear and fooled.

There, accompanied by a deafening sound, the place where Yao Chang's spear pointed was already enveloped by Cang Yue's energy.

The four kobold elites armed with pitch-black war hammers let out a howl of pain, only to be completely wiped out.

【Jiaolong goes to sea】!

This is Li Xiuning's full blow.

The seemingly innocuous spear and sharp blade burst out with the power to destroy everything under the blessing effect of the energy.

If there are gods in the world, they will surely kill gods.

And that lightning kobold is not that good now, even though there are four elite kobolds who bear most of the damage.

There is also a lightning shield, which blocks some damage.

But even in this situation, the lightning kobold still fell to the ground dying.

The hammer, which flashed with lightning before, was reduced to rubbish.



The lightning kobold fell into a daze.

With the power to control lightning, he has become a lord-level creature.

On the other hand, he looked at the human woman in front of him.

The power displayed is like the power of a god.


Not far away, the beautiful girl of Wushan, after only two rounds of charging, has already defeated the seemingly heroic kobold warriors.

The guardian dragon guard has never seen him, only his arrows.

Shooting sharp arrows from thousands of meters away, it is easy to shoot kobold warriors.

Is this the strength that the human race should have?

In ten minutes, a tribe of ethnic forces can be captured.

Who will believe it!

But the current situation has really appeared in front of the lightning kobold.

At the cost of life, it has witnessed a human race that is about to rise.

"Kill it."

"Prepare to return to the territory."

At this time.

Zhao Feiyan walked to Li Xiuning's side and spoke softly with an expressionless face.

The sound is melodious and melodious.

Li Xiuning nodded lightly, the black Yao long spear in his hand stabbed again, without any extra movement.

One shot to the point!

Between such understatements.

It ended the life of a lord-level creature.

【Hint】: Conquer the kobold tribe, whether to accept it as a vassal.

【Hint】: Congratulations to the lord Yang Chuan for successfully destroying the kobold tribe.

[Harvest]: +1000 Merit

[Harvest]: 2000 units of spiritual stone resources, merit treasure chest

...asking for flowers...

Battle against the kobold tribe.

With the death of the lightning kobold.

Yang Chuan, located in Chaoge City, received a prompt message from the system.

"It's very efficient.

"If it goes on like this."

"Tomorrow should be able to complete the achievement task of heresy scourge."

"Once you get the vassal fusion token, you can start preparing and look for the dragon veins hidden around the territory.

The meal should be eaten one bite at a time.

Things have to be done step by step.

According to Yang Chuan's arrangement, the mythical achievement task of God-given Dragon Vein cannot be accomplished overnight.

So before that.

Or give priority to obtaining vassal fusion tokens.


after all.

Nowadays, the vassal forces of Chaoge City still have some effects.

Seeing that the sky had dimmed, he also walked out of the town hall.

Ready to welcome Zhao Feiyan's triumphant return.

Yet at this time.

Li Moyu's hurrying figure walked towards Yang Chuan.

"Lord Lord."

"I found unidentifiable rare resources near the territory.


Yang Chuan looked puzzled: "Your appraisal technique is a master-level appraisal technique."

"Can't even identify you?"

Li Moyu explained: "In addition to the master-level appraisal technique, there is also the god-level appraisal technique."

"The quality of the rare resources should be SS-level quality, so the identification technique of the master level [can't be identified.

"you sure?"

Yang Chuan was even more confused.

It stands to reason that every time the territory scale level increases, different rare resources will be refreshed near the territory.

But this time, after increasing the size of the territory to a town, the people in the territory did not find any rare resources.

Could it be that.

That unidentifiable rare resource.

Is it the rare resources that are refreshed again after the territory scale level is raised?

Thanks to the book friend [xiao..] for the monthly pass.

Thanks to the book friends [Travelers call me dad] for the monthly pass.

Thanks to the book friend [13633..] for the monthly pass.

Today's update is a bit late, and it is guaranteed to be chapter 7.

Thank you all for your support. .

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