Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 78 Staggered Choice, Messenger Of The Yuezhi Tribe (77)

[Announcement from Ten Thousand Races]: Congratulations to Wei Wushuang, the lord of Daliang Village, for successfully completing the second stage of the newcomer trial and entering the third stage of the newcomer trial.

[Announcement from Ten Thousand Races]: Congratulations to Handan Village, Lord Li Mu, for successfully completing the second stage of the rookie trial and entering the third stage of the rookie trial.

next morning.

As the sun rises.

The thirteenth day of the trial of newcomers came.

Before Yang Chuan woke up, reminder messages appeared one after another, just like an alarm.

"Another lord has completed the second stage of the new trial."

"The third place is not Li Mu."

After checking, it was an unexpected result.

For a while, Yang Chuan became more sober, and immediately opened the chat forum.

"The dark horse has really appeared!"

"Li Mu's son was overtaken again, and this time he didn't even rank in the top three."

"Fuck, it's real or not."

"Didn't you receive the system notification? Wei Wushuang of Daliang Village surpassed Li Mu'er and became the first lord to complete the second stage of the rookie trial with a few minutes of advantage."

"In this case, the ranking rewards should be much worse."

"I don't know, anyway, Li Mu's child must be crying and fainting in the toilet."

"I don't think that's the case."

"No, the ranking rewards will definitely change."

"It is estimated that there will be more lords today, and I may be the king after completing the second stage of the newcomer trial.

"Wake up, is the bandit's big knife rusty, or are you drifting away, and dare to attack the fifth-level bandit cottage?"

"Haha... I have yellow urine, so I can wake him up."

"Fuck off, I can definitely take down the fifth-level bandit cottage!!!"

Chat forums are always buzzing,

This is the only place where the lords can communicate with each other.

There is another place where we can communicate, which is the trading platform.

After all, for every lord, most of the time is idle.

The development of the territory is handed over to the people.

Just schedule tasks.

So this is also one of the reasons why the completion chat forum is so lively, and it is also one of the reasons why most lords are bad.

And, over time.

The combat power of each lord is also constantly increasing.

In the absence of fatal danger, it is easy for people to lose their target and lie flat.

"It seems that Wei Wushuang is a dark horse who died suddenly." "

"As long as you don't choose Yongzhou, it shouldn't be a big problem."

After Yang Chuan got the information he needed, he closed the chat forum.

In fact, the second stage of the newcomer trial.

It is not too difficult to become a dark horse.

Because it is only necessary to capture the fifth-level bandit cottage and eight fourth-level bandits.

As for the bandit cottages below the fourth level, there is actually no need to deliberately deal with them.

But at the same time thinking of this, Yang Chuan opened the gold list of meritorious service just to be on the safe side.

Going to check again.

【Gold Medal List】

First: Yongzhou, Yang Chuan, 1700 meritorious service points

Second: Jingzhou, Sun Ziyu, 950 points of meritorious service

Third: Qingzhou, Wei Wushuang, 0 meritorious service

Fourth: Jizhou, Li Mu, 0 points of meritorious service

Fortunately, it's not a big problem.

At present, the four lords who have entered the third stage of the new trial have cleverly staggered their choices.

In this situation.

In the entire Yongzhou area, there is still only one lord, Yang Chuan.

Right now.

A large amount of prompt information appeared in front of Yang Chuan again in the form of text.

[Hint]: Occupied field resource points (spiritual stone mines), harvest 5100 units of spiritual stone resources.

[Hint]: Houtu Village contributes 16 units of Lingshi resources.

[Hint]: Feihuazhai contributed 51 taels of gold

[Hint]: Moyunzhai contributed 902 units of timber resources.

[Special Reminder]: The Yuezhi Tribe, a field force, sent envoys, and they will arrive in Chaoge City in an hour.

Among the prompt messages one after another.

There is harvest information for occupying field resource points.

There are also vassal forces that contribute once a day.

But the special prompt that appeared at the end made Yang Chuan's eyes shine.

Moon tribe?

It is related to the achievement task of Fenglangjuxu.

The question is, what is the purpose of sending envoys to Chaoge City?

Is it a marriage?

From the name, you know that this Yuezhi tribe should be dominated by female subjects.

"It won't be because I heard about the heroic appearance of a jade tree facing the wind, and the physique that the King Kong is not bad, and the physique that sees God is undefeated."

"This Yuezhi leader who is not sleepy, can't be greedy for my body."

Yang Chuan laughed at himself at the same time.

Immediately arranged for Zhao Feiyan to gather all the troops in Chaoge City.

There are 100 women's soldiers, among them, the ranks of military merit are uneven, there are first-rank and second-rank.

The same is true for the 60 Dragon Guards.

But other than that.

Now the number of Wushan's beautiful women, when they captured the kobold tribe at random yesterday, increased to B0 people.


The current strength of Chaoge City has reached 190.

Although there is no bandit cottage with as many troops, you must know that Yang Chuan is taking the elite line.

So the strength is only 190.

But the combat effectiveness of each arm unit is beyond doubt.

More importantly.

With the scale level of the territory, after it was upgraded to a town, the number of refugees refreshed every day finally broke through the hundreds.

A day passed.

There are more than 100 refugees who joined Chaoge City.

Under such circumstances, Chaoge City's troops would advance by leaps and bounds.

Before the messenger of the Yuezhi tribe came, Yang Chuan, who had nothing to do, took this opportunity to check the information template of Mu Chengxue.

The reason for doing this,

It is also to confirm how much combat effectiveness can be increased by increasing the ranks of the arms and military skills.

【Twilight Chengxue】

Status: Soldier

Occupation: Dragon Guard (S rank)

Equal order: third order

Bloodline: Houyi's (SSS grade)

Talent: Arrow Without Missing Hair (SSS Level)

Skills: Loyal Guardian, Melting

Archery: 666 (Grandmaster)

Attack Power: 85+67+30 (Growth: 15X2)

Defense: 90+24 (growth: 15X2)


Military merit: 10260 points

Loyal Guardian (A-level): When adjacent to the lord, the defense increases by 25%, and the damage is shared for the lord.

Bloody Dragon Guard (S rank): Raise (well done) 25% attack power, and permanently increase attack power according to the number of enemies killed. (+67 ATK)

[Ascension of the Royal Girl]: Attribute growth is increased by 2 times.

Weapon: Red Flame Bow (+30 Attack)

Equipment: Red Flame Armor (+24 Defense)


With the passive skill of Bloody Dragon Guard, the cumulative attack power increased to 67 points.

This, but made Yang Chuan a little surprised.

Could it be that this is another advantage of S-class units?

But after seeing the Dragon Guard's weapons and equipment, Yang Chuan shook his head helplessly.

I still use the Chi Yan equipment.

When can it be updated.

This is an issue that needs to be considered.

Thanks to the book friend [Infinite Moment] for the monthly pass.

Seven shifts are over, continue to work hard tomorrow.

Thank you all for being here for so long. .

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