Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 81 Killing Ghosts And Gods, The Surrender Of The Yuezhi Tribe

"This centaur Khan, leave it to the slave family.

"The general skills of the lord just yesterday."

"Just took it to test how powerful it is."

Li Xiuning watched Yang Chuan tenderly.

A little excited.

Also a little coquettish.

That pretty face was no longer as calm as it used to be, and in front of Yang Chuan, there was a bit of a coquettish look on her face.

Of course, in this case, it is only for Yang Chuan.

For the enemies on the battlefield, Li Xiuning was still their nightmare. Every time they rushed into battle, countless enemies would die under the blade of the gun.

And the centaur Khan, who was targeted by Li Xiuning, was a lord-level creature, but if nothing else happened, the same thing happened.

"Everyone returns to the territory to rest."

Yang Chuan nodded.

And under an order, the lady "827" army outside Chaoge City was recalled.

at the same time.

Li Xiuning slowly walked down from the Bronze Sparrow Terrace, passed through the Yuezhi tribe's messenger team, and walked out of Chaoge City alone.

Looking at its back, the wind is suffocating and the water is cold!

However, for the unknowing messenger team, Yang Chuan's arrangement this time completely refreshed their cognition.

A hero unit.

Against ten elite centaur elites, there may still be some possibilities for victory.

But with the addition of a lord-level centaur khan, the result is no suspense.

Is it possible?


Absolutely impossible.

After all, from a normal point of view, there is a huge gap in both the number of people and the combat effectiveness.


Yang Chuan really arranged it like this.

And the Detachment Army, whose morale was high, was recalled, and the entire battlefield was handed over to Li Xiuning.

"Hopefully this time, it can exceed our expectations."

"If not, once the Centaur Khan invades Chaoge City, all of you here will die."

"We don't want to die yet."

at this time.

The messenger team was already numb, and the appearance of the centaur Khan made them completely desperate, and a sense of suffocation appeared in their hearts, and even their hands and feet started to go numb.

But they were powerless.

We can only pin the hope of surviving on Li Xiuning.



Accompanied by a deafening sound.

next moment.

The centaur Khan, with the centaur elite, approached Chaoge City.

On the other hand, look at Chaoge City.

Li Xiuning was the only one, riding the Northern Border Dragon Cavalry, blocking the entrance.

An unknown growl sounded.

Centaur Khan looked at Li Xiuning with a little disdain, and at the same time, his face was filled with extremely angry expressions.

It seemed that he felt that he was treated with contempt by Yang.

"Show your absolute strength."

"do not let me down."

When the voice of self-talk fell.

With the momentum of thunder, Li Xiuning took the lead in killing the centaur Khan, the black dazzling spear in his hand was covered by dazzling golden light at this moment.

The agglomeration of energy.

It caused the entire Hei Yao long spear to sway slightly.

Fortunately, the centaur Khan did not underestimate the enemy, especially after seeing Li Xiuning using his general skills, he immediately stepped on the horse's hoof.

On top of the sharp and long sword in his hand, he began to accumulate power.

Afterwards, the silhouettes of the enemy and us could not be seen directly by the naked eye.



After the collision.

In the blink of an eye, the victory or defeat has been announced in a blink of an eye.

The sharp long knife in the hand of Centaur Khan.

Gradually broken!

The blinding golden light that originally covered the Hei Yao spear disappeared, replaced by a dense array of golden spiritual blades, covering the centaur Khan.

Turning Qi into a blade, its power is mighty, it can kill ghosts and gods, and tear the space apart.

【Ghost Killer】!

Gold-quality general skills.

Under Li Xiuning's terrifying force, one can imagine its power.

Without any accidents, the centaur Khan was killed by the golden light blade like the sharp long knife, and gradually fell to pieces.


The golden light spiritual blade did not disappear afterwards, but began to spread, until it covered the entire battlefield.

Hundreds of golden spiritual blades shot out of thin air.

In an instant, the centaur elite had no way to retreat, and could only be swallowed by the golden light blade.

it is finally over.

The centaur warriors were all killed.

The centaur vanguard was killed.

The centaur Khan, the centaur elite, killed them all.

at this time,

The vanguard invasion force sent by the centaur dynasty has no survivors...

[Tip]: Successfully resisted the invasion of the centaur dynasty, and the regional influence has been raised to minor fame.

[Hint]: +2000 points of meritorious service.

[Reminder]: The relationship with the Centaur Dynasty has dropped by 10 points, and it is currently -11 points. (slightly hostile)


"Let's continue to discuss our problems."

Yang Chuan breathed a sigh of relief slowly.

Afterwards, he looked at the envoy team under the Tongque Stage and said, "Zhao'an, right?

"After Zhao'an, how much resources will the Yuezhi tribe contribute to Chaoge City every day?"

Still the same topic.

Still the same rhetorical question.

But this time, the scene was not as tense as before. Everyone in the messenger team, without exception, fell into deep thought.

After this battle.

They saw the combat effectiveness of Chaoge City.


Gold quality weapons?

No, these are just superficial. The general skill that Li Xiuning used just now is the last line of defense to defeat their psychology.

Just ask who can survive under the golden light blade.

On the battlefield, a general's skill can determine the victory of the battle.

This is the most fearful reason. Li Xiuning's terrifying combat power has already surpassed the cognition of the messenger team.

The former Detachment of Women has now become an appetizer. 5.6

"My lord, this special architectural blueprint is a tribute from our Yuezhi tribe, please don't dislike it."

"But regarding the matter of Zhao'an, we still need to go back and discuss with the leader before we can give an answer.

The emissary team who came back to their senses immediately presented a blueprint respectfully.

At this time, for them, Chaoge City was far more terrifying than the Centaur Dynasty.

It is also good for survival.

In order not to offend Chaoge City.

As long as Yang Chuan is not angry, there is still room for maneuver.

after all.

The battle begins and the battle ends.

From the beginning to the end, Yang Chuan was in command, even the terrifying Li Xiuning.

In front of Yang Chuan, she also looked like a little girl.

So obvious.

No matter how terrifying the fighting power of Chaoge City is, it is still the absolute ruler. .

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