Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 94 Internal Troubles And Foreign Troubles, The Gambling Agreement, The Position Of The Godse

For content that appears in chat forums.

As well as the news of capturing the Yuezhi tribe, Yang Chuan didn't care about it at this time.

after all.

Before that, the Yuezhi tribe had already been scared off by Chaoge City's terrifying fighting power.

Therefore, the Yuezhi tribe became a vassal force of Chaoge City, which was both reasonable and within Yang Chuan's expectation.

However, with the appearance of the name Yuezhi Tribe, Chang fell into deep thought.

Moon tribe?

Bright moon in the sky?

These seemingly unrelated fonts appear.

But they all carry a month character.

"Does it mean that if you want to find the god-given dragon veins in the mountains, the time must be late at night when the moon is in the sky?"

The clues 1 and 2 of the Tianci Longmai helped Yang Chuan determine the specific location of the Tiancilong-mai.

At this time, the clue 3 learned from the broken stone tablet just confirmed the time when the God-given Dragon Vein appeared.

Now, for Yang Chuan, the time and place are confirmed.

The rest is the characters.

That is to say, he needs to go into the mountains at night when the moon is bright, and look for a source of water for the waterfall.

And the God-given dragon vein is under the water source of this waterfall.

"Is there a bright moon in the sky tonight?"

Yang Chuan looked at Li Moyu who was at the side.


After being transferred to Captain Tianji, Li Moyu pondered briefly, then nodded heavily.

This is the distance to find the progress of the God-given Dragon Vein.

Just wait.

Waiting for the grand occasion of the bright moon in the sky, Yang Chuan can enter the mountains and look for the heavenly dragon vein.

But right now.

A friend message suddenly appeared.

Yugezi: "Boss, congratulations on conquering the Yuezhi tribe."

"However, the emergence of the Beiliang Alliance has made Yongzhou very fast, and your evaluation in the chat forums has begun to plummet.

"I feel that the Beiliang Alliance intends to make the muddy water in Yongzhou even more chaotic, so as to take advantage of the opportunity."

Yang Chuan also checked part of the content that appeared in the chat channel just now.

Just like Yugezi said.

Whether it was intentional or intentional, in short, with the emergence of the Northern Liang Alliance, some subtle changes seem to have taken place in the current Yongzhou area.

It's like a kind of balance has been broken.

The once-recognized number one lord began to be questioned and provoked.

After Yang Chuan thought about it, he had no intention of explaining this matter.

after all.

For him, there will be more rumors and rumors in the future. If he cares about them, it will affect the development of Chaoge City.

But after that.

Another ten minutes passed.

The development of things once again took a huge turning point. And this turning point far exceeded Yang Chuan's expectations.

[Special announcement]: Sun Ziyu, the lord of Su Cheng in Jingzhou Gu, used a VAM token to force Yang Chuan, the lord of Chaoge City in Yongzhou, to sign a VAM agreement.

[Gambling Agreement]: Regional task progress.

Within three days, increase the progress of the regional missions in their respective regions to 35%.

[Failure Punishment]: National Luck Points and Luck Points, all belong to the winning side.

That's right.

A special announcement comes out of the blue.

As the person involved, Yang Chuan was a little confused.

Could it be that this is what is meant by the saying that if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight?

In the Yongzhou area.

The sudden rise of the Beiliang Alliance began to make trouble behind the scenes, weakening Yang Chuan's prestige in Yongzhou.

Outside the Yongzhou area.

There was also Sun Ziyu, who was careless, came to make up for it, and even used the VAM token to force Yang Chuan to sign the VAM agreement.

If it was for Yang Chuan before.

Internal troubles are the five major foreign forces, and external troubles are the words of the Centaur Dynasty.

So now, with the emergence of the Yanyun tribe, the problem of the five major forces in the wild can be solved.

The Centaur Dynasty was also accumulating all of its strength to prepare for the subsequent large-scale invasion of Yongzhou.

No rest for a few days.

Then there are new internal and external problems.

Northern Liang Alliance, and Sun Tzu Ya.

Yugezi: "Boss, you have to hold on. If you need anything, feel free to speak up, even though I'm just a rookie lord with nothing."

"But you're not fighting alone."

"Sun Ziyu has the Moshang Alliance, and there are many lords supporting him, but please don't be afraid, the pigeons will support you.


Now Yang Chuan faces a whole new threat.

Just like the good news from Yugezi.

At this time, Sun Ziyu in Gusu Village had already increased the size of the territory to a town.


After establishing the Moshang Alliance, Sun Ziyu had the support of many lords behind him.

The speed of the development of the territory is the same as that of Chaoge City.

...for flowers...

And according to the content of the gambling agreement.

three days.

35% regional mission progress.

Is it possible?

The single Yang Chuan, without the support of other lords, was obviously a hole buried in advance.

Yang Chuan was forcibly pulled into the quagmire.

"The invoicing has officially begun."

"But I didn't expect that the so-called strongest lord of mine would become the first target to be focused on."

"That's all."

"In the battlefield of ten thousand races, there are not only human lords, and their threats are only short-lived.

"In terms of long-term development, the most important thing at present is to complete the mythical achievement task of the God-given Dragon Vein as soon as possible.

Yang Chuan thought of this.

I still have a clear goal in mind for what to do next.


When the last rays of the sun fade away.

Night fell quickly.

This made the deserted ancient city of Loulan even more eerie and silent.

Fortunately, there are thousands of stars tonight.

Above the sky, the bright moon is in the sky.

The bright and jade-like moonlight shines down, although it is not as bright as the sun, it can already make the surrounding scene slightly visible.

And when Yang Chuan's eyes looked towards the mountains on the side.

Accompanied by the sound of turbulent water sources.

A flash of light appeared in the mountains.

"All preparations, enter the mountains."

Faced with this situation.

Yang Chuan gave an order, and the mighty team behind him walked towards another gate of Loulan ancient city.

This city gate, corresponding to it, is a mountain road leading into the mountains.

The mountain road is made of blue marble.

smooth surface.

Every time Yang Chuan took a step up, he could see a different phantom, floating above the marble.

After a moment.

The waterfall was rushing down, and the sound of the huge waves was deafening, Yang Chuan fixed himself to check.

A glimpse of light, not far away,

And there is a turbulent and spectacular waterfall, which is just illuminated by the bright and jade-like moonlight.

[Hint]: Congratulations to the lord Yang Chuan, who successfully found the specific location of the God-given Dragon Vein.

Thanks to the book friend [Xia Zhichan] for the monthly pass.

Thanks to the book friend [Lao Yangui] for the monthly pass.

Thank you all for your support Mt. .

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