Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 98: The Royal Expedition, Cao Thief Is By My Side

within a day.

Kill 350,000 centaurs.

Is this possible?

Obviously not possible.

Even now, the Dragon Guardian has been promoted to the Royal Star Officer.

Even Yu Tianxingguan has the skill effect of multiple attacks.

But in the face of up to 350,000.

Unless Yang Chuan has the ability to defy the sky, it is simply impossible to accomplish this unattainable goal.

"Currently, there are 1,000 Yanyun wolf riders in the Yanyun tribe.

"In Chaoge City, yesterday and today, another 500 refugees moved in. 27

"After passing through the barracks training."

"Currently, there are 100 Wushan Maidens and 200 Women's Army Women, and the number of Yutian Star Officials is only 100.

Lin Shu will also challenge Songcheng's current combat power.

Reported to Yang Chuan truthfully.

have to say.

After the territorial scale level was upgraded to town, the number of refugees living in it did increase a lot.


Still not enough to push the entire centaur dynasty horizontally.

Fortunately, at the same time.

Yi Changge brought another good news.

[Hint: After successfully forging the Heavenly Spirit Longbow, Yi Changge's talent effect is triggered, and the Spiritual Longbow is upgraded to the Heavenly Prestigious Officer. 】

[Weapon]: Tianwei Longbow

[Weapon quality]: golden quality

[Weapon Effect 1]: +120 points of attack power, +40 points of force

[Weapon Effect 2]: The long-range damage is increased by 10%, and the range is increased by 500 points.

[Weapon Effect 3]: The attack speed is increased by 50%, and there is a 25% chance to trigger a rain of arrows attack.

[Arrow Rain Attack: Deals 75% area damage to enemies within a certain range. 】

Through simulation development before 567, Yang harvested 5,000 units of unaffiliated ore.

With the blueprint of Tianling's longbow equipment, after Yi Changge was forged.

Gold quality weapons finally appeared.

Just enough to replace the red flame bow that only has blue quality with the Tianwei longbow.

As a result, the combat effectiveness of the Star Royal Officer will inevitably be raised to a new level.

"Then let's attack from here first."

"There are hundreds of thousands of centaur creatures gathered here, if there is a terrain advantage."

"With the long-range output advantage of Yutian Xingguan, it should be possible to kill 350,000 centaur creatures before sunset."

The voice fell.

Yang Chuan has a big appetite.

The red dot pointed by the finger is the red dot with the largest number of centaur creatures.


This is an extremely bold decision.

Choosing here also means launching an attack on the largest gathering point of the Centaur Dynasty.


Lin Shuyi, who was usually cautious, also nodded.

Her self-confidence comes from Yutian Xingguan, an SSS-level unit.

You must know that after equipping the Tianwei Longbow.

The range of Yu Tianxingguan, but reached 2000 meters.

If we take advantage of favorable terrain,

The multi-attack of the Royal Star Officer.

And the rain of arrows from the Tianwei Longbow attacked.

As long as it is not surrounded by the army of hundreds of thousands of centaurs, with the output ability of the Yutian Star Officer, it will definitely have a surprising effect.

"Come on, Lord."

"This is your first expedition in person."

After choosing the target of the crusade.

Only a few minutes passed.

All the units in Chaoge City have been assembled.

That's right.

This time, in order to complete the gambling agreement.

Yang Chuan chose to drive by himself.

Before leaving.

Led by Zhang Mingyue, a beautiful girl, many beautiful and beautiful people are waving goodbye to Yang Chuan.


"How come there is a feeling that the wind is Xiaoxiao and Yi Shuihan, and the strong man is gone and never returns."

Yang Chuan said a rare scolding after a few words.

The team of more than 400 people left Chaoge City with great momentum.

"Fuck, what did I see?"

"This is the team that Meng Dexian has cultivated. It's simply the most beautiful scenery."

"This equipment, this mount, this weapon, most of them are of golden quality!!!"

"Could this person be the big boss Yang Chuan?"

"That's not right, that elite team that appeared yesterday is that big guy again?"

along the way.

Even if Yang Chuan is more cautious.

But in broad daylight, it is impossible for a team of four to five hundred people not to be discovered by other lords.

After all, with the passage of time.

The vast majority of lords have completed the second stage of the rookie trial and entered the third stage of the rookie trial.


No matter how large the area of ​​Yongzhou is, the number of lords who choose Yongzhou as the area to which the territory belongs is small.

The trace of Yang Chuan was discovered by other lords and uploaded to the chat forum as soon as possible.

"The big guy Yang Chuan who captured sex."

"【a picture】"

"[Countless pictures]"

"I've rewarded myself three times."

"I've been rewarded with bleeding..."

"Are you sure it's Yang Chuan himself?"

"Only one point, golden quality equipment, all arms units, all equipped with A-level quality mounts, looking at the entire Yongzhou area, who has such strength?"

"Then, the only man in this team should be the boss of Yang Chuan. He looks better than Pan An and looks like a jade tree."

"Brother upstairs, your focus is not right, with so many beautiful female units, shouldn't the first thought be to be brothers with Yang Chuan?

"I want to be brother to Yang Chuan, even if he is the weakest lord."

"Envy, it turns out that Cao Thief is by my side."

"It's all women's arms, and it doesn't matter if you can become the strongest lord. In the end, these women's arms, (bdea) are still beautiful.

"Fuck! Especially the four beauties around Yang Chuan are better than Xi Shi and Diao Chan."

"I'm just afraid, if they are the four beauties, I'll turn to the dark side from now on.

"Impossible, the four beauties, that is, the four hero units."

"Say so much and do what, in short, now it's just one sentence, kill Yang Chuan, rob Xi Shi."

"Kill Yang Chuan, rob Diaochan."

"Kill Yang Chuan, rob Zhaojun."

"Kill Yang Chuan, grab Yuhuan."

"After the four beauties are finished, let me add the last sentence, what is Yang Chuan going to do with these beautiful women's troops?"

"You're not going to attack the Centaur Dynasty, are you?"

"Don't be funny, just rely on this group of beautiful women's troops?"



Whether it is the weapons and equipment equipped by the arms units.

It is also the beauty of every military unit.

a time.

Throughout the chat forum.

Yang Chuan seems to have become the target of criticism.

But in the end.

From beginning to end, most of the focus of attention is very superficial.

Only a few lords.

Concerned about the purpose of Yang Chuan's trip.

With a group of beautiful women's troops.

Can you really increase the progress of the Yongzhou area task to 35% in one day?


This is not at all, almost impossible, to do, barring a miracle.

and at the same time.

Suddenly, several friend messages appeared in front of Yang Chuan.

Yugezi: "At present, the progress of the Jingzhou area task has reached 25%."

"Boss, is your unit really a group of beautiful women?"

"Is that group of elite troops from yesterday your troops?"

"You don't want to use a group of beautiful women's units to face the Centaur Dynasty."

"You're not a pervert are you!!!"

At this time, Yugezi, like a chatter, sent friend messages one after another.

Take advantage of the gap in the rush.

Yang Chuan happened to be bored too.

Just in time to exchange feelings with Yugezi, a "netizen".

Yang Chuan replied: "Today, the progress of the Jingzhou area task seems to be a lot slower than yesterday."

Yugezi: "That is inevitable, after all, the difficulty of the task in Jingzhou area is only 1 star, which belongs to the situation where the lord is chasing the racial forces.

"It's like our Yongzhou. If the Centaur Dynasty was not preparing for a large-scale invasion these days, it would definitely be a hell on earth."

Yang Chuan: "This is also a good thing. After all, after the blood moon comes, the combat power of the racial forces in the Kyushu region will increase again."

According to the current situation.

within Kyushu.

Every area is different.

Jingzhou is indeed a comfortable area.

But the current situation in Yongzhou is still relatively calm.

"Boss, please answer my question directly, are you a pervert."

Yugezi is very persistent.

After discussing the first question, continue to ask the taboo again.

at this time.

Even if it is surrounded by dark jungles.

Still able to develop clearly, Yugezi frowned, staring intently at the friend information column.

It seems that this question is very important to her.

Yang was very helpless: "Then let me ask, are you mentally retarded?"

"Even if I'm a pervert, I can't admit it, and my heart is very healthy.

Yugezi: "That's good, you will still be the leader of the pigeons in the future."

"For the impolite behavior just now, the pigeon gave the eldest something to apologize."

"Boss, come on, you must increase the progress of regional tasks to 35% today!!!"

This fisherman should be young.

I feel like a student girl who is mentally incomplete, but respects society.

How is university life?

not good.

Yang Chuan understands this.

But after seeing Yugezi's reward, Yang Chuan was slightly stunned.

【Special Item】: Boom Fruit

[Quality]: Grade C

[Item function]: After use, it can force a knockback effect on the enemy within a certain range, ignoring the state of dominance.

【Item Quantity】: 136 pieces.

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