Looking back, seeing the Spartan warriors who were collapsing, even though they were also the kings of the extraordinary arms, Feiba couldn't help but feel a little scared.

If both sides are separated from their mounts to fight, even if the opponent's number is twice his own, Feiba has the confidence to fight them head-on.

After all, the tearer's class attribute "Ritual of the Weak" will increase the tearer for a long time.

The sacrifice of more than 4,000 trolls has doubled the strength of the Rippers, and with the blessing of racial values, a thousand Rippers dared to touch 2,000 fully-armed Spartan warriors.

But once the heavy cavalry charged, it was so unreasonable.

In particular, the stone horn beast under the crotch of the Spartan warrior, as a mount of extraordinary grade, not only has high defense, sufficient endurance, and great strength, but also enters an inexplicable violent state when it starts to kill again.

What makes Feiba puzzled is that the violentization of the mount, although it will improve the strength, it is also easy to disturb the formation and is not under the control of the knight.

But none of the 2,000 stone horned beasts have lost control so far, and under the impetus of the Spartan warriors, they charged them in an orderly manner.

Feiba doesn't know that this is the characteristic of "connecting with each other". It only knows that if everyone blocks the Spartan warriors at this time, the thousand troll tearers that are precious in the troll territory will not be long before. completely annihilated.

After these few days of looting, the thousand troll tearers led by Feiba not only reached the third-order level, but also had the best equipment among all the arms in the troll territory.

If these thousand troll tearers are lost here, it will cause a huge blow to the troll territory. For a long time, the troll territory will lose the confidence to expand externally.

Therefore, Feiba led a few ripper hero units, quickly gathered the rippers behind the troops, and prepared to block the charge of the Spartan warriors.

At the same time, delaying the time, at least to keep half of the tearers able to return to the territory smoothly.

In addition, Feiba also has some fluke mentality, in case he supports the lord to lead his troops to come to the rescue...

This battle was the most embarrassing fight Feiba had ever fought since he came to Chaos Continent.

Although humans are the configuration of 2,000 extraordinary arms and 3,000 perfect grade arms, but really speaking, the number of trolls is actually higher than that of humans.

It's just that these days of winning every battle has made him relax his vigilance. Coupled with the attraction of high-grade equipment and the provocation of the Meteorite Cavalry, Feiba didn't think too much, and when his mind became hot, he took his trolls to pursue a team. Hussar.

Not only did it consume a lot of physical strength, but also was ambushed by the enemy, and when the battle officially started, the opportunity was lost.

Feiba took the lead in the charge, and the stone lizard whose crotch was a circle bigger than the other trolls, as well as the excellent-grade armor on his body, immediately attracted the attention of the Spartan warriors.

When it ran back to the Spartan warrior, it was immediately taken care of by the Spartan warrior.

Whoosh whoosh!

When the two sides were more than 200 meters away, dozens of explosive spears shot at Feiba and the troll tearer with a shrill whistle.

Faba knew that this kind of short spear was not easy to deal with, and it would explode after hitting the target.

However, it has never seen a magic weave construction, and there is no better way to deal with it, so it can only madly swing the long whip.

The long whip danced with afterimages in front of Feiba, and the hook on the whip pierced through Sen Leng's edge.

In the crackling sound, the flying short spear was hit by the whip precisely, and it exploded after it bounced into the air. Inflicted some damage to the Ripper next to Faba.

But this kind of precise shooting of short spears, Feiba can do it, and some hero units of the ripper can do it, but it is a bit difficult for the ripper warriors.

The first round of blasting spear projections blew several troll tearers into pieces, and some of the troll tearers were injured.

However, trolls are a race with strong legal resistance, physical resistance and self-healing ability.

Now, with the enhancement of the "Rite of the Weak" class feature, even if it is a broken limb, the Troll Ripper is still healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

bang bang bang —

After another round of spear projections, the Spartans and the Ripper were about to collide.

Feiba could already see the scarlet eyes under the stone horn beast's visor, as well as the hideous human face on the stone horn beast's back.

At this moment, all the tearers squeezed the belly of the stone lizard.

Almost at the same time, all the stone lizards opened their big mouths with interlaced fangs and spit out a brown liquid at the Spartan warrior on the back of the stone horned beast.


The Spartan warriors didn't know that those stone lizards actually had spell-like abilities, and a mouthful of acid was caught off guard, and many people didn't come and pick up the black turtle shield in their hands.

Feiba saw some mistakes in the eyes of the Spartan warriors. Before he was happy, he saw that some of the Spartan warriors who were attacked by the acid had a translucent energy shield that automatically popped up on their bodies, blocking the acid of the stone lizards. liquid jet.

What is this?

Doubts flashed through Feiba's mind.

It doesn't know, this is the triggered energy shield of Cang Yun, the master of the Universal Magic Pattern Research Institute~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This simplified version of the energy shield is a rare-grade magic pattern construction. Currently, there are only heroes in the universe. unit can be equipped.

When the Spartan warriors charged, most of the heroic units would follow Atreus to the front.

It is absolutely impossible to be distracted on the battlefield. Facing the upcoming head-on collision, although Faba was suffocated by the endless means of his opponents, he immediately recovered his mentality and led the Ripper into the Spartan warrior army.

A shrill roar came from the flying dust, the giant beast rolled, and cold light burst out.

Two turbulent waves formed a hedge, bringing up blood spraying from the sky and stumps and broken arms flying everywhere.

Feiba roared hoarsely, trying to keep the tearers around him in formation, preventing the stone horned beast knight from overrunning himself.

At the same time, the stone lizard also played its own advantages.

These mounts, which are only rare grades, barely overcome the influence of the Dragon Might of the Stone Horned Beast with the skill increase of Feiba's Call of the Wild, showing extraordinary agility.

They carry troll tearers to dodge between the limbs of the stone horn beast. There are several stone lizards with good potential and level, and they can even use the stone horn beast as a rock wall to climb and jump.

The Troll Ripper took this opportunity to attack the Spartan warriors on the back of the Stone Horned Beast.

Like the Spartans, the Troll Rippers are not legitimate cavalry.

Stone lizards are just their travel mounts, and in some cases, they can also cooperate with them to play an attack similar to an assassin.

The tearer walked through the cracks, and the relatively clumsy stone horned beasts could only rely on the huge stone horns to carry out simple attacks. There was finally a trace of confusion in the charge formation of the Spartan warriors.


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