Atreus looked indifferent, riding a stone horn beast at the forefront of the Spartan warriors.

The silver in his hand was stained with blue blood, which was left behind by a few troll rippers under Atreus.

It is a pity that the king-level unit of the troll tearer did not want to confront Atreus head-on.

As soon as he got into the army, he quickly left Atreus.

Atreus wanted to rush over to intercept Feiba, because he knew that if a king-level unit led troops into his own formation, it would definitely bring chaos and killing.

The hero arms can also touch the king-level arms, but the warrior arms encounter the king-class arms, even if they are not killed in seconds, they do not have much defense ability.

But looking back at the giant hoof of the horned beast, the troll tearer who was walking through the wolf, and the aggressive and brave companions, Atreus gave up his plan to concentrate his forces and destroy the troll extraordinary army.

Take out the message crystal and get the news that Leonidas is ready and that two thousand trolls have left the territory and are rushing here.

Atreus made a decisive decision and asked Melendez to issue an order to give up entanglement with the enemy and charge the entire army regardless of everything!

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

Once the heavy cavalry charge stopped, it would be very difficult to maintain the previous momentum.

Moreover, Atreus's skill "Breaking the Army" has now increased the entire army.

Stop at this time, and all the previous momentum has been exhausted.

Next, there are more difficult battles to fight, and we will make great progress all the way to finish our achievements in one battle!

Therefore, even if he knew that by doing this, many Spartan warriors would be killed by the Troll Ripper led by Feba, but in order to make the next loss smaller, Atreus chose to lead Spartan without hesitation. The Warriors continued to charge.

In order to give the stone horned beast sufficient physical strength, after throwing off the more than one hundred troll tearers, many Spartan warriors were still on the way to charge, feeding the stone horned beast under the crotch a few boosting potions.

Then it didn't take long for the more than 500 Troll Rippers to appear in front of the Spartan warriors.


Atreus raised his arms and shouted, and the stone horn beast under his crotch suddenly accelerated, and instantly advanced into the formation of the troll tearer.

The silver of the front pointed out a few cold lights one after another, piercing the heads of the three troll tearers and the two stone lizards.

The five hundred Troll Rippers were clearly not ready for a fight with the Spartans.

In other words, without Faba's commander-in-chief, these Troll Rippers have lost their courage.

They only know how to bury their heads and run away, and the formation is disordered, and they have to resist only when the Spartans are approaching.

It's just that their stone lizards can't outrun the stone horned beasts blessed with various potions, combat skills and characteristics.

Atreus led the Spartan warriors directly to the past. These more than 500 troll rippers did not have time to launch an effective attack from beginning to end, and they were integrated into the mountain by the giant hoof of the stone horn beast. .


Faba rode a stone lizard, desperately chasing the Spartan warriors.

I ate a lot of dust along the way, but I didn't even touch the shadow of a Spartan warrior.

Until it saw a large number of troll rippers and the **** corpses of stone lizards, its expression dimmed instantly.

The thousand Troll Rippers it brought out are now only more than a hundred behind.

And there are enemies in the front and back, and there are also enemy scouts wandering back and forth around.

It and the hundred troll tearers will most likely not be able to return to the territory.

Taking out the messenger, Feiba saw the message sent by the lord.

Another king-level soldier in the territory was coming here with two thousand excellent-level troll soldiers.

The troll lord asked him to hold on for a while, and he would not care about it after he successfully returned to the territory.

Feiba knew that the Lord did not send the remaining 1,000 Troll Rippers, but only sent half of the excellent-grade troops. Obviously, he had no plans to fight with humans, but just wanted to preserve his strength as much as possible.

After hesitating for a moment, when he found out that the reinforcements in the territory could not rescue him, and he might even be folded out of the city, Feiba used a communication talisman to send a message to another king-level unit.

[Marta, don't use it to save us! 】

[One thousand tearers have been wiped out, and humans have two thousand extraordinary-grade heavy cavalry, rushing towards the territory. 】

[Don't worry about me, go back to the territory to defend! 】

The news was sent, and Feba waited for a long time, but did not receive any news from Marta.

Just when it was uneasy in its heart, guessing if something bad happened, the messenger began to flash, and a few Marta's replies jumped out.

【asshole! Why didn't you say it earlier! 】

[The enemies are far more than what you said, and some enemies have already been ambushed near the territory! 】

【My Lord and I were hurt by you! 】

Another enemy? !

Hearing Marta's words, Feiba looked in a daze, and the stone lizard jumped under his crotch, almost not throwing it off.

Stabilizing his figure, Feiba showed a miserable smile on his face.

From the very beginning, the humans had set it up for it... no, the enemy's target was Tier 4 troll territory from the very beginning.

But it is like a fool, obediently falling into the trap.

Not only did it waste a lot of troops in the territory, but it also caused the territory to be in danger of overturning. Even if he could return to the territory alive, Feiba would have no face to see his lord.

Controlling the stone lizard to stop, looking at the Spartan warrior who was carrying the billowing dust and galloping towards the troll territory, Feiba's eyes were full of bloodshot There was a deep hatred in his heart.

The remaining hundred or so troll rippers, riding stone lizards, also stopped behind Feiba.

A surviving heroic unit came to Feiba and asked carefully:

"Lord Feiba, what should we do now?"


With the long whip in his hand slapping on the stone lizard, Feiba rode the stone lizard to the direction opposite to the territory, and said at the same time:

"Come with me!"

"Let's go to the humans over there to collect some blood debts!"

"And then... figure out a way to live..."

More than a hundred Troll Rippers were silent, looked at each other, and finally followed Faba to the west.


At the gate of the fourth-order troll territory, a huge ice sculpture suddenly appeared.

The cold and cold ice completely sealed the entire gate and corridor. Through the thick layer of ice, one could vaguely see the "zi" golden man sitting cross-legged at the door.

"Zi" Jin Ren, mastering the power of Gui water, can release a wide range of yin and cold to the bones.

At this time, layers of ice crystals had spread to cover the hundreds of meters long city wall, and frozen trolls were everywhere on the city wall.

Outside the city walls, the cold air and thin ice crystals covered an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters.

More than 2,000 trolls formed a formation outside the area covered by the cold air and ice crystals, resisting the harassment of a thousand meteorite cavalry.

Violent explosions occurred from time to time in the formation, and four giant dragons breathed dragon breath and released spells.

Marta crushed the communication talisman, mounted her stone lizard, and angrily came to the front of the team, waiting for the arrival of the Spartan warriors.

It will take these two thousand trolls to fight against the human race.


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