Ryana expressed her remorse to Huang Yu through the message crystal.

But Huang Yu didn't care about the defeat of the Amazon Legion.

The territory of the Universal Territory is constantly expanding, and the troops are constantly scattered. Before the marginal areas have not yet developed, the military strength of the sub-city is not much higher than that of some top-level territories.

In the past, many extraordinary arms such as Amazon female warriors, Spartan warriors, and imperial guards cooperated with each other to attack the territories of various ethnic groups.

But now, each legion is basically fighting alone, and the difficulty of the battle will naturally increase.

In addition, the territories that have survived to the present are all those who have experienced several beast tides, as well as the strong after the territorial expedition. Some weak territories have already been eliminated, and the intensity of the war is also rising.

Many territories also have their own trump cards, and well-mixed territories even have their own extraordinary arms.

It is becoming more and more difficult to defeat the enemy as destructively as before.

The Amazon Legion is only one-fifth of the strength of the universe, and it is not incomprehensible to be frustrated in front of a giant demon territory that is even more difficult to deal with than advanced races at night.

What's more, in order to protect the Jingbei City under construction, the Amazon Legion had not been dispatched. More than 2,000 giant monsters had been killed in the previous attack, but their losses were very small.

In terms of the results obtained, it does not count as a defeat.

Fighting against aliens does not always have to be done in one battle. The Amazon female warriors will attack once or twice at the right time, and the giant demon territory should not be able to hold on.

Activate the message crystal, and Huang Yu sends a message to Ryan.

[Rianna, don't blame yourself, the giant demon understands his weakness, and it is understandable to take measures to deal with it. 】

[You lead the Amazon army back to Jingbei City first, and guard against it at night, be alert to the night attack of giant monsters, protect the safety of construction workers, and don’t let the giant monsters destroy the newly built buildings. 】

[Tomorrow I will bring the secondary fire there, and then we will go to see that giant monster territory together. 】

The construction of Jingbei City, Huanyu Outer City and Southern Weng City started at the same time.

Among them, the southern Wengcheng is faster and should be completed tomorrow.

The construction of the outer city wall of the universe is the largest, and now even half of it has not been completed.

The construction speed of Jingbei City is not bad. The Kunjinyan City Wall is almost completed. We will test and reinforce it tomorrow, and then activate the secondary fire, and then we can announce that Jingbei City is officially established.

If he can successfully advance to the fifth rank tomorrow, Huang Yu plans to go to Jingbei City to activate the secondary fire, and by the way, use those giant monsters to test his new talent.

After arranging the affairs in Jingbei City, Huang Yu's affairs officially came to an end.

Picking up the blood of the mysterious creature, Huang Yu looked at it for a while, and immediately chose to wake up.

[Is the blood of mysterious creatures used as an awakening medium to advance to the fifth order? 】

[Note: The blood grade of the mysterious creature is unknown, and the internal energy is chaotic and unstable. It may fail to awaken talent.

If the awakening fails, the medium is discarded, the level is dropped, or the low-level talent is obtained...

In severe cases, the lord may leave permanent sequelae or even death...

Are you continuing to wake up? 】



Huang Yu has already thought about it carefully, so when faced with a choice again, he decides to wake up decisively.

After Huang Yu was confirmed, the blood in front of him began to shine.

With the help of the chaotic power and law talent, Huang Yu vaguely sensed a force from the source of chaos, blessing on the blood of the mysterious creature.


The blood in front of him began to glow scarlet, and the blood-filled sac began to agitate, as if something was struggling inside.

The blood sac slowly floated into the air, and the two forces began to stalemate. Even with chaotic vision, Huang Yu could not see the situation in the blood sac.

Only seeing the existence of the blood sac, the resistance is getting weaker and weaker, and the red light is getting thinner and thinner, it seems that the source of chaos has the upper hand.


Under Huang Yu's astonished gaze, the skin that was tough enough to be cut by an extraordinary-grade weapon suddenly cracked into large and small pieces, and then dissipated into the air like ashes.

A cloud of golden-red blood scatters countless blood lines, strangling towards Huang Yu.

Just when Huang Yu was about to dodge, a strange coercion of negativity and laziness, which seemed to dissolve all the emotions and desires of people, completely enveloped Huang Yu.

Huang Yu's will resisted a little, and he began to fall into that coercion. Only the law of chaos maintained a trace of his heart, allowing him to watch those tentacles whose blood lines swelled and grew into empty faces, while sending out the annihilation soul. babbled, rushing towards him.

Seems like something has happened...

Although Huang Yu was in a hurry, he didn't have any defense ability.

Seeing these tentacles, he immediately thought of the **** creature he saw through Chaos Vision when he was in the Cyronda territory.

Whether it is the shape and color of the tentacles, or those strange and empty faces, they are exactly the same as that monster.

But now, Huang Yu can sense a will from these tentacles where blood is condensed.

It was a hunger, a surprise, a burning desire as if seeing the lover of a dream.

This tentacle, or the existence represented by the tentacle, was completely awakened after seeing Huang Yu, and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com deprived Huang Yu of everything.

【warn! 】

【warn! 】

【warn! 】


[Detected that there is an unknown spiritual imprint left in the awakening medium, whether to force it to be erased! 】

[Note: After erasing, some of the abilities of the medium will disappear completely, so it may lead to a reduction in the level of the awakened medium...]

[If the lord is parasitized by an unknown will, the source of chaos will eliminate and obliterate the lord, please choose carefully! 】



Still a surprise...

Three times of talent awakening, there are risks each time, but this is the first time that a warning appears in the middle.

The spiritual imprint of an unknown existence... The existence of the God Prison is not easy to associate with.

Even if it's just a piece of insignificant flesh and blood, it's not something that other people can endure.

Huang Yu's only remaining will protected by the law of chaos, after seeing the empty faces attached to the tentacles began to grin, he did not dare to hesitate any more, and immediately chose yes.

Although it is only a spiritual brand, Huang Yu can feel the power of this brand.

Even Huang Yu's strongest talent, the core of his soul protected by the law of chaos, had already shown signs of collapse before he had come into contact with that power.

To a certain extent, the blood of this mysterious creature might still be above the chaotic source core.

If he retains that will, Huang Yu's talent for promotion to the fifth rank should be stronger than the law of chaos.

But doing so would be tantamount to asking for a dead end.

The glance cast by the supreme will is not something that the current Huang Yu can bear.


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