Seeing the "Lord Murayama" cooperate so much, especially after sending the extraordinary troops into the church, the bishop also showed a satisfied smile on his face.

After being converted into a bishop, he received an order from Divine Prison. If the lord does not cooperate, after the church has accumulated enough power, he will forcibly take the lord to the ground, and then use some unconventional means to force the lord to serve them. work.

Anyway, he can use the church to communicate with the gods and prisons, and he will not lose contact with other believers because of the lord's non-cooperation.

It's just that the power of Murayama's territory is somewhat beyond the bishop's expectations. He can develop the territory to such a degree that he has been able to gain a foothold in the Chaos Continent. Few lords will choose to join the Divine Prison.

If the Murayama territory is to be completely attached to the power of the gods, it will take a long time to lay it out.

But to the surprise of the bishop, Lord Murayama's attitude was very positive, even a little impatient.

He was strange, but happy to see it happen.

After all, when all the arms were transformed into the Holy Army and the Templar Knights, the real control of the territory had already fallen into the hands of the church. As long as the church did nothing, the lord would only become a symbolic existence.

Of course, there is still some respect for the lord.

The development of the territory is inseparable from the lord. After all, only the lord can buy and upgrade buildings and minerals, and only the lord can storm troops in a short time.

Looking at the "Lord Murayama", the bishop showed a kind expression, bowed respectfully, and said:

"I haven't introduced myself to the lord, it's really rude."

"My lord gave me the name of 'Mana Parkhurst', and the Lord will call me Mana in the future."

The Faceless [Desolate Wolf] stepped forward to support Bishop Mana, and said with a smile:

"Bishop Mana is welcome."

"I believe that with your participation, the Murayama territory will become stronger and stronger."


The two exchanged a few words of courtesy, and after the eighty Zhan Ninjas were transformed into Templars, [Wild Wolf] patted Bishop Mana on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"Since things are almost over here, why don't Bishop Manna come with me to the castle for a drink?"

"In order to celebrate the territory's joining my lord's command, I have prepared a lot of good wine and food."

"We can also talk about the next development of the territory while eating."

Hearing the words of [Wild Wolf], Bishop Mana nodded happily, and without any hesitation, he walked into the castle together under the guidance of [Wild Wolf].

All the arms in the territory have been transformed into Holy Army and Templar Knights. To be able to do this, he felt that "Lord Murayama" really joined the command of the God of Light.

Although there are still many things waiting to be done, Mana felt that it would be good to give the Lord Murayama a face and have a meal and chat together.

After all, only the sincere cooperation between the lord and the bishop can bring more faith to the God of Light, and his work will be easier to carry out and gain more benefits.

The two walked shoulder to shoulder, seemingly intimate, chatting casually about something.

Mana also completely relaxed, and on the way to the castle, he couldn't help but ask [Wild Wolf] how loyal he is to the Lord's faith.

"The reasons for this are still very complicated."

"Except for the yearning to serve our Lord, the pressure of survival, and the fight against certain forces by uniting our companions."

"There is another reason, does Bishop Manna want to know."

Walk into the castle with [Wild Wolf] and pass through the Tinder Hall.

When Bishop Mana heard the words of [Wild Wolf], he subconsciously asked:

"what reason?"

[Wild Wolf] patted Bishop Mana on the shoulder, and then dragged him to the restaurant.

The round table in the middle of the dining room was empty. Only a black-haired man sat on the main seat with his legs crossed, his cheeks in one hand, and silently watched Bishop Mana who had just come in.

Huang Yu's gaze made Bishop Mana quite uncomfortable, and he looked at [Wild Wolf] suspiciously.

[Wild Wolf] smiled and said:

"For this reason, you have to ask my master."


! !

Mana was startled, turned his head to look at Huang Yu, and before he could ask questions, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

"Well done, Wild Wolf."

Huang Yu nodded to [Wild Wolf], spread out his spiritual power, and found a faceless [middle-aged man] who was mixed in the crowd and prayed with ordinary people in the Murayama territory.

Then, using the power of time and space, he was picked out from the crowd and sent directly to the castle restaurant.

[Middle-aged man] No nonsense, after greeting Huang Yu, he came to the bishop and started karma to borrow.

Huang Yu always uses chaotic vision to check the status of the bishop, so that the actions of the [middle-aged] will not be detected by the creatures of the prison, which will lead to accidents in the plan.

After being transformed into a bishop, Mana's spiritual power has also improved a lot. The middle-aged man has launched five consecutive causal borrowings before he obtained the identity of Mana's bishop.

Bishop Mana's body turned transparent and disappeared into the dining room. A [middle-aged man] in a red robe stood in front of Huang Yu and became the new bishop of the Guangming Church in Cunshan Territory Church.

"In the future, your code name will be 'Bishop'." Huang Yu said to the Faceless Man who was incarnated as Bishop of The two of you will cooperate with each other next, remember what happens to the forces of God Prison Report to me. "

"As ordered!"

[Wild Wolf] and [Bishop] saluted together and took Huang Yu's order.

When they were selected by the Thousand Faces Church, Huang Yu became the master who dominated them all. Unless Huang Yu died, their affairs could not be separated from Huang Yu's control.

The Faceless was also the most obscure force under Huang Yu.

Their personal strength may not be strong, but their secrecy and ability are enough to subvert the existence of some major events.

"[Bishop], you will go to the church to try to communicate with the creatures of hell. Be careful and don't ask too sensitive questions."

"[Wild Wolf], keep in touch with Xinluo, let him quickly send someone to check the situation in Murayama's territory, and join the Alliance of Gods as soon as possible."

"It's almost the same here. I'm going back to the territory now. If you have anything, you can talk to me privately."

Like [Stranger], Huang Yu also added [Wild Wolf] as a friend, and the previous funding was done through friends.

Murayama Territory is nearly 2,000 kilometers away from Universal City. At present, the communication crystal cannot achieve information transmission at this distance, and it is not safe to use.

Through the private chat function of the friend list, it is more convenient and safer.

Nodding at the two of them, Huang Yu activated the space anchor and teleported long-distance.

The space fluctuated for a while, and after the surrounding scene condensed, Huang Yu appeared in a wooden house in the territory of a third-order human race.

This is the transfer station for Huang Yu's long-distance transmission to the Murayama territory, and the wooden house is a faceless person codenamed [Old Woman].


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