hum~ hum~ hum~

After sending the three reincarnated dragon eggs to the dragon's nest, Huang Yu wanted to take advantage of his spare energy to carry out a few solitary dragon summons, but the message crystal in his pocket began to vibrate.

Huang Yu activated the message crystal, which was a message from Celine.

[Lord Lord, the banquet is about to start. 】

[The lords of other territories have finished their work and are now waiting in the dining room. 】

【Is it convenient for you to come here now? 】

Addicted to summoning the dragon, he couldn't extricate himself, but when he looked up, the night was slowly approaching.

It was only then that Huang Yu remembered that fifteen human lords had been wandering around in his territory for a long time, but he didn't even show his face.

Although Huang Yu did not take this offline meeting of the lords as one thing, after all, he had no intention of strategic cooperation with other lords, but it was somewhat unreasonable to leave such a group of people in the territory.

After all, when Lord Hui Ye asked him to preside over it, he agreed.

And now [Desolate Wolf] and [Bishop] are gradually infiltrating the believers, maybe it won't be long before they can get the core area division map of the God Kingdom Rise Plan.

It is unrealistic to use his own power to hinder the development of the power of the gods. After all, some believers are far away from him.

If this matter can be assigned to the members of the Oneworld Alliance, then things will be much simpler.

Huang Yu can even use the transmission function of the certificate of the fifth-order alliance to hunt agents and angels, and obtain high-grade materials and items such as "spiritual marrow fluid", "lock of gods", and even "blood of mysterious creatures".

Of course, this plan still needs to be prepared.

After all, the One Universe Alliance is a group bound by interests, and not everyone is like Huang Yu, who are deadly enemies with believers.

Moreover, since Huang Yu can put spies into the Alliance of the Gods, the Alliance of the Gods can naturally support the undercover in the Universal Alliance.

After not clearing the World Alliance's Erwuzi and the wall-riding faction, Huang Yu was not at ease to leave this kind of thing to the entire alliance to do.

Huang Yu will not promote this kind of thing until [Wild Wolf] gets the regional division map and the information on the undercover of the Oneworld Alliance...

Replying to [Go over immediately] in the message crystal, Huang Yu flashed his body, teleported himself to the palace room, cleaned up briefly under the service of the maid and the butler, and then walked to the restaurant.

The two imperial guards pushed open the door of the restaurant, and Huang Yushi walked in, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

"Welcome Lord Lord!"

After seeing Huang Yu's arrival, all the residents of the world territory at the venue immediately saluted and said hello in the direction of Huang Yu.

The fifteen members of the Oneworld Alliance, some with red eyes and their bodies nailed to the dining table, were eating frantically without any image.

Some are relatively elegant and chat with each other, but the speed of eating in their hands is still not slow.

Others secretly stuff food into the storage equipment they carry, and eat half with half.

It doesn't look like the lord who dominates the side, but like a group of hungry and panic-stricken people.

Huang Yu didn't expect that the first thing he saw after entering the restaurant would be such a scene.

He even saw a few lords without storage equipment, wearing two layers of armor produced by the Magic Weave Institute, with two or three swords pinned to their backs.

It doesn't look like a high lord, but like a weapons dealer...

However, with the appearance of Huang Yu, these people immediately stopped their movements and looked at Huang Yu with different expressions.

" don't have to worry about it..."

"Everyone eat well and drink well haha... continue?"

Looking at the envy, jealousy and hatred in the eyes of the lords, Huang Yu didn't know what to say for a while.

For most of the day, although they only went to a few places, the fifteen human lords still felt the unevenness of being a lord.

They can't tell how strong the Oneworld Alliance is.

But in the Universal Territory, they felt as if they had returned to Blue Star.

The residents here have a regular work and rest time, and they can go to various entertainment facilities to relax in their spare time, such as restaurants, performance halls, sports rooms...all kinds of production facilities are available.

Stable social order, highly developed equipment casting technology, unique magic pattern technology, mysterious special buildings, powerful followers...

Everything in the Universal Territory is refreshing their cognition, letting them know that the Territory can operate to this level in a short period of time.

Compared with the world territory, their territory is at most a border town in medieval Europe...

I thought that everything during the day was an eye-opener, and it was not until dinner at night that the lords knew what luxury was.

There are ten main dishes made with extraordinary-grade ingredients, and Yalong barbecue is available in unlimited quantities.

In addition to this, there are the Spiritual Fruit of the Elves to enhance their spiritual power, the Ogre Mystery Cooking Crucible, the Orc Rough Style Bipedal Dragon Baked Egg, and the Dwarf Liquor that can enhance the physique...

Not only the quality of the ingredients is staggering, but the variety is rich, covering more than a dozen races, large and small, and the taste is also surprisingly Universal will buy some high-grade, low-grade products from the discount artifact every day. The price of the ingredients, the lords who are short of food cannot afford these ingredients, and the lords who are not short of food can't afford them, so Huang Yu can only stay and enjoy himself.

Coupled with the territorial characteristics of the sixth-order fertile land and the prosperous fourth-order creatures, with the influence of the lord statue "Universal Frontier: Endless Life", the food reserve in the universe is extremely considerable, and the grade is still quite high, only one day's harvest. , to fill three warehouses.

Taking it out to hold a high-level banquet will not have any effect at all.

So when Celine asked about the specifications of the banquet, Huang Yu ordered it to be done according to his daily specifications.

After a day of shopping, the fifteen lords all had a kind of "Grandma Liu enters the Grand View Garden". After the dinner started, everyone was refreshed.

Most of the lords were a little reserved at first, but driven by a certain foodie, everyone always felt that if they took a bite out of their meal, they had suffered one more loss.

These ingredients are not only delicious, but also of high quality. After eating them, they can also increase experience points, mental power, physique, etc. If you put down the big family of the lord of the universe and don't eat them, maybe there will be no such good opportunities in the future.

As for the face... Only the hardness of the fist can determine the true thickness of the face.

Besides, his subordinates and the people are not here, so it is not a shame to have so many lords lose face together!

However, when the master's family really appeared in front of him, the lords were still a little embarrassed, and they stopped their movements and nodded to Huang Yu.

Only one girl still took a left bite, and the right one destroyed the person-high grilled rib in her hand.


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