Lord of the People: Discount Artifact For Signing In at the Start

Chapter 552: Guard the best Grace in the world


Above the Dragon Valley of the Universal Territory, a silver dragon with a body length of nearly eight meters hovered in the air, roaring tenderly at Huang Yu below.

The silver dragon is Gregory Moriarty. Before his reincarnation, he had the title of "Son of the Fallen". Huang Yu was one of the four dragons reincarnated by the dragon the day before yesterday, and it was also the last dragon that hatched.

Although the level is only lv1, its size is comparable to the dragon of level 5 or even level 6, and it is also the strongest of the four dragons reincarnated from the strength of the seventh-order sanctuary.

The disrespect of the silver dragon Gregory caused the dissatisfaction of the other twelve dragons living in the Dragon Valley.

The white dragon Fenas, the silver dragon Amer, the red dragon Greco and other giant dragons raised their heads bowed to Huang Yu, and stared coldly at the silver dragon Gregley soaring in the sky, only with Huang Yu's order , these giant dragons will swarm up and teach Gregory, who offended the "Lord of the Dragons", a lesson.

After the silver dragon Gregory hatched, he knew that he had been reincarnated by the dragon of the Dragon Valley.

However, after climbing out of the dragon's lair, the silver dragon Gregory witnessed a very frightening scene.

A human captured a brass dragon, stunned it with soul-like spells, and had no idea what he had done, and the brass dragon bowed its head to him after waking up.

Looking at the giant dragons, the silver dragon Gregory immediately guessed that the Dragon Valley had been occupied by the human, and those giant dragons were also controlled by the human using magic.

It wanted to run away immediately, but unexpectedly saw Grace dancing among the dragons.

Memories of past lives pop up wildly, disgusting, hating, nostalgia, love, obsession...

All kinds of emotions swarmed, and the silver dragon Gregory did not escape in the end. Instead, driven by memory, he flew out of the dragon's nest, calling for the charm dance Grace to escape with it.

But what made it anxious was that in the face of her own call, Grace Dance was unmoved, but looked at the human with admiration and obsession.

In the process, Silver Dragon Gregory also saw "Flaming Arc" Chloe and "Storm Cloud" Nenad, two "Charming Dancers".

At the same time, he recognized the Brass Dragon who had just been controlled by Huang Yu, it was Sheikh Adan Asensio, the "Brass Fury".

Everyone is like-minded, even if they are newborn dragons, the silver dragon Gregory can recognize them.

Thinking of Grace's state, Silver Dragon Gregory immediately thought that the reason why they could be reincarnated by Dragon Nest was because that human got their real names from Grace of the Magic Dance!

This time, the silver dragon Gregory couldn't leave.

Rescue "Meiwu" Grace is one aspect, **** the human who controls his real name is the most important thing.

A person who is good at playing with the soul is now in control of its real name, which also means control of its life and death!

If you can't kill that human, even escaping the Dragon Valley will be futile.

Huang Yu looked at the silver dragon in the sky, his expression did not change.

Because he was in the Dragon Valley, he also canceled the "Second Universe · No Flight" that the lord statue had imposed on the creatures here.

And when the silver dragon hatched, he received a message from the Dragon Valley, so the silver dragon can be unrestrained in the sky at this moment, which is also the result of his laissez-faire.

However, after modifying the Brass Dragon Sheikh Adan Asensio, his mental power was almost exhausted.

Although Huang Yu's mental power is recovering rapidly under the influence of potions, equipment, breath of immortality, energy endurance and many other abilities, it will take at least half an hour to completely revise the memory of Silver Dragon Gregory. time.

"However, since it has fallen into my hands, you should be more obedient."

Huang Yu did not let other giant dragons take action, but only aimed at the silver dragon and reopened the ability of "this world, no flight" in the Dragon Valley.

An inexplicable force was exerted on the silver dragon Gregory.

The silver dragon, which was hovering over the Dragon Valley, suddenly felt that his body lost control and began to fall to the ground.

In horror, the silver dragon Gregory quickly released several spells that could be released at present.

Spiritual Wind... Wind Soaring... Wind Wave...

After the release of various flying spells, the silver dragon Gregory could not organize his own fall at all.

Looking at the ground getting closer, the silver dragon Gregory could only close his eyes in despair.


The sound of shaking wings came, and a green shadow came in an instant, catching the silver dragon Gregory.

In the whistling wind, the silver dragon Gregory smelled a familiar breath. After raising his head and opening his eyes, he saw Grace the "Charming Dance" who grabbed its wings with both feet.



"My favorite!"

"I knew we had an unwavering love!"

"Even if the soul is controlled, you can still break through the limit and save me who is about to die..."

When the silver dragon Gregory saw Grace who saved him, he was immediately excited.

The slender dragon neck snaked upwards, trying to get close to Grace.


"be honest!"

Charming Dance Grace slapped Silver Dragon Gregory's head with her front paws, and her merciless force ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ directly caused Silver Dragon's head to be thrown out.


Silver Dragon Gregory recovered from the slight dizziness, and looked at Grace Dance with a blank face.

For the silver dragon Gregory, a big b pocket can't cause any harm to its body, but as "the fallen son who must protect the best Grace in the world even if he is an enemy of the world, this A slap caused huge heart damage to the silver dragon Gregory.

Two worlds are dragons, and it was the first time that it was slapped by Grace... When I first met, it was just a magic whip...

When the silver dragon Gregory was still suspicious of Longsheng, the charm dance Grace had already flown in front of Huang Yu, threw the silver dragon Gregory in front of Huang Yu, and then obediently fell to the side, together with the other giant dragons Guard Huang Yu.


The silver dragon Gregory rolled around on the ground, raised his head and saw Huang Yu who was controlling the charm dance Grace, his eyes were particularly red, and he opened his mouth to take a cone-shaped breath.

The distance between Huang Yu and Yinlong Gregory was less than ten meters, and the breath mixed with cold air came from the pavement, but it gradually dissipated when approaching Huang Yu, and even Huang Yu's clothes did not get wet.

Silver Dragon Gregory's eyes widened, and he spit out another breath without believing in evil, but it still didn't hurt Huang Yu in the slightest.

"If you can't fight and you can't escape, you can't escape, can't you be more secure?"

Huang Yu looked at Yinlong Gregory, too lazy to waste his mental energy, and appeared in front of Yinlong in a flash, and threw his fist vigorously.


Hearing a scream, the silver dragon Gregory's head was directly smashed into the ground by Huang Yu's punch.

Yinlong's wings and limbs twitched a few times, then stood still.


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