More than a dozen kilometers northwest of the Amazon Legion, an army of 4,000 ghosts just passed the 2,000 Amazon female warriors led by Ryana.

This Guiluo army is fully armed and majestic. It is led by the eight-armed double-faced Guiluo that Yan Yi once encountered. Beside him, there is also an eight-armed Guiluo equivalent to the human king-level army, who acts as his deputy. .

To this day, the Guiluo clan has eliminated all alien forces within 50 kilometers of the western, northern and southern parts of the territory. Only in the western direction, the Amazon female warriors first resisted, and then the Yanyun Eighteen Horsemen invaded and attacked the Guiluo territory. It can be said that it is blank.

Fortunately, for some unknown reason, those annoying flies did not appear in the past few days. Lord Guiluo sent troops to inspect and accidentally discovered Jingbei City, which is located in the northeast of his territory.

After seeing the Amazon female warrior again, Lord Guiluo immediately determined that this human territory, which had been upgraded to Tier 4, was the culprit behind the blockade of their western region by the front-end time.

Before that, in order to eliminate the alien races in the west, north, and south directions, the Lord Guira couldn't draw out his troops to suppress the Amazon Legion.

Now that the battles in the three directions have been decided, the accumulated soul crystals have brought the strength of Guiluo Territory to a whole new level, and it is no longer a problem to attack Jingbei City across nearly 100 kilometers.

So when Huang Yu set off on the expedition, Guiluo Territory also sent troops.

However, due to the insufficiency of the report, the goals of the two sides were deviated.

Lord Gui Luo dispatched two thousand extraordinary arms and two thousand outstanding arms, led by the most outstanding subordinates, Wu Mo, a god-level arm with immortal potential, and another king-level arm, Xu Luo, to attack Jingbei City.

Huang Yu, on the other hand, recruited 2,000 Amazon female warriors from Jingbei City to gather the army to attack Guiluo territory.

The reconnaissance troops of the two sides were the first to collide, but the Universal Territory, with its advantages in various aspects, was the first to discover Guiluo's scouts.

Under the arrangement of Ryana, he responded quickly, cleared the deep Guiluo scouts, and successfully concealed his tracks.

The Guiluo army moved forward slowly, but Wu Mo, the commander-in-chief, felt something was wrong.

The Guiluo scouts in the east rarely return, and there is no news of encountering the Amazon female warriors from the scouts ahead. This dense forest seems to be a little too safe.

Turning his head, Wu Mo looked at Xu Luo with a straight face, opened his mouth, and made a thick sound like a bell.

"Sura, ask the current state of the Qianda scouts, whether anyone has disappeared or found anything abnormal."

After hearing it, the eight-armed ghost Luo Xuluo did not hesitate, immediately took out the stone that exudes a strong breath of blood in his arms, closed his eyes and contacted the heroic force of the ghost Luo, Qianda, who was in charge of the reconnaissance.

Wuma, Sura, and the now-connected Qianda all came from the same extraordinary army in the Guira Territory, the Virata.

And the king-level soldier guarding the territory was born in the second extraordinary branch newly cultivated by Lord Guiluo, the Rahu tribe.

Because of Wumo's status as a god-level soldier, it has a very high status in the Vairocana, and it is the idol followed and worshipped by the Vairocana.

In some respects, even the status of Lord Guira in the hearts of the Pilus is not as high as that of Wuma.

The most important member of the Vira Congregation, although Sura is a king-level soldier, he still uses Wumo as his head, and Wumo does whatever he says.

The stone in Xu Luo's hand continued to vibrate, stirring up wisps of scarlet gas, which slowly penetrated into Xu Luo's body and brought the message of Qiantuo to Xu Luo's consciousness.

This kind of stone is called the Blood Letter Stone. It is an excellent communication tool for the Guiluo family. Because of the price of tens of thousands of soul crystals, only the backbone of the army can assemble it.

The communication distance of the blood letter stone is only 50 kilometers, which is not as good as that of the communication crystal.

But the blood letter stone has a special feature, that is, it can judge whether the information is transmitted by the communication target itself, rather than through the hands of others, based on the blood energy.

Unlike the communication crystal, anyone can use it. If it is stolen by the enemy, there may be consequences such as information leakage and transmission of false information.

After a while, Xu Luo released the blood letter stone and replied to Wu Mo:

"God Wumo, Qiantuo didn't feel anything different."

"The reconnaissance Guiluo warriors sent out are scouting and reporting in accordance with the prescribed time and order."

"Except for a few warriors who encountered wild monsters, there is no other danger in this area."

When Xu Luo addressed Wumo, he would add the word "God" before his name to highlight Wumo's special and status.

Hearing Xu Luo's report, Wu Mo frowned.

The scouts are the eyes of the army. It stands to reason that since there is no accident on the side of Qianda, it means that there is no danger near the army.

However, as a god-level arm, Wu Mo has a perception far beyond that of a king-level arm, and when it comes to Qiantuo, it feels a little uncomfortable for some reason.

This discomfort often means that something unfavorable will happen to you.

Of is also possible that the Lord's favoritism towards the Rahu tribe, and the change in attitude towards it and the Vaishas.

"I'll see for myself."

After thinking for a Wu Mo shook his head at Xu Luo, intending to "take a look" in person.

Hearing Wu Mo's words, Xu Luo hesitated for a while, but did not speak to persuade him.

Wu Mo closed his front eyes, and at the same time, the face behind his head wriggled, and his eyes suddenly opened.

The rich red light was released from the pair of eyes, and both the Sura and the Vairas who followed them on the expedition felt a faint coercion. At the same time, the energy in the body became active, and the mental state gradually improved.

This is the special feature of god-level arms, their existence is a passive ability.

It can not only suppress the arms of the same genus, but also increase the arms of the same genus.

With a god-level unit in charge, the combat power of that unit will also increase a lot as a whole.

The second pair of eyes of the god-level Guiluo naturally has the ability to deceive, which can see through the illusion, reach the truth, and not be violated by the ability of the mysterious system.

It's just that every time it is activated, it will consume a lot of energy and physical strength, and there is a certain cooling time.

Moreover, Wu Mo's strength has not yet reached the fifth rank, and the ability to break the eyes has not been fully tapped and controlled.

However, Wu Mo opened his eyes and looked at it for a long time, but only saw chaos and did not find the source of his worries.

It seemed that his previous discomfort was just an illusion.

After a while, Deliang's eyes slowly closed, and the scarlet light subsided.

The second face became wrinkled, it seemed to be much older, and there were two tears of blood flowing from the corners of his eyes, which looked particularly terrifying.

Wu Mo's frontal face opened his eyes, looking at Xu Luo who seemed to be asking, Wu Mo shook his head and said:

"No problems have been found for the time being, let the troops continue to move forward."


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