[talent: blood capital punishment]

[Grade: Extraordinary]

[Ability: Inject your own blood into the target's body, and you can inhumanly torture the target at any time, so as to achieve the purpose of control.

The target of suffering the blood capital punishment, the strength will be increased exponentially under the stimulation of pain, but the longer the battle time, the faster the reason will be consumed, and the chance of promotion will be lost forever.

The talent owner can temporarily draw the strength of the blood capital punishment target for his own use, and there is a small probability to obtain some abilities of the target, but the drawn target will die immediately...]


The best ability that Void Raid obtains from Lord Guira is the awakened extraordinary ability of Lord Guira—blood capital punishment.

At this time, a natural ability that harms others and benefits oneself, using blood and pain to enslave other creatures, can not only control its combat, but also use its abilities for its own use.

However, although this talent is a bit inhuman, it is not unreasonable, and even its second ability is a bit of a void plunder.

Similar to Huang Yu, an ordinary lord who was mediocre in all aspects before he came to the Chaos Continent. If he can acquire this kind of talent, as long as he can withstand the test of time, he can grow into a lord with extraordinary personal strength.

It's just that Huang Yu now has an immortal embrace, and there are even more ways to control aliens.

Vampire Embrace, Soul Hand, Chaos Power... In contrast, Blood Execution is the most unstable one.

Putting aside the innate ability of blood capital punishment, Huang Yu looked at the two blood pools in the Guiluo Hall and couldn't help feeling overjoyed.

These two blood pools, one is eight meters in diameter, and there are four springs gurgling blood.

The other is only two meters in diameter and has only one spring.

Obviously, the larger blood pool is the source of the **** sea of ​​​​the Guiluo Territory, and it is also the lordship authority of this Guiluo Territory.

The smaller blood pool is similar to the secondary fire, and is used by the Lord Guiluo to establish the lordship authority of the branch city.

"This Guiluo Territory is developing really well, and it has already entered the stage of establishing a branch city."

"However, if it wasn't for the lack of attention some time ago, these ghosts wouldn't have developed so smoothly."

"Even have the courage to take the initiative to attack the world territory..."

As the farthest surviving race in the 150-kilometer-wide territory, Guiluo Territory suffered the fewest blows from the cosmopolitan territory.

In the early stage, more than 2,000 Amazon female warriors were in charge of the northern and western parts of the universe, and they were only struggling to maintain it. In the later stage, only the eighteen cavalry of Yanyun harassed them, and the suppression of the Guiluo territory was very limited.

It is understandable that the Guiluo Territory has developed to this point.

Like many lords of human beings, Huang Yu only knows that the lord of Kashid is now planning to build a branch city, and he has frequently asked for help recently.

Among the other human lords, only Lord Garo is planning to establish a branch city, and the others are unknown.

However, Huang Yu felt that in terms of the expansion of the territory, the fellow of Lord Kaguya should not be much slower than Lord Gasd...

[Discovered the authority of the Guiluo lord - the sea of ​​​​blood! 】

[Current status: no owner. 】

【Whether to occupy! 】




Huang Yu first occupied the small **** secluded stream.

This lord's authority is only Tier 1, and after decomposition, there are only 1,000 soul crystals. The value is relatively low, and it is suitable to be swallowed by fire, so as to unlock the purchase rights of the Guiluo clan in the Chaos Mall.

As for the remaining fourth-order Guiluo lordship, Huang Yu planned to dismantle it.

This Guiluo Territory not only has a lord statue, but also two extraordinary arms buildings. The level of wealth is extraordinary. It is incomparable to the troll territory that was destroyed before Rising Sun City and the troll territory that Huang Yu personally destroyed.

A faint blue flame appeared on the secluded stream of the first-order blood sea, as if it was a microcosm of Huang Yu's just burning the city and boiling the sea. It didn't take long for it to evaporate.

When the first-order blood sea secluded stream disappeared, Huang Yu also showed the occupation reminder of the fourth-order blood sea secluded stream.

[Discovered the authority of the Guiluo lord - the sea of ​​​​blood! 】

【Current status: no owner】

【Whether to occupy! 】




【Please choose the occupation method:】


"break down!"

【Decomposition in progress...】

[All building units in Guiluo Territory have been decomposed, and the lord has obtained 7.82 million soul crystals! 】

[All fixed resources in Guiluo Territory have been decomposed, and the lord has obtained 2.66 million soul crystals! 】

[The authority of the fourth-rank lord of Guiluo Territory has been decomposed, and the lord has obtained 1 million soul crystals! 】

【The decomposition is complete! 】


After the Guiluo Territory was decomposed, Huang Yu bought 11.48 million soul crystals, which was the most money ever made by decomposing an alien territory!

Counting the income from killing the Guiluo lord and destroying the Guiluo army, Huang Yu has more than 15 million soul crystals in his account!

With such a huge amount of soul crystals, even Huang Yu was very moved.

If other human lords suddenly get so many soul crystals, their power will definitely develop rapidly.

After an ordinary lord is obtained, he can quickly become a top lord and easily create an extraordinary army of 2,000 people.

After the top lord is obtained, at least one can get a golden councillor seat in the world alliance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to become the existence second only to the lords of Huang Yu and Kashid.

Of course... the premise is that these lords can beat the Guiluo lord.

In fact, in Huang Yu's estimation, the members of the Oneworld Alliance can compete with the Guiluo Territory, only five golden councilors and one Haichen lord.

Guiluo Castle began to annihilate as the lordship was disintegrated.

The sea of ​​blood that was transpired by the dragon's breath dried up in an instant, and the dry riverbed exposed was full of bones.

The cliffs surrounding the sea of ​​blood began to crumble, and soon they turned into bare mounds, wiping away the traces of Guiluo's life.

The tall city walls turned into annihilation powder one by one, disappearing into the sky and the earth, and the blood rivers were filled with soil again, and there were also some corpses of Gui Luo buried with them.

A powerful Guiluo territory was destroyed.

When Huang Yu occupied his lordship in Guiluo Castle, the world army outside the castle had already killed Guiluo.

However, due to Huang Yu's unbridled flame dragon breath, many resources in the Guiluo territory were destroyed.

This is also the reason why Huang Yu only decomposed more than two million soul crystals from the fixed resources when he decomposed the secluded stream of the blood sea.

Although Guiluo is not good at "farming", there are still some mineral resources and plant resources that should be there. After decomposition, there are not five million, but three or four million.

However, Huang Yu didn't care about this loss, and the Universal Territory was not lacking in this resource.


While the soldiers were cleaning the battlefield, the two war frisbees slowly came to the sky above the Guiluo territory, and the elemental school arcanist Suad came to Huang Yu with a secondary fire in his hand.


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