
When talking to Yuri and Emile before, Emile had released a wide-ranging language to everyone.

With this spell, Wu Mo understood Pan Sen's words.

At the same time, he also knew that what was going to happen next was his last battle.

"Human, I am Wumo!"

"Remember the **** of the Vara who gave you five deaths!"

"Heh... Maybe there's a sixth time."

After taking the only excellent-grade healing potion left in his hand, Wu Mo felt calmer than ever before.

The fate of the Vairocana is already doomed, and it is no longer in his heart.

The only thought in its mind now is how to leave an indelible trace of eternal life on the enemy in front of it.

Since its birth, Pan Sen is the first god-level warrior it has encountered, and will immediately bring it the most hearty battle!

Seeing Wu Mo taking the healing potion, Pan Sen did not stop him.

He obtained not only the body blessed by Immortal Breath, but also Pantheon's ability and combat experience.

Even if Wu Mo recovers to its peak, it will not be his opponent, nor will it have an impact on the war that is about to end, thus delaying the Lord Lord's plan.

In this case, Pan Sen didn't mind giving Wu Mo a relatively fair duel.

For the god-level arms, the effect of the excellent-level healing potion is relatively limited, and it can only stimulate the powerful self-healing ability of Wumo itself and accelerate the recovery of the injury.

After a while, when a layer of flesh film appeared on the pierced wound in the inner abdomen, and the blood stopped flowing, Wu Mo set up eight swords and looked at Pan Sen coldly.

This time, it is not ready to take the initiative to attack, because the offensive and defensive trend has changed, and now Pan Sen is the stronger party.

Seeing Wu Mo's move, Pan Sen didn't hesitate, he set up the silver of the front and stabbed it.

The silver light flashed, and dozens of spear shadows were instantly differentiated, shrouding Wu Mo in them.

Wu Mo's eight arms swung, and with the sword in his hand, he intercepted all the spear shadows.

The dense knocking sound from the collision of guns and swords was like hundreds of birds chirping in unison.

The energy impact after the slash and the spear shattered cut off layer after layer of the ground beneath the two of them.

The two god-level troops didn't say a word.

Pan Sen's offensive was like a torrential rain and wind, swift and violent, as if there was no end.

Wu Mo's defense was airtight, but he was shocked by the huge force from the sword, and he retreated again and again, and it didn't take long for him to be covered in blood and sweat.

Regardless of strength, speed or physical strength, Pan Sen is far superior to Wu Mo. Pan Sen's combat skills were far behind, but he also surpassed after inheriting the name of God.

It didn't take long for Wu Mo to be defeated by Pan Sen's offensive.

First of all, due to insufficient energy, he could not protect the sword in his hand. With a few hard blows, the five swords in Wu Mo's hand were smashed into several knots.

Afterwards, before these broken swords flew out of the attack range of the two, they smashed into a large number of fragments in the manic counterattack, and flew towards the two sides at a very fast speed.

Pan Sen was promoted to a god-level unit, and under the blessing of the breath of immortality, the immortal body has been transformed into an immortal body.

Those fragments are indeed extremely lethal, and can break through the defenses of Pan God's body, leaving him with shallow or deep wounds, but these wounds are often torn and healed in an instant, without even a drop of blood flowing out. .

In contrast, Wu Mo is much worse.

Subject to Pantheon's fierce offensive and the loss of the sword in its hand, it has no spare strength to defend against these fine sword fragments.

Moreover, Wu Mo did not have the self-healing ability of Pan Sen. When those sword fragments broke into the body, the battle came to an end.

Wu Mo's whole body suddenly burst out with a fine blood mist, and the power in his body leaked out at this moment, and flew out under the impact of the fragments.

After landing, he was completely soaked in blood.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Wu Mo's eight arms wanted to support the body to sit up and continue to fight, but because of the serious injury, he couldn't stand up.

Knowing that he could not get up again, Wu Mo let go of the three remaining swords, lay flat on the ground, and said to Pan Sen:

"You beat me once...but I beat you five times before hahaha...ahem!"

"Kill me, this life is yours."

"However, you will never be able to beat me four times again... So, do I still earn..."

In the end, Wu Mo's voice has become much quieter.

Because in its sight, a stranger suddenly appeared.

The human has black hair and a handsome face. He was looking at it with interest, and then said:

"Not necessarily."

"Next, you may have more opportunities to learn from each other."

"And you're going to get stronger too."

Wu Mo raised his eyebrows slowly, this person was clearly standing in front of him, but he could not feel any breath of this person.

If it weren't for the fact that the pain in the body was very real, and the delusional eyes showed no signs of opening, it would even think that it was an illusion.

"Who are you!"

Looking at the young man who appeared strangely in front of him, Wu Mo couldn't help but ask.

However, before the man could answer, Pan Sen on the side gave Wu Mo the first answer.

"Pan Sen has seen Lord Lord!"

And Yuri and Emile, who had restricted Wumo before, also appeared next to Wumo in an instant, and saluted Huang Yu and shouted:

"My lord!"

Lord Lord?

my lord?

The metamorphosis of glory?


Countless thoughts flashed through my I learned that the person in front of me was the human lord, and the master of the two god-level spellcasters.

Wu Mo felt some power gushing out of his body, and suddenly attacked Huang Yu.

The power of time and space - space shackles!

The sudden burst of Wu Mo made Pan Sen, Yuri, and Emile slightly startled. Before waiting for their armor, Huang Yu, who had been prepared for a long time, imposed a space shackle on Wu Mo.

Wu Mo's body stayed in mid-air, and the arm that stretched out to Huang Yu's neck was only ten centimeters away, but he couldn't move at all.

At this time, Wu Mo realized Huang Yu's extraordinaryness.

The fact that the broken eyes cannot perceive does not mean that the human lord is an ordinary person. On the contrary, it is more likely that the strength of this human has completely exceeded the ability of the broken eyes!

How could it be possible... Even a superhuman existence could not escape the gaze of the delusional eyes.

How can this human... have such a powerful force?

What kind of monster is standing in front of him?

Facing Huang Yu, Wu Mo didn't even have a chance to get a phone call, and he fell into a brief period of self-doubt.

And Huang Yu smiled faintly and said:

"Your name is Wumo, right?"

"Are you ready to receive my gift?"

Hearing Huang Yu's words, Wu Mo felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

But before he could refuse, Wu Mo saw the human lord stretch out his palm to him.

In the center of the flawless white palm with slender knuckles, a mouth slowly opened.

In Wu Mo's terrified eyes, he bit its neck.


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