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Huanyu Outer City, in the manufacturing center park.

After walking out of the metal material processing workshop, Nan Xing took the five golden members of the Oneworld Alliance into the workshop where the armor was produced.

Accompanying these lords were Shilin and Yanyun Eighteen Riders.

Pointing to the seven production lines in front of him, Nan Xing showed pride and introduced to the five human lords:

"These seven production lines correspond to seven kinds of armor production processes, whether it is soft armor composed of leather or special fabrics, or plate armor, chain armor, sheet armor, scale armor, etc., as long as it does not exceed the excellent grade, we can do it all over the world. mechanized production.”

"And now in the workshop, except for the special positions of the factory director, workshop director, quality inspection and other special positions are apprentice-level casting divisions, all the main staff are ordinary citizens."

"Now our manufacturing center has provided more than 9,000 jobs for ordinary citizens of the territory, and the treatment is also the best among all ordinary citizens..."

Facing the lords of other territories, Nan Xing did not have any timidity and talked freely.

Because of the blessing of the amplification equipment, even the roar of the machine could not suppress his voice.

Since the establishment of the manufacturing center, it has experienced various ups and downs, and now it has finally developed and matured, and has been able to mass-produce equipment below the excellent grade.

Even the blasting magic pills, crystal blasting arrows, spearheads, and energy shields in the magic texture construction have their own production lines, especially the crystal blasting arrows that consume a lot of money, and now thousands of them are sent to each legion every day. middle.

The current manufacturing center has completely relieved the production burden of the Magic Weave Research Institute. The experts and masters in the Magic Weave Research Institute now only need to concentrate on research and production of excellent, perfect and extraordinary-grade equipment, without wasting low-grade equipment manufacturing. time.

In the period since Huang Yu exterminated the Guiluo territory, the Spartan training camp, the tiger and leopard cavalry camp, and the Amazon tribe have been upgraded to the fifth rank by Huang Yu.

The legions where the three extraordinary arms are located are the same as the Imperial Guard Battalion. They all have the architectural characteristics of the fifth-order extra preparation, and can accommodate 7,500 extraordinary arms.

With the help of the Universal Store and the Alliance Points Store, Huang Yu had accumulated a lot of soul crystals in his hands, and directly spent the soul crystals in his hands, adding 4,000 soldiers to each of the three extraordinary armies.

The increase in the number of arms also means that the demand for equipment has greatly increased. However, with the full launch of the manufacturing center industrial park, it took less than a month to create a new generation of 12,000 extraordinary arms. As well as the imperial guards and scarlet scars born in the early stage, all kinds of equipment have been created.

During this period, taking advantage of the surplus production capacity, Nanxing also organized workers to manufacture a batch of conventional weapons and armors, including excellent grades and rare grades.

After Huang Yu put it on the Huanyu store, it aroused the curiosity of some of the lords while attracting the lords to grab it.

The number of these pieces of equipment is extremely large, and even if they are all from the same casting master, it is impossible to be so similar, it is simply engraved in the same mold.

And these equipment still have the logo of the universe, but it is no longer the Blue Mountain Workshop or the Magic Pattern Research Institute, but the manufacturing center.

The lords of the Universal Alliance, who noticed the difference, expressed their desire to cooperate with Huang Yu at a golden council.

They are willing to order equipment from Huang Yu in large quantities at a price higher than that of the Universal Store, but lower than that of the Chaos Mall.

The requirement is that Huang Yu needs to be the first to fulfill their orders, rather than let them compete with the lords with a huge foundation.

In addition, the five golden members also applied to visit the Universal Manufacturing Center, wanting to see the production bases in the Universal Territory.

After thinking about it for a while, Huang Yu agreed to this matter on the basis that he could only use Universal Coins for internal transactions.

The five golden members were also unequivocal, and the total value of the first order was close to one thousand coins.

During yesterday's discussion on the lord's visit, Huang Yu approved the manufacturing center to add manufacturing center branches in four cities including Zhanyi City and Rising Sun City, and allowed Nanxing to open a separate production workshop for the magic pattern construction line.

This greatly increased the confidence of Nan Xing, who had been promoted to master.

As the person in charge of the manufacturing center, he finally led the manufacturing center to grow and develop. In a true sense, it has become a vital part of the territory in line with the first-level departments such as the Ministry of Government Affairs, the Ministry of Military Affairs, and the Magic Pattern Research Institute.

The five golden councilors looked at the huge devices, their eyes filled with desire and admiration in addition to shock.

Along the way, they have visited the workshops of the three manufacturing centers, from the production of daily necessities to the processing of raw materials, to the production and assembly of semi-finished products, and every aspect reflects the gap between the world and them.

I don’t know if I don’t see it, but I was startled when I saw it. The industrial development of the Universal Territory has reached this level!

If it is said that the Universal Territory has entered the modern era of Blue Star, then their territory is barely at the level of the Middle Ages.

"Consul Celine, are these equipment in the manufacturing center for sale?"

"I'm willing to pay no matter how much Universal Coin!"

Lord Kaguya looked at the rumbling devices with brilliance in his eyes.

If you can get these devices and analyze the technology and principles, it will definitely be a lot of wealth for the Kaguya territory.

Hearing Kaguya's question, the other four lords immediately turned their gazes to Shirin with anticipation in their eyes.

Although they also know that this is unlikely, even if there is a chance, they will try their best to try it.

However, the answer was destined to disappoint these lords.

Celine looked at everyone and showed an apologetic but polite smile~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said:

"The Universal Territory currently has no plans to sell these devices."

"If the lord thinks it is suitable, these devices will definitely appear in the Universal Store first."

"Please forgive me, all the lords."

Hearing Celine's words, the five lords all looked disappointed.

However, this answer was also expected by them, so they didn't dwell too much on this matter.

With the lessons of the last visit to the Universal Territory, the five lords were very restrained.

Later, while chatting with Celine about the cooperation, he asked side by side, wanting to dig more information about these devices from Nanxing.

However, they are the lords of Blue Star after all, and they don't know much about equipment casting. Nanxing, as a master-level casting master and an expert-level magic-textured constructor, used a few scrambled terms and made a lot of nonsense. The five lords were fooled.

These devices are the core of the establishment of the manufacturing center, and they are also the efforts of Nanxing. Without the consent of the Lord, he is unwilling to disclose the data of a single screw to others.

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