When he received the news from Celine, Huang Yu had just walked out of the Arcane Tower of the natural genre.

The fifth arcane tower of the Crown of Secrets has just risen to the fourth level today.

Huang Yu just came over, and he discussed with Carmela, the helm of the natural school, and asked them to imitate the wind of recovery in the arcane tower of the natural school in the newly built Acropolis, so as to increase the growth rate of vegetation in the area without fire.

When he learned that Lord Jialuo wanted to use the dragon fruit to hatch the giant dragon egg, Huang Yu agreed after a little thought.

Most of the exchanges between Huang Yu and the lord are related to interests, except that he has some friendship with the lord Jialuo, and it is nothing to help.

What's more, they also paid for it, the price is equivalent to two dragon summons, and said that even if the hatching fails, it doesn't matter, so Huang Yu has no scruples.

With a little effort, you can also earn some soul crystals and favors, which Huang Yu is naturally willing to do.

After walking out of the Arcane Tower of the natural school, Huang Yu came to the Hall of Mysterious Crown, which supported the five Arcane Towers.

At this time, people came and went in the hall, all of them were Arcanists wearing different styles of Arcane uniforms. There were hundreds of people at a glance, but most of them were apprentice-level Arcanists, and there were few formal Arcanists.

At present, among the five arcane schools of the Crown of Secrets, the elemental school and the force-magnetism school have both been promoted to the fifth order, and the summoning school, the mysterious school and the natural school are the same as the fourth order.

But the number of Arcanists that the entire Crown of Mysteries can accommodate has exceeded the thousand mark!

As long as Huang Yu is willing, he can easily organize a team of thousands of spellcasters. Due to the bonus of his status as an arcanist, the strength of this team of spellcasters is much stronger than that of mages of the same size and level. .

Huang Yu used to envy the Guiluo territory, but now he has too many spellcasters to use up.

Now in every branch city. There are 100 arcanists of various schools permanently stationed, and there are also dispatches in the six acropolis. The caster tutors in the Mage Academy are full, and even some special departments of the Ministry of Government also have arcanists.

The arcanist who was born in the crown of mystery has gradually merged with everything in the universe.

"Good morning, Lord!"

Just as Huang Yu was walking towards the crown of mystery, a slightly familiar voice greeted him.

When Huang Yu turned his head, he saw a slightly emaciated apprentice-level arcanist wearing a force-magnetism style arcane suit, saluting him.

"Oh, Evan, have you become an arcanist?"

Huang Yu was slightly surprised to see that it was the boy he had seen in the library.

With the growth of the professional training base, the Mage Academy, which is managed by the extraordinary master You An, has also developed better and better.

Until today, the Mage Academy has trained more than 200 Mage apprentices, and has even sent a formal Mage to various departments in the Universal Territory.

However, among these mage professionals, very few people break through the professional level and become arcanists.

The aptitude of Evan in front of him can only be said to be average, but now he is wearing an arcanist robe, which really surprised Huang Yu.

Lord, still remember my name!

Hearing Huang Yu calling out his name, Yiwen's admiration was a little more surprised.

In his heart, it is a great honor to be able to call out the name of a small person like him even though the lord is dealing with all kinds of opportunities.

What Evan didn't know was that Huang Yu's spiritual power was the first in the entire territory. With the blessing of powerful spiritual power, Huang Yu could be said to be unforgettable.

Not to mention a young man who made a good impression on himself, as long as he has been in contact with Huang Yu, he can call them by name.

Looking at the young man in front of him looking at him with admiration and forgetting to answer his own words, Huang Yu didn't care and looked at Evan with a smile.

After a while, Evan came back to his senses, remembered that he had not replied to Huang Yu, and quickly said:

"Lord Lord, I am not an arcanist yet, but an apprentice-level mage."

Ivan was a little ashamed, and said with shame:

"It's just that Mentor Ofir accepted me as an apprentice because he felt that I had the qualifications to become an arcanist."

"This arcane suit was also given to me by him."

Ofir, the head of the force magnetic school, is also one of the three arcanists Huang Yu first joined Huang Yu's command.

Although his talent is not as high as Suad and Levi, but he is also diligent and diligent, leading the force magnetic school to study the fifth-order arcane results.

At the same time, Ofir is also the honorary vice president of the Master College.

Being able to be seen by Ofir shows that Ivan has a shining point that is difficult for ordinary people to notice.

"Being favored by Ofir shows that you have the potential to become an arcanist."

Looking at the nervous teenager in front of him, Huang Yu patted Evan on the shoulder, smiled and encouraged:

"Come on, you can become an official arcanist one day."

"Thank you Lord Lord!"

Evan looked at Huang Yu firmly, only to feel how similar the scene at this time was to when he was in the library.

It's just that I was shy, dazed, and unconfident at that time. Although I am nervous now, I am firmly walking on the path of my dreams.

Huang Yu nodded, then turned around and walked out of the Crown of Mysteries.

Yiwen watched Huang Yu's back silently, and only withdrew his gaze until Huang Yu's figure disappeared outside the hall door.

Clenching his fist tightly, Evan made up his mind not to disappoint the lord...

After walking out of the Crown of Mysteries, Huang Yu directly teleported himself to the Magic Pattern Research Institute.

The government department has taken shape, Huang Yu has delegated many things, and now he does not need to worry about everything in the territory.

Only in some special cases, Huang Yu will personally intervene.

The reason why he came to the Magic Pattern Research Institute is that the Magic Pattern Research Institute has produced a good research result today.

In the laboratory building of the center of the Magic Pattern Research Institute, a pyramid-like metal frame structure is erected.

Through the gaps in these metal frame structures, Huang Yu could see a crystal structure of a spherical star fixed in the center.

Along with the continuous flickering of this crystal structure, the outer metal frame also flashed a streamer from time to time.

And this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the perfect creation of the Magic Pattern Research Institute - the communication base station.

Nodding to the surrounding casters who said hello, Huang Yu called up the information panel of the communication base station.

【Communication base station】

【Grade: Perfect】

[Introduction: Developed by Du Ruo, a master-level foundry at the Equipment Foundry Center of the Universal Magic Pattern Research Institute. The interior uses spiritual crystals and the external metal structure uses fine gold. It is a tool to assist communication and has a certain room for upgrading. 】

[Function: It can double the communication distance of the communication crystal, and keep the communication content of the communication crystal for three months, and locate and destroy the bound communication crystal...]


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