
Huang Yu shouted at the blue dragon flying towards the clouds.

Then he turned around abruptly and flew towards Huang Yu at a faster speed. He slipped and kneeled in front of Huang Yu, showing a flattering expression, and said to Huang Yu:

"Lord of the Dragons, Orona obeys your call!"

Orona is one of the giant dragons reincarnated by Huang Yu some time ago. She was originally the spouse of a concubine of Grace Dance, but she was smashed into a corner by Grace Dance.

The dragon family is promiscuous, and becoming a spouse is only to vent their desires or complete the obligation of continuation of the race. Mating is also the second mode when two dragons get along, apart from fighting.

But Orona's situation is a bit special.

Not only was her husband robbed by Grace, but she also fell into the hands of Grace... After a colorful experience, the blue dragon Orona laid three eggs of different dragon species ......

But in general, Orona is one of the few dragons reincarnated by Huang Yu who has experience in hatching dragon eggs.

And it's still a blue dragon, so it's just right to send it to look after this dragon egg.

"I'll give you this dragon egg."

With a wave of Huang Yu's hand, the blue dragon egg held up by the wind element energy slowly floated in front of Orona, and then continued.

"The vitality of this dragon egg is draining. Try to see if it can hatch."

"It's best to hatch, and it doesn't matter if you can't hatch."

Looking at the dragon egg in front of her, the blue dragon Orona had a headache.

As mentioned earlier, reproduction is sometimes just a dragon's responsibility, and hatching dragons is more of a tedious job for them than the joy it brings.

Nesting in the Dragon's Valley every day is boring enough, and finally slipped out to be lively and lively, but was stuffed into such a trouble by the Dragon Lord.

However, this is the first task that the Dragon Lord personally handed him.

In any case, this must be done properly!

Although instinctively reluctant, she revered the Lord of the Dragons in her heart and made Orona determined to do this well.

Gently holding the fragile blue dragon egg, Orona nodded to Huang Yu, then fluttered her wings into the sky, and rushed to her lair with the blue dragon egg.

After solving this trivial matter, Huang Yu began to hang out in the Dragon Valley.

After the Dragon Valley was promoted to the fourth-order building, there were no functions such as the summoning of the solitary dragon and the reincarnation of the giant dragon.

Thinking that the function of dragon summoning was only obtained when Dragon Valley was promoted to Tier 3, Huang Yu felt that if Dragon Valley wanted to activate the fourth function, it would almost have to wait until Dragon Valley was upgraded to Tier 5.

However, when Huang Yu upgraded the Dragon Valley, he added some special building materials, which added a lot of architectural features to the Dragon Valley, and even the number of dragons that could be accommodated was increased to 300.

Three hundred dragons!

If it takes shape, what kind of combat power will it be?

Huang Yu can't wait to consume the soul crystal immediately, carry out the reincarnation of the solitary dragon and the summoning of the giant dragon, and fill the nests of these giant dragons.

It is a pity that the three extraordinary arms buildings were first upgraded to the fifth rank, and then the Dragon Valley and the Hall of Valor were upgraded to the fourth rank, which consumed too much of Huang Yu's soul crystals and resources.

He currently does not have the ability to bear the daily needs of three hundred dragons.

You must know that the appetite of giant dragons is very exaggerated. A second-order young dragon can easily kill an adult bull.

And the giant dragon is also very picky eater. Some time ago, a giant dragon was not satisfied with the third-order wild monster Kuiu as food, and secretly attacked the Yalong species - Yanlongma, which was active in the Dragon Valley.

It was only later stopped by other giant dragons, and Huang Yu also caught him and brainwashed him again.

Of course, the main reason for restricting the expansion of Universal Dragon is not just supply difficulties.

There are also certain restrictions on the summoning of the solitary dragon and the reincarnation of the giant dragon.

The restriction on the reincarnation of the giant dragon is the real name of the giant dragon.

No matter how many Grace Dancers are willing to give her their real name, there must be few.

Up to now, Grace's real name in memory is complete, or the dragon that is close to complete has been reincarnated by Huang Yu.

If you want to be reincarnated again, you can only use your broken real name and pay several times the soul crystal for reincarnation.

Even Huang Yu can't afford to rely on the reincarnation of the giant dragon to fill the Dragon Valley.

Having no money to engage in the reincarnation of a giant dragon, Huang Yu later set his sights on the summoning of the Lone Dragon.

At first, the Lone Dragon Summoning went smoothly as before, with five summons, three of which were hatchlings or young dragons that had hatched and awakened their true names.

But after that, something went wrong.

Fewer and fewer giant dragons have hatched, and more and more dragon eggs are summoned. In the end, Huang Yu not only summoned the giant dragon egg five times in a row, but one of the dragon eggs had an extremely strong vitality. It didn't take long for it to become a dead egg.

Only then did Huang Yu understand that the more solitary dragons were summoned in a short period of time, the lower the probability of directly summoning a giant dragon.

This phenomenon was reflected in the first call of Lone Dragon, but Huang Yu didn't pay much attention at that time.

You can't eat fat in one go, but Huang Yu doesn't care much.

With the Dragon Valley, his subordinates will not be short of dragons...


Suddenly, a message prompt pops up.

"Almost forgot,

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"The distance is too far, beyond the range of the communication crystal, and I don't know how they are fighting..."

"However, I haven't heard of their big moves. How could someone be promoted to the king level?"

Since Atreus inherited the name of the **** of Pantheon, and the Spartan training camp was upgraded to the fifth level, he obtained the natural architectural characteristics of Linghui.

This is also the first time that the Spartan Legion has been promoted to the king-level army in the war~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

However, in the previous explosions, Huang Yu added 3,000 troops to the Spartan training camp, and as a result, the character exploded, and three of them became king-level troops.

Although he didn't directly train the god-level arms, the result was still exciting enough for Huang Yu, who had always been black-handed.

With the addition of these three king-level arms, coupled with the existence of Pan Sen, the Spartan Legion became a veritable First Legion.

Among the three new king-class arms, Astino is an augmented king-class arm, good at positional warfare.

Demos is a commander-type king-level soldier with red tattoos on his body, black hair, and a majestic face. His fighting ability is slightly stronger than Leonidas, but his commanding ability is slightly weaker.

The last king-level arm, Kratos, is an extremely pure fighting king.

He is tall, with a sickly white skin, natural fighting skills, and amazing physical fitness.

Among the four king-level arms, Kratos is the only one who can fight Pantheon for more than 50 rounds.

Now, among the Spartan warriors, the first person to be promoted to the king-level arm in battle has been born. The entire Spartan army already has one god, five kings and six super strong men!

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