In the end, under the leadership of Leonidas, the Spartan Legion arrived at the Bronze Dragon Territory one hour earlier than the Tiger Cavalry Legion, but the Spartan Legion was divided into two groups, and the Spartans led by Kratos The 6th Bada Corps is still cleaning up the remaining servants, and the Tiger Cavalry did not go to the Bronze Dragon territory until after the enemy had completely wiped out all the cavalry of the Tiger Cavalry, but most of the Spartan Corps were infantry. The marching speed is also not in the same order of magnitude. The two legions are secretly racing against each other. Who wins and who loses can only be seen by the benevolent. , was about to prepare to attack. According to the plan negotiated with Leonidas before, Xingxian ordered Meng to bring 2,000 tiger cavalry each, and attacked the bronze dragon territory from the flank. He gathered the remaining 3,500 tiger cavalry and formed a formation , ready to join the Spartan Legion to face the bronze dragon. There are various buildings in the territory, there are dwarves' bunkers, and there are mud giants' pools. These buildings of different races are only superficially divided. Together, there are no rules and regulations to speak of multi-ethnic mixing, so that the scope of the building has exceeded the construction area of ​​the fourth-order Linglong territory, and it is larger than the newly built Qingxi City. However, there is no construction in the entire bronze dragon territory. For the arrogant dragon, the defense of the city wall is only the master. This kind of building will not bring much trouble to the dragons, but now, the trend of offense and defense has changed. The charging tiger cavalry of the human army has the potential of fine cavalry, and it is dispatched quickly. It doesn't take long for the three tiger cavalry to take shape. When Wen saw the sound of the bright horn, he faced the Spartan army.

Slowly moving the giant hoof of the world, the ground also ended the Spartan legion that shook the blue light. Under the wrapping of the resonating wind, like a mountain and sea, it pressed towards the bronze dragon territory. Even Wen rode on red. Long Ya was hovering in the sky, and it seemed that he saw this scene in the tracks of the bronze dragon Fabilio, the searcher, and Winton felt bad. These "extremely vicious" Spartan warriors never thought about waiting for the tiger to ride and fight together. The enemy launched an attack and they wanted to conquer the bronze dragon's territory alone and eat the biggest result of the battle, only to leave some leftovers for the tiger cavalry army!

"These villains, leave some for us!"

He laughed fiercely, and did not pay attention to any tactics such as flanking, dividing the battlefield, encircling, chasing, blocking and other tactics. He glanced at Sen, and followed the three waves of troops that had been divided, went around to both sides of the Wen Legion, and launched the most advanced towards the Bronze Dragon Territory. When the world was brutally charged, when he led the tiger cavalry into the bronze dragon territory, the Spartan army had already pushed it to the belly of the bronze dragon territory. The place where the stone horn beasts trampled on was only broken walls, and many corpses of alien races were unrecognizable, like a mass Muddy mixed with weeds and dirt, looking at the Spartan army whose charging speed was not affected at all, he opened his mouth sharply, but he was speechless. Gunres, rushed to the center of the Bronze Dragon Territory, Fabilio's giant dragon. Although one thousand half-dragon people and nearly ten thousand servants of various ethnic groups were lost, according to the information, there are still some in the Bronze Dragon Territory. Five or six thousand of various alien races, although these alien races are not combat units, but with the blessing of racial values, they also possess certain combat power. In addition, there are also a thousand and a half dragons stationed in the bronze dragon territory, one half dragon. The king-level arms, as well as the three thousand blood arms such as dragon blood warriors, dragon vein warlocks, and dragon wing soldiers under their command, as for the dragon claw soldiers, dragon teeth soldiers, dragon wing soldiers and other low-level arms of the dragon family, although they are not affected by bronze dragons. Fabrio's attention is only used to do some chores and maintain the order of the territory, but the total number is also as many as four or five thousand. However, when Wen flew over the bronze dragon territory, not only did he not find the bronze dragon Fabie. Leo's deeds, even the half-dragon and the dragon army have not seen a single bronze dragon. In the whole territory of the bronze dragon, there are only low-level troops such as the foreign servants of the bronze dragon and the dragon tooth soldiers, which are invading the Spartan Legion. The resistance came to the top of the giant Xing jumped off the back of the red dragon, and the body wore the outer wall of the giant dragon and entered the giant dragon in this rough way. Except for an Ancestral Dragon floating in the air, there is no other big dragon, as if it was looted. The gems and precious items in it have all disappeared, but Xing can still see that the dragon is very large. Not long ago, he had transported goods in large quantities, and then thinking of the bronze dragon lord Fabrio who ran out inexplicably and was seriously injured by himself, Wen's heart couldn't help but move slightly: "Could it be that the bronze dragon, with his own The core subordinates escaped?"

Frowning, Xing walked out of the giant dragon, summoned Hong Longya, and forced it to patrol the entire bronze dragon territory again. During the time he entered the dragon, the rampaging stone horned beast knights had already worn the bronze dragon. However, the stone horned beast knights did not start with resources such as ordinary buildings and minerals, because they knew that these things were the resources that the lord could transform, so when Xing inspected the bronze territory again, they found that in the bronze dragon territory, there was a There are only some ordinary buildings that make low-level arms such as dragon tooth soldiers and dragon claw soldiers, and the resources such as minerals are even more pitiful. There are only some basic resources. This means that the bronze dragon territory has become an empty shell, and the entire territory The most valuable is the world lord Zu Longzhi. In order to destroy the Bronze Dragon Territory, they joined forces with the Tiger Cavalry Corps and waged the longest war since the establishment of the Yu Territory. The biggest gain is in the Bronze Dragon Territory. When the bronze dragon left, it took away a lot of resources, and the bronze dragon's territory was hollowed out and the war ended in this way, which was unacceptable to Xing and all the warriors who participated in the war. will not accept!

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