Just after it fell, there were alien invasions in the territory, which made Bronze Dragon's anger not a place. But after seeing the troublemaker, Bronze couldn't help being surprised. The two alien creatures were extremely powerful. One danced with eight swords and chopped Everything is like chopping tofu, and the other is simply a magic fort. Various low-level damaging spells are endlessly scattered, causing a lot of casualties to the Dragon Guard. Where did these two powerful creatures come from? from?

Although he was confused by the origins of Mo and Aier, Fabilio would not let the two let out a roar in his own territory, scolding Manus for leading people to besiege Mo, while he vibrated his wings and flew towards the elements. Yi'ai is nothing but the developed eyesight of the giant dragon clan, which not only allowed it to see the majestic Ai'er, but also the inconspicuous Huang Yu human being on the platform of a dragon castle? !

The fiasco not long ago made Fabilio have a big shadow on the human race. At this time, when he saw a human being, standing in his new territory, looking at himself with a smile, Fabilio couldn't help but think, Stopped on the dragon and dared not move forward. Then Fabrio called out Huang Yu's information. After seeing Huang Yu's human identity, he immediately thought of the terrifying dragon that flew from the south and was twice his size. Knowing that your enemy has caught up with the guide "!!!

Fabilio made several long sounds in succession, and then, the bronze dragon besieged the eight pole swordsman Huang Yu and the son of the element, Ai'er, and the dragons who knew a word or two of the dragon language were swarming. The arrogance, dare to come to it with two people: it is summoning its own blood, let them kill at all costs Finally, Fabilio let out a meaningless roar, and said vuien-ih it has no way out now, I can only fight to the death with Ning Zhuang. Today, the dragon cannot be left in the new territory forever, then it will never turn over. The dragon's roar resounds in the world, and the dragon-winged creatures rush towards the dragon. Released, and then swept by the wind and filled the entire territory, the blue streamer drilled into the body of the blood creature, the half-dragon's breathing ability became stronger, the dragon blood warrior's speed became faster, and the strength became greater. The blood of the Dragon Vein Sorcerer seems to be boiling. The speed of releasing the spell and the power of the spell have greatly increased. The bronze dragon Fabilio consumes the precious crystals in his cave piece by piece, and he will not die to pass on what he has learned. After all the spells were released and the spells were almost used, they also vibrated their wings and flew into the air, flying towards Ning Zhuang. Ignore it, even if his limbs were cut off, only Long was the only one in his eyes to face such a crazy enemy. Even if Aier and Ning Zhuang joined forces, they were still broken through the line of defense after Fabilio's indiscriminate dragon breath. The target blood creature, like a surging wave, rushed towards Ning Zhuang, who was isolated on the platform of the Dragon Fort. However, in the face of such a dangerous situation, the dragon calmly raised his hand and released the power of time and space to kill!

Without warning, within 30 meters of the dragon as the center, all the creatures that entered this area turned into irregular fragments. Together, all those who rush up will be brutally cut open, and their complete corpses will be swallowed by the space crack that acts as a blade after a while, thus making room for more of the same clan to be stabbed. "Dragon blood warriors retreat!"

"Half-dragon people use dragon breath!"

"Dragon Vein Warlock releases spells!"

"Attack him with spell abilities!"

The tragic phenomenon created by the Dimensional Strangulation made Fabrio take a deep breath. It quickly stopped the attack of the Guards Lu, and switched to using magic attacks to deal with Ning Zhuang but the power of time and space as the power of chaos and the power of the void. How can the ability of the same existence be destroyed by the special magic ability? In the face of a new round of attacks from the enemy, the dragon's hand flips over, the dimensional strangulation disappears, and the law of Hunquan·Hunyuan Wuji unfolds. The magic that strikes the dragon keeps flying, but But almost all of them stayed thirty meters away. They were layered on top of each other. They seemed to be almost integrated, but they seemed to be chasing after a long distance. They never approached each other. Before, they used Hunyuan Wuji to drive. But with the advent of the God of Time and Space, Ning Zhuang has a more convenient, rapid and varied displacement, and the real ability of Hunyuan Wuji is to collect and radiate energy, including shortening/growing and the goal. The distance can sometimes even make the target closer, the more unable to reach yourself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that is, it will never hit!

When closing, it is either oneself or an attack that ignores a certain distance of space, reaches the target in front of time, and achieves the effect of moving. In the past period of time, the dragon has barely grasped a part of the dragon's position in the eyes of outsiders. The magic energy ball composed of various colors is fixed on a slender dragon tower column until the energy consumption of the half-dragon and the dragon vein warlock is almost the same, and the energy ball dissipates little by little. During this period, no one is there. Dare to touch the ball of energy, the energy in it is always reminding them of the safety contained in it, and Fabrio's mood has changed from anticipation to doubt, and then to fear because, when the energy ball completely dissipated , it saw the intact dragon standing on the platform of the Dragon Fort "I could have captured you by myself"

"But now, I've changed my mind"

The dragon raised the Yuanzhikong jade full of energy and ended the induction of the Hall of Valor. "My heroic warriors still need some meritorious deeds to win the praise and praise of their fellow clansmen. "And you and your horse, it is better to turn into their deeds. The opposite case in ! "

As soon as the dragon's voice fell, a golden light shot up into the sky. After that, the phantom of the Hall of Valor emerged above the bronze dragon's territory, and then gradually turned into an entity. "

A heavy and long roar echoed between the heavens and the earth. The spirit essence of the Hall of Valor was tossing in the sea of ​​​​clouds with the dragon, and nearly 2,000 heroic spirits in the Hall of Valor, followed by Rios, lined up and stepped out of the Hall of Valor, like divine soldiers. The sky is special, kill the aliens below!

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