Lord of the People: Discount Artifact For Signing In at the Start

Chapter 356: The pioneer of world development

Out of the castle, dusk has come.

The Valhalla, with white gold as the main tone, shines in the north of the inner city, giving people a sacred and solemn feeling.

Huang Yu's figure flashed, and he came to the Hall of Valor and walked in.

The empty Hall of Valor is like a starry sky at the top.

Tens of thousands of British soul imprints are silent in the starry sky, and normal people cannot see them.

Only Huang Yu, who has the main seal, and the Spiritual Yuan of the Hall of Valor, can see these heroic soul seals that have not been activated, and see the warriors and heroes represented by these soul seals.

The only thing that the residents could see were ninety-three soul marks of the hero that exuded a holy light.

These ninety-three British Soul Seals are the British Soul Seals that were activated during this period of time.

Among them, ten of the British Soul Seals are the most radiant.

What it represents is that the ten have been transformed into heroic spirits by Huang Yu.

Now it is turning into a stone statue and entering a state of sleep, accepting the praise and worship of the people.

"Lord Lord!"

Seeing Huang Yu's arrival, the ten heroic spirits in the Hall of Heroes immediately woke up and came to greet Huang Yu.

Among them, Dirios is now a fourth-order heroic spirit, and his image is very different from before his death.

The armor condensed by the power of faith on his body has many elements of dragons.

Appearance and behavior have also become calm and restrained.

It is difficult to see that he is actually a Berserker among the seven major occupations of the Hall of Valor.

The other nine heroic spirits are all at the third or even second rank.

Compared with Dilios, their "renown" is not high, and their own deeds are also lackluster, mostly from the beautification and enrichment of Huang Yu's men.

Therefore, in the acquisition of the power of faith, Dirios is much worse.

Huang Yu looked at Dilios and called up his information panel.

【Heroic Spirit: Dirios】

[Level: Level 4]

【Class: Berserker】

[Power of Faith: 31612]

[Holy Artifact - Frontier of Universal Development (casting...)

Dirios, as the first hero of the universe, is a well-known figure in the universe.

In the early days of the establishment of the Universal Territory, Dilios was the bravest and most fearless warrior under the lord of the Universal Territory, and was the backbone of defeating powerful enemies and defending the territory in the early days of the Universal Territory!

He has made countless achievements and made great contributions to the rise of the Universal Territory, so many people in the Universal Territory regard him as one of the biggest contributors to the rise of the Territory...]

[Holy Soul - Heroic Chengren (condensing...)

Dirios dedicated everything to the world territory. In the sneak attack of the orcs, he led the Spartan warriors to successfully break through, but he was heroic in order to protect his men.

His deeds are not only respected and praised by all people in the world, but also an inspiration to every Spartan warrior...]


Looking at the information on Dilios' panel, after seeing the information on the holy artifact and holy soul, Huang Yu felt a sense of disappointment in his heart.

Among Huang Yu's many subordinates, Di Rios is a relatively special one.

The holy artifact "Frontier of World Development" reflects Dilios' status in the world territory.

Even after his death, this status cannot be replaced and is passed on forever.

The Holy Spirit's "heroic benevolence" embodies the spirit left by Dilios.

Especially the influence on the Spartans.

Astinos, who was rescued by Dilios with his life, has always remained at the forefront of the first echelon under the Five Kings.

The same batch of Phaedra, Ganix, and Athonas also shined in different fields and made great achievements.

More or less, they were all inspired by Dirios.

"The Frontier of Universal Development" and "Heroic Success" are both still in the process of being conceived, and Huang Yu is temporarily unable to view their specific information.

So Huang Yu looked at the other nine heroic spirits.

However, what made him regret was that the other nine heroic spirits did not obtain the Holy Artifact and Holy Soul for the time being.

Dirios is special, and the other nine Heroic Spirits are also believed by the people.

But compared with the status of Dirios, they are much inferior.


Huang Yu chatted with Dilios and others for a while, and then let them retreat.

Afterwards, Ling Yuan of the Hall of Valor came to Huang Yu.

Looking at Yuan, Huang Yu asked:

"Yuan, have you felt any changes in this upgrade of the Hall of Valor?"

Hearing Huang Yu's question, Yuan Zhang spat out a ring and said to Huang Yu:

"Master, are you talking about this?"

The ring is as warm as jade, pale gold, and the shape is very ordinary.

Huang Yu glanced at it and knew that the ring was Yuan's Kongyu.

Yuan crawled on Huang Yu's shoulders and explained:

"Master, using this empty jade, you can summon me anytime, anywhere!"

"Besides, I am a spirit of the Hall of Valor, and I can use the rights of the Hall of Valor, and my empty jade authority is also above the empty jade of the heroic spirit."

"Using this ring, you can also summon all the heroic spirits in the Hall of Valor from anywhere!"

Hearing Yuan's words, Huang Yu's eyes lit up.

He came this time mainly to check the upgrade of the Hall of Heroes, and by the way, convert the remaining 83 activated Heroic Soul Seals into Heroic Spirits.

A total of 93 Heroic Spirits means that there are 93 Heroic Spirit Void Jade.

Heroic spirits are a powerful force, and if they are all in his hands, it is difficult to make full use of them.

The most appropriate usage is to assign them to different legions.

Now that he has Yuan's Kongyu, he can safely hand over the Kongyu of other Heroic Spirits to the various legions.

In addition, using the characteristics of Kongyu, you can also perform mercenary services with other lords.

The operating space is suddenly much larger.

Taking Yuan's Kongyu in his hand, Huang Yu opened the information interface of the Hall of Heroes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and prepared to convert the remaining 83 activated Heroic Soul Seals into Heroic Spirit units.

In the Hall of Valor, apart from the expansion of the space, other superficial changes are not obvious.

With the help of the Ying Soul Seal, Huang Yu consumed nearly 740,000 soul crystals to convert all activated Ying Soul Seals into heroic spirits at one time.

As the soul crystal disappeared from the account, the golden light came one after another, projecting from the activated soul imprints into the hall.

When all the golden light dissipated, there were 83 more golden statues in the hall.

"See Lord Lord!"

"Thank you Lord Lord for giving me the opportunity to continue to fight for the universe!"

The eighty-three golden statues woke up collectively, and after realizing their state, they immediately thanked Huang Yuxing.

"Free gift!"

Huang Yu waved his hand and looked at the ninety-three heroic spirits in front of him.

Although most of them are Tier 1 at present, they are all of the same tier in terms of combat power as heroic units.

Moreover, now that the population of the territory has exploded, the speed at which Heroic Spirits acquire the power of faith should increase.

However, 83 new Heroic Spirits were added in order to increase the influence of ordinary citizens on them.

Shilin and the government department under her command have to prepare a lot of talk plans, in order to increase the popularity of heroic spirits, so as to improve the efficiency of obtaining the power of faith.

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