"These chops are really unreliable!"

"It's a dream to ask me to give up the position of Tiger Alliance leader!"

"Get me out of the Tiger Alliance!"

In the castle of Tiger Territory, after seeing his request for help, the tiger lord not only remained unmoved, but intimidated and persuaded the orc lords to give up the position of the alliance.

A surge of anger surged into his heart, and the lords were kicked out of the Tiger Alliance one by one.

As a tiger man, one of the royal family of half-orcs, it will never accept coercion from others.

The future of the Orcs?

what to do with me!

Without my future, why should I sacrifice?

Grabbing the blood food served by several Manke servants, the tiger lord devoured it like a vent.

During this period of time, it received support messages from the alliance one after another, and its complexion gradually improved.

An alliance that has been painstakingly maintained, after all, some people are willing to support it.

However, when the tiger lord accepted reinforcements and saw the reinforcements in front of the castle, his expression sank again.

The total number is less than 1,000, and they are basically crooked melons and jujubes. When they gather together, they are completely a mob.

Among them, he couldn't even see an excellent class of arms, and there were even some lords who fooled him with ordinary people.


The tiger lord let out a low roar, stared coldly at the soldiers in front of him for a moment, and finally resisted the desire to vent his anger.

Call a tiger centurion and let him lead these rabble with his subordinates.

When the enemy comes, send it directly to attract enemy fire.

"The Elephant Man betrayed!!"

Just as the tiger lord was preparing to meet the ancestors in the hall, looking for a way to increase the strength of the territory, a shrill roar came from the foot of the mountain.

Hearing "The Elephant Man Betrayed", the tiger man lord was shocked.

He waved his hand and summoned a four-eyed demon tiger entrenched outside the castle, riding the demon tiger and galloping down the mountain,

By the time the tiger lord rushed down the mountain, the territory was already in chaos.

The Elephant Humans went crazy for some reason, slamming into the buildings of the territory.

The wild boars who came to maintain order were chased by elephants and ran around, and there were even casualties.

Bang bang bang!

The tiger man lord jumped out of the four-eyed demon tiger, turned into a golden light, and subdued the crazy elephant man with one punch.

Later, tiger warriors came and surrounded the elephant, and the mad elephant was gradually brought under control.

Hammering the last elephant man into the air, the tiger man lord sighed in relief, feeling that the pent-up anger had been released.

Only then did he turn his head to look at the surrounded elephant man, and asked in a deep voice:

"You guys, are you going to betray Tiger's territory?"


Hearing the tiger lord's question, an elephant man raised his head to the sky and let out a long, mournful roar, and then looked at the tiger lord. In addition to sadness, there was an inexplicable doubt in his eyes.

Looking at the tiger man lord, the elephant man spit out white steam from his nose, and said in an incomprehensible tone:

"My lord, our leader has been assassinated."

what! !

The tiger lord's expression froze, and his heart was extremely horrified.

Who assassinated the Elephant Lord?

Has there been an enemy sneaking in in your own territory?


The tiger lord took a cryptic glance at the pond where the crocodile was, and it was as calm as ever, and there was no chaos caused by the madness of the elephant man.

Under the internal and external troubles, it also has other views on other races in the territory.

After a while, the body of the Elephant Lord was brought over.

His burly body was full of scars.

The sturdy limbs and joints, and the relatively weak defenses of the abdomen have knife marks.

The powerful long nose was also cut into three sections.

The deepest and deadliest wound was on the neck of the leader of the elephant man.

The tiger man lord took a look and knew that the elephant man leader was slowly tortured and killed by the enemy in a way of teasing.

And it didn't take long to die.

This guy will not die sooner or later, but he will die at this time!

The tiger man lord complained silently in his heart, but after thinking of the expression of the elephant man just now, the tiger man lord's expression gradually became ugly again.

Not to mention who the enemy is, killing the enemy of the elephant man leader is very close to the tiger man.

They all like to torture their prey, and only after the enemy has completely died and resisted their ability will they give it the final blow...

Looking at the excited elephant people, the tiger lord felt a headache.

Enduring the suffocation in his heart, the tiger lord said to the hero unit among the target people:

"At the moment of the enemy, don't be fooled by the enemy."

"After this war, I will give you an explanation."

"As a lord, I don't need to destroy the Great Wall by myself at this time!"

In the territory of Tiger, there are actually some contradictions between the elephant and the tiger.

The territory of the elephant man was actually occupied by the tiger man lord forcibly, and during the war, both sides suffered a lot of casualties.

Finally, in order to survive, the lord of the elephants led the remaining elephants to join the Tiger Territory.

In the follow-up, because of the tiger lord's watch out, the elephants were not happy in the Tiger Territory.

But the tiger lord really didn't want to kill the elephant lord. On the contrary, he wanted to bring these elephant people under his command.

After all, in terms of individual combat power, these Elephants are the most territorial, even the Tigers and Crocodiles are far inferior.


The people who saw the elephants took heavy steps, ignoring the body of their lord, and slowly walked towards the residence of their own race.

The tiger man lord lowered his eyelids and looked indifferent.

"Investigate everyone in the territory!"

"Look at who has entered the Elephant Man territory during this time!"

"Go and tell Neil, if it dares to delay, the Feathermen will have to contribute to Tiger Territory in terms of food!"

Turning his head, the tiger lord's expression gradually became hideous.

While walking towards his castle, he issued various orders.

However, at this moment.

Stones fell from the mountain in pieces, smashing the orcs down the mountain.

The tiger lord swept up a wave of air all over his body, easily shattering the falling rocks.

Then he turned around and looked outside the city in disbelief.


"The Spartan Legion and the Amazon Legion are all dispatched!"

"The Imperial Guards left a thousand people stationed in Universal City, and the remaining 400 people merged with Kate War Princess to temporarily serve as my personal guard!"

"After the East Expedition team goes out, the entire city is under martial law, and no one is allowed to go out!"

"The Crown of Mysteries sent fifty people to form a mage group~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to go out with the army."

"All the eight golden men are dispatched, Celine, give me all the energy crystals."

"Leonidas, cooperate with Jiang Chengzi, we will keep them all!"


An emergency meeting is taking place in the Tinder Hall.

Following Huang Yu's order, the entire universe quickly began to operate.

Due to a sudden change, the time for the eastward expedition to the orc territory is now advanced.

Except for the thousand imperial guards, all the troops in Huanyu City will go to war.

Even the tigers and leopards in Zhanyicheng have to participate in this battle.

This is an unprecedented large-scale war!

"Get ready now, we'll leave in an hour!"

"Follow your orders! Lord Lord!"


The five legion commanders, Celine, and Suad hurriedly walked out of the Tinder Hall.

Huang Yu, on the other hand, sat on the main seat and looked in the direction of the fourth-order half-orc territory again.

The original half-orc ancestral totem is now almost sticking together with the four equally vague totem poles.

Those orcs are back!

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