Looking west.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and tall ancient trees protruded out of the green sea, pointing to the sky like spears and hammers.

The cold wind before the fall also dyed it a little orange, and looking around, it is full of Xiao Su.

"Something's not quite right..."

Looking at the seemingly endless western forest, the orc prophet Ragnar felt a sense of unease in his heart, but he didn't know where it came from.

Roaming outside with the orc coalition.

In the past half a month, they have destroyed many alien territories, and relying on soul crystals to obtain a lot of powerful warriors and equipment from the ancestral land.

Halfway through, they also absorbed the Blackstone tribe, and now the number of coalition forces has exceeded 15,000!

Along the way, I have never encountered an enemy that can resist a little.

Whether it is the black dwarves of the advanced race, or the believers who have been spurned by the ancestral land, they cannot stop the attack of the orc coalition.

Now, if we can destroy the half-orc territory in this mountain-forest junction area, whether it is forest, grassland or mountain, it will open the door to the allied army of orcs.

Controlling this area can be said to be just around the corner.

But just now, Ragnar suddenly felt that something bad was about to happen.

As an orc prophet who is proficient in the mysterious ability, this kind of bad premonition often indicates that something unfavorable to him will happen.

"The west......"

Ragnar frowned, thinking of that human territory involuntarily.

That human territory is not weak, especially that extraordinary army.

But in his impression, the orc territory is hundreds of kilometers away from the human territory, and should not have the ability to affect the war here.

Ragnar hesitated for a moment. In order to prevent accidents, he decided to make a prediction.

It believes that its intuition will not be wrong, even if it is not that human territory, there should be other factors that affect the next battle situation.

Standing in the tent, Ragnar directed several orc priests to prepare the prophecy ceremony.

However, considering the upcoming battle, Ragnar is not prepared to spend too much money to carry out a large-scale prophecy.

The flame rose from the basin, and various materials were thrown into it one after another, and the strange smell of blue smoke quickly filled the entire tent.

Ragnar slashed his wrist with a bone knife made from a rib.

Then the sprayed blood was thrown into the blue smoke.

In the eyes of outsiders, Ragnar fell into a sluggishness after he mutilated himself.

His eyes rolled up, revealing more whites, and his body trembled, as if he was having an epileptic fit.

But in Ragnar's eyes, it was traveling through chaos at the moment, following the guidance of prophecy to pursue the unease in his heart.

It didn't take long for its consciousness to capture the image of the prophecy.

The sun was high, and the orc territory was in ruins.

The orcs who won the victory welcomed a human army.

The picture paused, and the human army was surrounded by the orc coalition forces.

The human lord led the army to fight desperately, trying to break through the siege of the orcs and escape.

At this moment, Magatha, the lord of the Blood Chain Tribe, suddenly appeared beside the human lord.

Before the warrior beside the human lord could react, he dragged the human lord into the shadow barrier.

After losing the lord, the human army was in chaos.

Eighteen powerful human hero units jumped out of it, struggling to slaughter the heroic orc warriors, and approaching their own direction.

The screen froze again.

After recovering, the human army that had just fought disappeared.

Only the leader of the eighteen human beings was left, and their bodies flashed one after another.

The screen is interrupted.

The prophecy ceremony ends.

The soaring flames seemed to breathe, and instantly sucked away the blue smoke that filled the tent.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Orc Prophet Ragnar turned pale, clutching his chest and coughing in pain.

After a while, it straightened up and took out a potion to take.

"The anxiety in my heart comes from tomorrow."

"Those humans also came to the orc territory, but we were preempted by us..."

"Even the whole army was destroyed under the siege of the orcs, and I was accidentally assassinated by a human, and the result... unknown."

In the results of the prophecy, there was no picture of his own death.

Ragnar also felt that he would not be easily killed by a human.

Although it is not good at fighting and does not have a strong body, its life-saving ability is not bad.

The faint throbbing in his heart, at most, shows that he has been hit hard.

Moreover, knowing the result, Ragnar has the ability to avoid such unfavorable things from happening.

Even at a lower cost, all those humans can be wiped out!

"See if Magatha is back?"

"If you come back, let it come over, I have something to discuss with it."

"By the way, call the lords of the other three tribes."

Ragnar commanded a few words outside the tent, and an orc priest should claim that he was and quickly left here.

It didn't take long for footsteps to sound outside the tent, and three burly orc lords walked into the tent one after another.

It was Orgmar of the Demonhoof Tribe, Bago of the Red Banner Tribe, and Novalu of the Blackrock Tribe.

After the three came in, they sat down on their own, and Orgma, who was the leader, sniffed the smell in the tent.

After seeing Ragnar's slightly weak expression, he asked with concern:

"Prophet, you just made a prophecy?"

"How did the prophecy turn out?"

"Will it affect our next war?"

When the lords of the other tribe heard it, they immediately cast their eyes on Ragnar.

Looking at the three, Ragnar was a little complicated.

In the final scene of the prophecy, a human hero unit actually crossed Orgma, Bago, and Novalu one after another and came to him.

If there is nothing tricky about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ragnar himself would not believe it.

The coalition is indeed expanding, but its contradictions are also increasing.

What's more, the orcs are a race that believes in the law of the jungle, and they have been strife in the ancestral land.

He can bring the four tribes together as a prophet, but after all, he is a member of the Blood Chain tribe.

There are some things that can't be fair no matter what.

Looking at the three orcs, Ragnar said calmly:

"Wait for Magatha to come back and discuss together."

Hearing Ragnar's words, Bago leaned back and sneered:

"Who knows where that crazy woman has gone!"

"We're about to start a war, and it can't even see a shadow!"

"As a lord, I always like to do things like stealing chickens..."

"Okay, Bago." Orgmar glanced at Ragnar and interrupted Bago, "The battle hasn't started yet, just wait for a while with the Prophet."

Before he finished speaking, a figure with a strong **** smell suddenly appeared in the tent.

Then, a hoarse female voice sounded.

"Bago, you look like a goblin mother who digs a mouse."

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