The Amazon legion came the fastest, and the southern region was blocked by this time.

The tiger and leopard had the strongest ability to ride, and at this time, they had guarded the throat area of ​​the northern forest and the eastern mountain, cutting off the back road of the allied orcs.

The Spartan Legion marched slower, but Huang Yu had already seen the seven tall golden men, and apparently reached the battlefield smoothly.

The only shortcoming now is that the speed of dealing with the orcs on my side is a little slower.

Huang Yu retracted his gaze from the disintegrating orc coalition, looked at the half-orcs who were stubbornly resisting on the mountain, and said:

"Dirios, get rid of these orcs quickly!"

"If you drag it on, those orcs will slip away!"

Hearing Huang Yu's words, Dilios swept his sword and cut the three crocodile men into two pieces.

Then frowned, looking at the orc tribe that was sneaking away from the north.

After becoming a heroic spirit, under the influence of the power of faith, the emotions and desires of the heroic spirit will also be eliminated to a certain extent.

As the strongest Heroic Spirit except for the Spiritual Essence of the Hall of Valor.

Di Rios's already has a bit of a look of not being happy with things and not feeling sad about himself.

But after seeing the orcs who wanted to escape, Dirios had a rare look of anger on his face.

This anger conformed to his "Berzy Warrior" class, and like a catalyst, a pale golden energy flame was formed on him.

After seeing the special reaction that appeared on Dilios, Huang Yu's eyes lit up.

Because the information panel of Dirios shows that this is the holy soul of Dirios - a heroic achievement!

Dirios died in a surprise attack by orcs, and died to protect his comrades.

Now, seeing that the orcs were about to slip away, Dilios hit the hidden anger, and successfully condensed the holy soul into a heroic benevolence!

Against the backdrop of the flames formed by the power of faith, Dilios immediately became the most dazzling man on the battlefield.

Even Tigerman Lord Tiger couldn't help but look sideways, vaguely, from Dilios' holy soul, felt something similar to the Dance of Blood Flames.


Dirios threw out his teeth, and a wave of white fire rushed towards the orcs.

The half-orc who was slashed did not have any scars on his body, but the golden flames spewed from his eyes.

Before taking a few steps, he fell to the ground and lost his life.


Dirios roared angrily and rushed into the orcs to kill the Quartet.

In less than a minute, there were more than 30 orc corpses on the ground with no injuries.

After seeing this scene, Tiger was stunned, and the blood inflammation on his body faded again, giving it surging energy, crossing the intercepted Atreus, and rushing towards Huang Yu without hesitation.

"Master, leave it to me!"

Emile, who was waiting behind Huang Yu, took the initiative to ask Ying after seeing Tiger rushing forward.

Huang Yu took back Chaos Drift, nodded, and agreed to Emile's request.

The scarlet cloak swung, and Emile turned into a red light and rushed towards Tiger.

Before anyone arrived, all kinds of magic attacks had come to Tiger.

Blood spells, elemental spells, natural spells... all kinds of spells are overwhelming, blocking Tiger's moving space.

Seeing that there is no way to avoid it, Tiger can only pour out the radiance of the sky again.

The colorful arc light annihilated the large spells, and after the arc light condensed, Tiger's body returned to normal size, and all the blood inflammation on his body disappeared.

At this time, Tiger's physical strength was still good, but he was no longer able to gain gains from the Dance of Blood Flames.

And Emile and Atris have also approached it, one after the other, besieging it.


The two magic-guided cannons lashed out again, blowing up a group of orcs beyond recognition.

And the Spirit Yuan of the Hall of Heroes floating in the air also released the first lethal divine technique.

Holy Light Judgment!


After charging for a moment, the spirit essence of the Hall of Valor spit out a column of pure white light that was thicker than the angel's holy light ruling.

The beam of light swept through the orcs, and wherever it went, everything vanished, and even the ground was plowed into a deep groove.

This blow directly obliterated fifty or sixty orcs.

And the number of Orcs surviving on the battlefield is less than a thousand.


Seeing that the defeat was decided, Tiger let out a roar, his eyes were scarlet, and he launched a manic attack on Emile regardless of the attack of Atreus behind him.

However, the increase in the blood flame dance disappeared, and its sharp claws also retracted to the normal size, both the attack range and the attack power were greatly weakened.

The pair of tiger claws scratched on Emile's perfect-grade armor, and could only bring out a few wisps of sparks.


The swung claw blade fluttered in the air.

Using the shadow jump, Emile suddenly disappeared from Tiger's face. When Tiger felt the danger, a dagger had been inserted into its chest.


He kicked Emile away with one kick, Tiger clenched his teeth, and when he wanted to pounce on him, he felt his body fly up.

Atreus charged with a shot, which directly chilled Tiger's heart.

Then he lifted Tiger's body up and slammed it to the ground.

"Cough cough!"

Tiger coughed up a lot of blood, covered his chest with his left hand, and watched Emile come towards him.

The experience of the arena, it still maintains the idea of ​​struggling again.

But the heart was penetrated, and the strength of the whole body was also released like air.

His body twitched, and Tiger gave Emile a hideous smile.

But Emile just sneered and pinned the dagger into Tiger's head.

Tiger's body froze, his pupils dilated, his left hand clutching his chest slipped down weakly.

This tiger lord, who may be able to leave the name of the king in the half-orc history, ended his legend in the Chaos Continent.

【Ding! 】

[Your warriors killed the alien race - the tiger lord! 】

[You get 750,000 experience points and 660,000 soul crystals! 】


"If there is blood it would be a good first-time embrace target!"

Seeing the tiger lord fall, Huang Yu felt a little pity, then turned around and walked into the castle in Tiger's territory.

Different races, and even the special materials invested in upgrading, have different shapes and structures of castles in the territory.

However, no matter which territory the castle is, the first floor of the main castle is the main hall where the lord's authority is placed.

So Huang Yu quickly found the ancestor totem of the tiger people.

On this ancestral totem is a tall tiger man roaring from the top of the mountain.

On the hillside below him, there are also hundreds of orcs of different races kneeling.

Among them, the Elephant Man, Crocodile Man, Werewolf, etc., the races that appear in Tiger's territory, have a clearer image.

Huang Yu looked at the ancestor totem in front of him, and the information prompt automatically jumped out.

[You have occupied the tiger people's territory and found the lordship of the tiger people - the ancestor totem! 】

【Whether to occupy! 】




【Please choose the occupation method! 】


"break down!"

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