At the price of two extraordinary-grade healing potions, Ruiana got the assistance of the Eighteen Horsemen of Yanyun.

After watching just a few minutes, Yan Liu and Yan Shiqi became vigorous.

Ruianna gave Yan an angry look, and then began to deploy the manpower for the formation.

In fact, it is not impossible for the 18 heroic units to squeeze out the Amazon female warriors.

The Amazon female warriors now have more than 200 heroic units, and one-third of the Amazon female warriors have the same potential as the Yanyun Eighteen Riders.

But the eighteen Amazon female warriors, compared with the eighteen cavalry of Yanyun, are completely different when they fight together.

Even if Ryana and Citeria Qi went into battle, and led the heroic units of the sixteen Amazon female warriors to compete with the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun led by Yan Yi, they would not necessarily be their opponents.

Each of the eighteen people created by heaven is a very special existence, with uniqueness.

Their tacit understanding in battle, as well as the resonance and enhancement of various abilities, make them a terrifying combat force!

Therefore, even if she loses two extraordinary-grade healing potions, Ruiana will use Yan Yun's Eighteen Riders as the tip of her knife and stab at the core of the Blood Chain Tribe!

Staff were quickly arranged.

Using the reserves in Yan Yi and Ruiana's space rings, Yan Yun's Eighteen Riders once again armed themselves to the extreme, and then rode on the eighteen black-scaled leopards that the Amazon female warriors had come over.

Seeing Ruiana's unhappy look, Yan Yi smiled and shouted to his brothers:

"Brothers, you have to perform well later!"

"Take all the strength to breastfeed!"

"Let the Queen of Morning Star see that her two extraordinary-grade potions have no white flowers!"

Hearing Yan Yi's words, the remaining seventeen people started booing, and there was a cheerful atmosphere on the originally serious battlefield.

Hearing Yan Yi's words, the corners of Rianna's mouth twitched, and she turned and jumped onto the back of the green dragon Valerie.

She patted the green dragon Valerie on the neck, and when the green dragon Valerie fluttered and took off, Ryana shouted to the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun:

"If you've had enough trouble, go meet Citeria!"

"I will guide you from heaven!"

"I want you to dismember these orcs like you cut a cake!"


"Yes, Queen Morning Star!"

Yan Yi pretended and saluted Ryana.

But when the green dragon Valerie flew into the air, the dust fanned up and choked his nose.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Yan Yun Shiba rode a black-scaled leopard and sprang out of the dust.

Seeing that the green dragon Valerie had already carried Ryana into the air and rushed towards the army of orcs, she quickly urged the black-scaled leopard to chase after her.

Halfway through the journey, Citeria also took the hero units of the 89 Amazon female warriors and followed behind the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun.

In order to avoid discord in tactics and interfere with the performance of the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun, the Amazon female warrior is willing to be a green leaf.

Their trip was to create a better special combat environment for the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun.

In this trip, the eighteen cavalry of Yanyun are the halberd blades, the Amazon female warriors are the halberd handles, and the sky's Ryana is the halberd bearer.

Next, Ryana will control this unparalleled halberd composed of two king-level units and 106 heroic units, and precisely perform a nerve-blocking operation for the blood chain tribe!


Accompanied by the sharp whimper of the Iron Feather Griffin.

Baggo rode a Kodo beast and led his men to rush out like crazy.

Warm blood dripped like rain, and silver-white feathers flew all over the sky.

Every heavy breath was mixed with the smell of blood, which stimulated Bago's nerves and made his expression even more sinister.

sassy sassy!

The branches and leaves in the jungle trembled, and the sound stopped for a moment.

An icy fog, like rapidly melting dry ice, instantly covered the dense forest in the direction Lebago was heading.

Wherever he went, frost condensed on the trunks, leaves, flowers, shrubs... more abruptly wrapped by ice crystals.


The blue dragon in the sky let out a roar.

The dragon beasts and iron-feather griffins that stopped the Chiqi tribe flew into the sky.

One of the iron-feathered griffins moved slowly, and when they encountered the ice fog, one of their wings was sealed by ice crystals and fell to the ground.

Bago slashed the iron feather griffin in two.

Blood spilled on Bago's face, and the warmth dissipated extremely quickly, like an illusion.

Before Baggo could react, the blood turned into red frost in an instant, sticking to the skin, giving Baggo a biting pain.

Bago only felt like he had fallen into an ice cellar, and every breath was like a fine ice blade scraping his tender nasal cavity.

what the hell!

The chill cleared Bago's head a lot.

It shivered violently, and the thin layer of ice on its body was completely shattered. When the energy in the body was circulated to nourish the body, the chill all over the body quickly subsided.

However, Bago was also keenly aware.

This chill is like gangrene attached to the bones, and if it is removed with energy, it will consume a lot.

And the reaction speed of the flesh and bones of the whole body has become slower and slower, and if they stay longer, even the Behemoth may lose the ability to move.

And in this short period of time, the dense forest in front of it completely changed.

As if winter had come, everything was covered with a layer of light gray ice crystals.


Heavy footsteps sounded, and through the dim light gray chill, Bago saw three huge figures.

It's those terrifying metal monsters!

And the cold air that overflowed the dense forest and paralyzed the hands and feet of the Chiqi tribe orcs was spurted from the hands of the smallest and thinnest golden man among the three golden men.

"Zi" Jin holds the power of Guishui, and can release a wide range of cold air, which is the strongest aoe skill among the twelve Jin Ren!

However, there are drawbacks to such a powerful skill.

Whether it is enemy or foe, as long as you are in the cold, you will be hurt.

However, the cold air has little effect on the twelve golden figures. Their bodies are made of metal, and their energy comes from energy crystals. The cold air cannot penetrate their core components.

After discovering the enemy, "Zi" Jinren stopped in place, kept releasing the cold air, and controlled the cold air to roll towards the orcs of the Chiqi tribe.

Many orcs were frozen into ice sculptures, and even the Behemoth beasts were frozen to their feet.

"Yin" Jin Ren put away his long spear, and a short sword popped out of his left arm shield, rushing towards the Beamon behemoth that was screaming and screaming from the cold.

The "Shen" Jinren mobilized energy on the claw blades of both hands, and the exaggerated claw blades suddenly extended the edge of golden materialization.

Then, with a light wave to the orc, it was a dense slash.

These pale golden slashes were invincible, and the trees in front of them were chopped to pieces.

After flying into the orcs, even a rare-grade armor or an excellent-grade shield could not stop a slash blessed by the power of Gengjin.

In an instant, more than a dozen Kodo beasts and the orcs on them were chopped into pieces by the "Shen" Jin people.

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