When Citeria and Erse fought for dozens of rounds, Yan Yi's aura had reached a peak.

Looking at Erse who was always on guard against himself, unable to devote himself to the battle against Citeria.

Yan Yi smiled coldly, and jumped out of the black-scaled leopard's back, approaching Erse in an instant.

The machete in his hand exudes an obscure aura, and it slashes towards Erse from top to bottom.


Seeing Yan attacking, Erse suddenly burst out.

First, the two-handed axe forcefully repulsed Citeria, and then turned the axe and slashed at Yan Yi.

After the crisp sound of metal knocking, Yan Yi's body stopped in the air, there was nowhere to unload, and he was almost bounced off by Arthur.

It seemed that he was in danger, but Yan Yi didn't care, and drew the knife again.

Arthur wanted to hit Yan Yi in the air, but because Yan Yi chopped at an extremely fast speed, he was unsuccessful and could only block with a big axe with both hands.

There was another crunch like a metal collision, and Yan Yi's attack was intercepted by Erser again.

dang dang ......

Yan Yi's attack speed was far better than Arthur's. The two fought dozens of moves in the blink of an eye. Although Yan Yi was in the air, he was never knocked into the air. Instead, he kept pushing back against Arthur.

Arthur didn't have time to fight back, so he could only keep adjusting his fighting position.

Under Yan Yi's frantic attack, Erse's expression became more and more solemn, while Yan Yi gradually revealed a cruel smile.

Finally, Yan Yi suddenly stopped the attack and stopped attacking quickly.

As soon as the pressing momentum was withdrawn, it was like a coiled poisonous snake. During the breath, it suddenly raised its head and catapulted towards the target.

The black scimitar was like a falling crescent moon, ethereal, stabbing at Arthur.

Arthur thought that Yan was exhausted, and once again held up the big axe in both hands.

At the moment when the machete landed on the axe in Arthur's hands, Arthur's expression suddenly changed, and he secretly thought that it was not good.

It did not feel the oppression of the opponent's power from the big axe it held up.


Yan Yi roared and swung down the machete, and suddenly, the black light on the blade rose sharply.

Like cutting tofu, he cut open the big axe in Arthur's hand lightly, and then with an unparalleled aura, he directly cut through the heavy armor on Arthur's body. .

Yan turned the handle of the knife one by one and waved it hard.

The next moment, in the **** light of the sky, an arm flew into the air and fell to the ground a few meters away.


Erse let out a pained cry, and the only left hand held the first-order axe and swung it hard at Yan Yi.

At this moment, a spear suddenly protruded, penetrated Arthur's mouth with a rapid thunder, and stabbed out from the back of his head, interrupting Arthur's unpleasant wailing.

Arthur's left hand swung down weakly, his eyes widened, and his pupils quickly diverged.


Yan Yi landed on Gangyan Rhino's back and kicked Arthur's body away with one kick.

Then he kicked the head of the steel rock rhinoceros hard several times and stepped on it to kneel on the ground.

After losing his master, Gang Yanxi was violently subdued by Yan Yi before he could vent his anger.

On the side, Citeria was shrouded in upgraded golden light.

After a while, the golden light dissipated, and Citeria's level was raised to lv38, and there was not much distance from the fifth level.

Citeria glanced at Yan Yi and was shocked by her last combo.

If you don't take into account the previous momentum, if Yan kills Erse, it can be considered a crushing if it is not a brutal killing.

Of course, for this kind of crushing effect to occur, Yan Yi breaks through the fifth rank, and naturally has an advantage in rank.

But the most important thing is Yan Yi's strength.

"Citeria, the orc lord doesn't seem to be here!"

"Ask Ryan if you can find the orc lord and totem pole."

"If you fail to kill the orc lord and lose the totem pole, it will be of little significance to destroy all the orcs."

Yan Yi sat back on his black-scaled leopard, and cooperated with Citeria to kill several orc hero units.

Later, when Magatha was not found, she said to Citeria.

Hearing Yan Yi's words, Citeria looked solemn and hurriedly sent a message to Ryan.

After a while, Ryana was riding a dragon and recklessly scouting above the Blood Chain Horde.

However, after looking for a while, Ryana did not find the shadow of Magatha and the totem pole in the blood chain tribe.


Ryana looked gloomily at the chaotic blood chain tribe below.

Seeing that the orc army was bent on breaking through, Ryana thought that the orc lord and totem pole would be in the blood chain tribe.

Later, he devoted himself to fighting Arthur, ignoring the matter of the totem pole.

It was only now that she discovered that the totem pole and Magatha were not in the Blood Chain tribe at all.

"Yan Yi, what was the orc lord doing before you killed the orc prophet?"

When the green dragon Valerie flew low over the heads of Yan Yi and the others, Ryana jumped down directly from him.

A sword slashed to death an orc who was rushing up, and Ryan hurriedly came to Yan Yi and asked.

"It hurt me badly..."

Seeing Ruiana's gloomy face, Yan Yi knew that an accident had happened, and seriously recalled what happened at that time.

"Ah...I remember!"

"It's preventing that orc prophet from casting spells!"

"Then the orc prophet said something, and it disappeared with the totem pole..."

As soon as Yan said that, he also felt something was wrong.

Magatha was indeed seriously injured by him, but after taking the medicine, he regained some mobility.

But when the Amazon Legion besieged the Blood Chain Tribe, the Orcs of the Blood Chain Tribe were organized, and the commander was Arthur.

Knowing now, Magatha has never shown up.

That is to say, when the Amazon Legion attacked the Blood Chain tribe with all their might, UU read www. The lord of uukanshu.com Blood Chain Tribe may have fled the battlefield with a totem pole.


After listening to Yan Yi's words, Ryana immediately thought of this ability of the orc prophet.

Destiny Interference is indeed very restraining the orc prophet's prophecy, but the orc prophet is a sixth-order extraordinary existence after all, and the knowledge he masters cannot be completely limited by a spell.

Ryana guessed that the Orc Prophet probably paid a small price to break through the fate interference spell and make a true prophecy.

This is also the reason why Magatha escaped with the totem pole and Yan Yi was able to kill the orc prophet.

Otherwise, how could an existence above the transcendent be killed so easily.

Ryana sighed softly, called an iron-feather griffin, and then called a hero unit among the Amazon female warriors, and instructed him:

"Sandra, you go and tell the Lord the details of this matter!"

"The lord can see the position of the authority of the alien lord."

"Go after it now, maybe it's still too late!"

"Yes, Queen Morning Star!"

Sandra should claim to be, and then rode on the Iron Feather Griffin and flew to the battlefield of the Demonhoof tribe.

And Ryana, with a cold face, rode on Sandra's black-scaled leopard, and killed the chaotic Blood Chain tribe.

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