"There is an orc lord who abandoned his tribe and ran away?"

Hearing Sandra's words, Huang Yu frowned, turned on Chaos Vision, and looked around.

The radiation range of the fourth-order tiger people's territory is far less extensive than that of Huanyu City. There are alien territories in the east, south, and north of it, thirty or forty kilometers away.

Moreover, many of them are Tier 4 territories.

As for the western area of ​​the Orc Territory, except for the fire seeds of Universal City, there is no lordship in sight.

After careful inspection, Huang Yu finally saw a totem pole among the many lords in the north.

After making a rough estimate, Huang Yu found that the totem pole was 70 to 80 kilometers away from the orc territory, and the distance was still increasing.

Considering that the orc lord should have escaped on a flying mount, it is very likely that he left the battlefield on the eve of the arrival of the Amazon female warrior.

It seems to have known in advance that the army of the universe was encircling this battlefield at that time.

In an instant, Huang Yu thought of Ragnar, the orc prophet who had sent him a video with a message crystal.

It was probably because of its guidance that the orc lord escaped ahead of schedule.

It’s just that Huang Yu didn’t quite understand. Since the orc prophet knew the layout of the universe, why didn’t he join forces with the other three orc tribes to fight against the army of the universe.

Even if they knew they couldn't beat them, the four tribes' total of nearly 20,000 orc warriors would not be difficult for them to break out of the cosmos army, and they would also be able to preserve the main force of the orc coalition...

Is there something wrong with the orcs?

"I still underestimate the existence above the extraordinary!"

"It's a bit of a matter of course to want to block the ability of extraordinary existence with just one spell."

"However, the orc prophet who is the greatest threat to the universe dies, and the orc lord who escaped is irrelevant."

"The only loss is the totem pole worth one million soul crystals."

Huang Yu turned off Chaos Vision and landed on the ground ponderingly.

The energy in his body cannot support him to open Chaos Vision all the time, and he can only open it occasionally to monitor the dynamics of the battlefield.

And Huang Yu didn't expect that the orc lord would give up his tribe without hesitation and escape alone.

So not much attention was paid to it, which allowed Magatha to escape.

As for whether to pursue or not, Huang Yu thought for a moment and said to Sandra, who was waiting on the side:

"Sandra, go back and tell Ryan to fight with peace of mind, and don't let another orc go!"

"It's getting dark, we have to resolve the battle as soon as possible."

"Don't worry about the runaway orc lord."

After hearing Huang Yu's order, Sandra nodded and said:

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

After patting his chest and salute, he turned over and sat on the Iron Feather Griffin and flew towards the area where the Amazon Legion was.

Magasa escaped neatly and neatly, and now to chase, only Huang Yu himself can catch up.

It was getting late now, and there was only a little light on the horizon.

Next, Huang Yu still has a lot of things to do, and he can't leave his body at all.

Except for Huang Yu, others do not have the ability of Chaos Vision.

Even the Yanyun Eighteen Riders cannot track a target that is separated by dozens of kilometers, and may change the direction of travel at any time.

The most important thing now is to end the war as soon as possible.

There is no need to send people to hunt down among many unstable factors for an orc lord.

As for whether the orc would become a hidden danger after escaping, Huang Yu was not worried at all.

The battle for hegemony of all races has entered the official stage, and it is not unusual for a polished commander who has lost almost all of his subordinates to regain his peak.

If you want to be an enemy of the universe, the orc coalition led by the orc prophet has a little qualification.

Even if the orc lord named Magatha had a lot of luck and had another adventure, Huang Yu would not take him seriously.

And his confidence is the discount artifact!

Although the orcs have no buildings, they are high-level races after all, and they don't give a lot of soul crystals after death.

After destroying the Orc Territory and the Demon Hoof Tribe, the soul crystals in Huang Yu's hands exceeded 16 million.

Now the Blood Chain tribe has completely collapsed, driven and slaughtered by the Amazon legions like sheep.

The Stone Horned Knights of the Spartan Legion had already launched a charge against the Chiqi tribe, and the situation was one-sided.

Jiang Chengzi also sent a message to Huang Yu through the communication crystal just now, that the Black Stone tribe has fallen under the siege of the Zhanyicheng army.

When these three orc tribes are all wiped out, the soul crystal in Huang Yu's hands will break through the 20 million mark!

With so many soul crystals, some epic-level goods can be directly purchased.

With the help of the discounted artifact, Huang Yu couldn't afford some legendary-grade products.

In addition, Huang Yu also gained a lot of experience points in this battle, and the experience slots of lv39-lv40 are now half filled.

When the war is over, Huang Yu will be promoted to the fifth rank, not much less experience.

However, thinking of the escaped Magatha, in order to prevent the other two orc lords from escaping, Huang Yu turned on Chaos Vision and took a look.

Looking at it, I found that the location of the Chiqi tribe's totem pole was rapidly leaving the battlefield where the Spartan Legion was.

"Fighting the orcs is so exhausting!"

"These guys run away if they can't beat them, and have no territorial awareness at all."

"Even if they win, it is very likely that their lord will slip away with a totem pole~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing that there is another orc lord who plans to abandon his tribe and run away alone, Huang Yu's mood becomes uneasy. So wonderful.

After more than 400 imperial guards and Kate War Princess joined the battlefield, Huang Yu turned into a magic fort and bombed, and the Demonhoof tribe went to extinction at a very fast speed.

Now the elites of the universe are recovering their energy while making up their swords.

Huang Yu summoned Atreus, pointed him in the direction, and let him ride the red dragon Yayi and take the Spartan heroes present to chase and kill Bago.

At the same time, Dilios and nine other heroic spirits also came to Huang Yu.

Because they were summoned through Yuanzhi Kongyu, their existence time is not limited by their own Kongyu, so they can persist in this war for so long.

However, in such a high-intensity battle, although none of the ten heroic spirits died, two heroic spirits were depleted because of the power of faith, and they were degraded.

Seeing victory in sight, Dilios brought ten heroic spirits to resign to Huang Yu.

Huang Yu encouraged the ten heroic spirits and used Yuan Zhikong jade to return the ten heroic spirits to the Hall of Valor.

The Lingyuan of the Hall of Valor does not intend to return to the Hall of Valor. It has inherited the power of Huang Yu's belief, so it has extremely sufficient energy.

After asking Huang Yu for his life again, he took the remaining people to support the nearest Amazon army.

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