Tiger King Tiger is a living legend in the world of the Orcs.

As a slave, it led the uprising of gladiators who were captive in the Lane Empire. In the prosperous Lane Empire, it just gnawed down a lot of land, liberated the slaves and established himself as a king, resisting the rule of the nobles of the Lane Empire.

During the time when the Tiger Kingdom was established, almost every troubadour on the Orc Continent would have a few verses about Tiger the Tiger.

Its image or brutal, or stalwart. . . . . . It received mixed reviews, but it was widely circulated.

Tiger Tiger has also gained many orc fans, and Uval, as a descendant of the legendary gladiator Asimio, regards Tiger Tiger as his spiritual leader and life idol.

After Tiger made himself the queen, Uval led his followers and began to cross the Lane Empire, wanting to defect to Tiger and serve for him.

Unexpectedly, before it arrived, it received the news that the Tiger Kingdom was destroyed by the army of the Ryan Empire.

At that time, Tiger also embarked on the road of exile.

However, all this did not stop Uval's actions, and even it believed that the destruction of the Tiger Kingdom was not Tiger's fault.

Against the mighty Ryan Empire, he is at a disadvantage, and Tiger Tiger is surrounded by a group of grass-roots teams. Without the assistance of people with lofty ideals like him, he will usher in defeat.

If it can join Tiger's men, it may not be able to help Tiger to make a comeback and show his strength in that world.

With this idea in mind, the young Uval persistently pursued Tiger Tiger, until all races came to the Chaos Continent.

In the early days of his arrival, Uvar quickly gained a firm foothold in the Chaos Continent.

As yak people, they are stronger and stronger than other tauren.

Under its leadership, the Uval Territory became a Tier 3 territory in a very short period of time.

Until one day, under the guidance of its ancestors, it saw the news of the establishment of the Tiger Alliance.

Thinking of his long-cherished wish before his arrival, Uval did not hesitate to contact Tiger the Tiger and joined the Tiger Alliance.

What made it even more surprising was that it later found that its own territory and Tiger territory were in the same area, and they were only two hundred kilometers apart under mutual confirmation!

This made Uval ecstatic, almost abandoning his territory to join Tiger the Tiger.

It's just that for various reasons, Tiger declined it, and agreed to develop well with it, and when the radiation range of Tiger's territory was connected to it, he would form an alliance with it.

However, it didn't take long for it to receive the guidance of its ancestors, the main body of the Tiger Alliance died out, and the alliance was disbanded. . . . . .

"Your Majesty... I'm late again!"

Holding the totem pole that he inherited, Uval looked at the distant hill with faint blue smoke floating, and there was a faint glint of gorilla in his eyes.

It abandoned its ancestors, disintegrated the thriving territory, and fully armed its more than 6,000 yak warriors with all its savings.

On the way, it also took down an alien tribe, and used the equipment of the orcs in the totem pole to strengthen the strength of its own army.

This time, the purpose of breaking the boat and crossing the two-hundred highway is to avenge Tiger Tiger.

It does not allow the idol in its heart to die on the Chaos Continent so ignorantly!

after all!

In the world of Orcs, it was a living legend!

. . . . . .

[Use the extraordinary skill scroll as you like! 】

[At critical moments, I allow you to use "Death Storm". 】

【If you need support, I can ask Citeria to take someone there, and you can also use the Yuan Ring of Empty. 】

The communication crystal in his hand vibrated. After seeing Huang Yu's message, Leonidas thought for a while, and then replied with a firm look:

[Lord Lord, the Spartan Legion does not need reinforcements! 】

[On land, there is no race that can go head-to-head with the Spartan warriors! 】

There are indeed a lot of enemies, including some high-level troops, and even Leonidas saw an orc spell caster mixed in.

But this does not mean that the yak army is stronger than the spartan army.

The Spartan Legion is composed of 2,800 extraordinary Spartan warriors, 2,000 perfect troops of the Orpheus Chapter, and 200 red and white knights.

On special occasions, ten Arcanists from Rising Sun City will also join the battle to help.

The mounts were a giant dragon, four dragon beasts, two thousand stone horned beasts, and two hundred iron feather griffins.

In terms of equipment, the Spartan warriors already have rare-grade suits per person, and the hero arms are equipped with a custom-made equipment.

Although the yak's equipment is good, it is also inferior to the warriors of the Orpheus chapter.

What's more, there are two golden figures, eight magic cannons, and twelve maglev spiral crossbows. . . . . . Two extraordinary skill scrolls, and one epic skill scroll!

If it is necessary to ask the Lord for help, Leonidas feels that he really has no face.

This battle must be won, and it must be won beautifully!

Even if he was forced to use the epic-level skill scroll, Leonidas felt that he had no face to face Huang Yu, and could draw his sword and kill himself.

What worried Leonidas most in this battle was how to minimize casualties and losses, and how to prevent the city of the Rising Sun, which had no defenses, from being affected.

The special professionals and citizens in Rising Sun City do not have much fighting power.

Even a single yak warrior can cause damage and no small casualties.

"You can't sit still, you must take the initiative!"

"The battlefield must be controlled outside Rising Sun City!"

"If we wait for the enemy to arrive at Rising Sun City before we start ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then our side will be **** when we fight!"

Looking at the majestic yak army below, Leonidas took out the message crystal and sent a message to Atreus.

[Atreus, leaving the "son" Jin and 800 Spartan warriors to guard Rising Sun City. 】

[Let the "Hai" golden man be at the forefront, and you lead the stone horned beast knight to prepare on the back **** of the North Mountain. 】

[When the enemy reaches the foot of Beishan, you charge! 】

[I will let the Orpheus Chapter and the giant dragon support on both sides, and release "Broken Heart" before the battle. 】

[You must break up the formation of the Tauren army at the first time! 】

This yak army was different from the alien armies Leonidas had encountered before.

On the march, it was even more than one level stronger than the troops of the Orc Allied Forces.

It can be seen that their commanders are very good at fighting.

If you can't use the momentum of thunder, break their formation in the first time.

The follow-up battle is easy to fall into a stalemate, and accidents may happen at any time!

After all, if the enemy dares to swagger towards Rising Sun City, he must have some trump cards.

In the case of not knowing the enemy's cards, the best way is to let it have no chance to use it!

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