Leonidas rode on the back of the red dragon Yai, overlooking the entire battlefield from the air.

The high fighting spirit of the yak people exceeded his expectations.

Huang Yu's popularity in the military is also very high, but the soldiers are more in awe of him.

Under the background of strong strength, no matter what Huang Yu accomplished, in the eyes of the warriors, it was what it should have been.

And the yak warriors under Uval's command are a kind of admiration and conviction.

Back to topic.

In order to weaken the yak's will to fight, Leonidas first dispatched the Offi Chapter to interfere with the yak's battlefield judgment.

Afterwards, he asked Red Dragon Yayi to use his newly learned inheritance spells to enhance the might of the dragon, and to intimidate the yak warriors.

However, the results brought by these two methods are very limited.

From beginning to end, the yak army did not show a trace of panic.

bang bang bang —

Even at an altitude of hundreds of meters, the rumbling hooves of the Stone Horned Beast Knight were still as loud as thunder.

The "Hai" Jin people had already crushed down the mountain, and Atreus also led the stone horned beast knights, crossed the mountain, and rushed towards the yak people.

The huge size of the stone horn beast, coupled with the top-down advantage, even if there is a rare-grade third-order city wall in front of it, it may be collapsed by this huge force.

However, seeing the "Hai" golden people and stone horned beast knights swarming down the mountain, the yak army still maintained the formation calmly, as if the giant shield hands in front of their army were a city wall that would not fall!

Leonidas frowned.

He naturally did not believe that the yak people could resist the charge of the Lower Stonehorn Knights.

The other party has nothing to fear, maybe he has some trump card?

Riding on the back of the red dragon Yai, Leonidas carefully observed one side again, and looked at the crossbow and ballista that were ready to go in the yak army.

Afterwards, Leonidas took out the skill scroll of broken heart and soul, and then patted the red dragon Yayi on the head.

"Yay, tell the Arcanists to bombard the enemy's giant shield with the magic cannon, and snipe the enemy's air defense device with the maglev helix crossbow!"

The red dragon Yayi has learned the inheritance spell again, and knowing the language is one of the first spells that every dragon must learn.

This is also the reason why Leonidas rode the red dragon Yai, without the need for a communication crystal, he can send orders to the troops on the ground in the fastest way.

The red dragon Yayi understood and immediately let out a long dragon language.

And the Arcanist who heard the Red Dragon Aylon language in the rear also used the language fluent to pass on Leonidas' orders.

Eight magic-guided cannons and twelve maglev screw-bed crossbows were already ready.

Among them, there are two magic guns and three maglev spiral bed crossbows on both sides controlled by the Offi Chapter.

The remaining four magic cannons and six magnetic floating crossbows were placed on the mountain by Leonidas.

After receiving the order of Leonidas, the eight magic cannons fired immediately.

boom boom-

Before coming into contact with the enemy, the yak warriors received a heavy blow from the magic cannon.

A giant version of the explosion magic pill smashed in front of the yak army.

For a time, the smoke of gunpowder filled the air, the flames blazed into the sky, and the flesh and blood of the yak warriors flew.

At the same time, the maglev helical crossbow was also activated.

The twelve characteristic crossbow arrows flashed like meteors, high and low, leaving a scar in the air, which precisely hit the ballista and the characteristic bed crossbow in the yak army formation.

The three characteristic bed crossbows were blown to pieces by the characteristic crossbow bolts, and the other four ballistas were also destroyed.

Uval was stunned by the dazzling attack methods of the Spartan Legion.

Whether it is the "Hai" golden man, or the magic-guided gun and the maglev spiral crossbow, it is something that it has never seen or heard of before.

For the first time, I suffered a lot of losses.

After a round of bombardment by the magic cannon, the yak man's giant shield lost one-third of his combat power.

The air defense equipment in the territory was also destroyed by half of the extremely fast crossbow arrows.

The "Hai" golden man and the stone horned beast knight were about to rush down the mountain, and the giant dragon also began to dive towards the ground.

Looking at the surrounding mountains, the magic-guided cannon and the maglev spiral crossbow were reloaded. Uval gritted his teeth and pulled out a spindle-shaped object with cylindrical protrusions at both ends.

Then, Uval raised it high, pressing down on the cylindrical protrusions on either side of the spindle-shaped object.


A soft sound.

On the spindle-shaped metal object, strips of fine blue lines suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the spindle-shaped metal object detached from Uval's hands and flew into the air quickly, emitting a dazzling blue light.


In the soft sound, a blue hemispherical protective cover spread out, expanding the entire yak army lineup inside.

This is the loot that Uval seized from a foreign race called the Magic Tower Clan. It is called the Magic Tower Core, and it is a piece of extraordinary-grade equipment.

After being full of energy, it can form a protective cover that is enough to cover 20 square kilometers.

It's just that Uval has used it twice before, and now there is not much energy in the core of the magic tower.

At the same time as the magic tower core energy cover was unfolded, the magic gun and the maglev spiral crossbow also carried out the second round of bombardment.

Eight magic cannons and twelve special bed crossbows were intercepted by the core shield of the magic tower, and then exploded.

The flames that were thrown from the sky were like fireworks, and the violent vibration caused the space to be distorted.

The core shield of the magic tower began to flicker rapidly, barely resisting the second round of bombing.

However, the original thick protective cover has obviously become thinner, and it seems that it will not last long.

"Is this your trump card?"

Although the second round of bombing was stopped by the enemy, Leonidas was not angry but happy, and his heart relaxed a little.

Knowing the enemy's means makes it much easier to deal with.

What we have to do now is to break this protective cover and release the soul-shattering skill scroll before the "Hai" Jin and the stone horned beast knight go down the mountain.

"Yay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ let them keep firing!"

"Let's go down too and use your dragon breath to consume the energy of the shield!"

"Be careful, don't get hit by the enemy's crossbow!"

Leonidas asked the red dragon Yai to help convey his orders.

After Yayi let out a long cry, he charged Leonidas towards the core of the magic tower.


Just as the red dragon Yai and Leonidas approached, an electric current was released from the core of the magic tower.

The speed of the current spread is extremely fast, although Leonidas and Red Dragon Yayi reacted, but it was too late to avoid them.


At the critical moment, the red dragon Yayi released the spell in the inheritance memory.

A red dragon clone detached from Yai and faced the current straight.

With a crackling sound, the red dragon clone that had condensed energy was quickly scattered.

Taking advantage of this moment, the red dragon Yayi carried Leonidas out of the attack range of the core of the magic tower.

After walking around the gate of the ghost gate, Leonidas calmed down his mood, and then frowned after the third round of bombardment, although weak, but still there was a protective shield.

On the battlefield below, the "Hai" Jin man was about to hit the core shield of the magic tower.

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