【Ding! 】

[Your warriors destroy the orc lord, you get 480,000 experience points and 390,000 soul crystals! 】

. . . . . .

"The Orc Lord?"

"Isn't it a yak who went to invade Rising Sun City?"

"Could it be that Zhanyi City, or the Amazon Legion, wiped out another orc tribe?"

"But Jiang Chengzi and Ruianna have never reported a war!"

Huang Yu was listening to a class at the professional training base, and was stunned when he heard the message.

After the battle with the allied orcs and the half-orcs, all the legions in the universe were training for a short time without much action.

The Amazon Legion was now sent to the west by Huang Yu, and began to monitor the fourth-order Guiluo territory and block its activity space.

The newly formed Kate War Girl is now training in batches at the Magic Tower training ground, and by the way, cleans up wild monsters near Universal City to maintain the order of the Northeast Development.

Yesterday, there was a military operation in Zhanyi City, which cleaned up a gathering place of wild monsters, caught thousands of Kui bulls and green-horned sheep, and kept them in the pasture planned by Siegel outside the city.

If it weren't for the invading yak people, the Spartan Legion would not have taken the initiative to fight before the completion of Rising Sun City.

"Is it..."

Huang Yu thought for a moment and thought of a possibility.

When he was in Rising Sun City, he used Chaos Vision to detect the location of many alien territories in the north, east, and south directions of Rising Sun City.

Although the level is on the verge of breaking through to the fifth level, the detection range of Chaos Vision is still limited to about 100 kilometers.

And within this hundred kilometers, Huang Yu did see several orc tribes, but he did not see the ancestor totem of the Tauren among them.

This shows that those yak people traveled a long distance from a hundred kilometers away to invade the City of Rising Sun.

More than 6,000 yak warriors. . . . . . Except for a very few lords, this is already all the combat power that the top lords of Chaos Continent can show at this stage.

No matter why these yak people have such obsession and hatred for Rising Sun City.

Abandoning the territory to invade Rising Sun City, the first problem is the safety of its lord and the transportation of corresponding materials.

The lordship is decomposed, assimilated, and inherited. If the original owner does not change jobs and give up his lordship, he will not escape the bad luck of death.

Therefore, among all races, only the orcs have the most special lordship, and they can still move with the orcs army after activation.

Therefore, Huang Yu felt that the yak lord should have inherited a totem pole, so as to ensure his life without worry, he could also use the totem pole to replenish supplies for his army at any time.

As for the source of the totem pole, Huang Yu couldn't help but think of the escaped blood chain tribe lord Magatha.

However, in his memory, the direction of Magatha's escape was not consistent with the direction of the yak people's advance. . . . . .

【Ding! 】

[Your army has occupied the Bantu territory and found the orc lordship - the totem pole! 】

【Is it occupied? 】

. . . . . .

It didn't take long for the Spartan Legion to find the totem pole of the Bantu Territory, and Huang Yu also received a corresponding prompt.

"Spotted Territory..."

"Is it the name of the territory before the inheritance, or did the yak person change his name after inheriting the totem pole?"

"But it is very likely that this totem pole is not the one from the Blood Chain Tribe."

Huang Yu sent a message like Leonidas, asked about the relevant situation, and asked him to send someone to send the totem pole back to the universe, and then he no longer took this matter to heart.

The yak people have been wiped out, and only one lord of the blood chain tribe has been killed by him. In front of the increasingly powerful world territory, there is no big wave at all.

As long as the development speed is fast enough, no enemy can pose a threat to the universe.

As for the totem pole, because of its particularity, Huang Yu did not intend to decompose the three totem poles at hand.

Instead, it is stored in a warehouse, and even if it is not used in the future, it can be assimilated into a secondary fire at any time.

. . . . . .

bang bang bang —

Above the endless grassland, dull rumblings sounded one after another.

"Si" Jin and "Wei" Jin people are like giant spirits and gods, galloping on the grassland.

Behind him are more than 5,000 well-equipped and majestic troops.

Wherever they went, the beasts and birds hidden in the grass scattered in panic,

The two thousand warriors behind the two golden men were Taihua Ruishi from the Jialuo Territory.

Zhuzhao and Youying each led a thousand men and horses, and followed closely behind the two golden figures.

In order to maximize the combat power of the extraordinary arms, Jia Luo almost exhausted all the resources of the territory, and armed the two thousand Taihua Ruishis under him to the extreme.

These Taihua Ruishi, each riding a rare-grade nightmare horse, although the equipment on their bodies is various, but almost everyone has an excellent-grade armor.

Although it cannot be compared with the five extraordinary arms of the universe, its strength should not be underestimated.

And with Taihua Ruishi, it is the 3000 excellent grade troops that Jia Luo has cultivated later.

The resources of the territory are limited, and it is already reluctant to supply Taihua Ruishi with all his strength. Jia Luo has no energy or resources, so he will cultivate a high-quality army.

These 3,000 excellent-grade arms were selected by Jia Luo from the three excellent-grade arms to match Taihua Ruishi.

The equipment of these arms is not as good as Taihua Ruishi.

For many of them, most of the equipment is produced by Jialuo Territory, no matter the quality or grade, it is much inferior to Taihua Ruishi.

In addition, the mounts they travel on are quite shabby, and some units even ride the feathered deer that can be seen everywhere on the grassland.

Jia Luo looked at the two golden figures running wildly in front of him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and felt a pain in his heart.

Every step of the two golden men consumes energy crystals, and these energy crystals are provided by Jia Luo himself.

Members of the Oneworld Alliance can consume points to borrow resources from the cooperative resource pool.

However, the energy crystals consumed by the Twelve Golden People, the giant version of the explosion magic pill consumed by the magic gun, and the characteristic arrows consumed by the maglev spiral bed crossbow were not among the borrowers.

Therefore, the two golden men who are now following the Galo army on the expedition are consuming energy crystals and points in Galo's hands every moment.

She now has 180,000 points in her hand and can only rent two golden statues for nine hours.

If the fourth-order alien territory cannot be destroyed within these nine hours, then this trip to Jialuo will be a big loss.

However, an hour later.

Jia Luo rode a golden tiger and walked out of the tunnel dug by the "Si" golden man, looking at the alien territory that turned into a sea of ​​fire in front of him, as well as the "Si" Jin and "Wei" Jin people raging in the sea of ​​​​fire, worry in his heart The smoke disappeared.

Under the cover of the two golden men, the Garro army effortlessly entered the fourth-order alien territory.

Looking at the chaotic alien territory, Garo unfolded his Night Demon wings and flew into the air to give orders:

"Taihua Ruishi, crush them!"

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