[Whether to upgrade Tinder to Tier 5? 】



[Please determine the special building materials consumed by the upgrade of fire! 】

"1,000 units of water marble, 1,000 units of soul-cultivating stone, 1,000 units of Xuankong jade, 1,000 units of spiritual jade, 2,000 units of boiled green..."

To upgrade the fire to Tier 5, one thousand to ten thousand units of special building materials are required.

In order to maximize his territorial ability, Huang Yu fought in the north and south, and accumulated over many days to gather the special building materials of 10,000 units.

After allocating special building materials, Huang Yu paid 1 million soul crystals, 5 million units of wood, 3 million units of stone, and 1 million units of refined iron to fully meet the upgrade requirements of Tinder.

In the main hall, the fire suddenly began to burn violently, and the golden light with a richness to the extreme rose into the sky. After reaching a certain height, it opened like a canopy, completely covering the universe city.

Although the fire has no life, it has the same heart as the lord.

Each time it is upgraded, it will design a layout that best suits the lord's mind according to the lord's conception of the territory.

Special buildings, city walls, mining areas, residential areas. . . . . . All buildings and area divisions, as well as building colors and styles, will be upgraded according to the way the lord likes. .

So every time you upgrade, you don't need the lord to bother to plan the layout.

Huang Yu only needs to specify a direction, and Tinder will give him an optimal solution. . . . . .

It takes a lot of time for the fire to rise from the fourth rank to the fifth rank. Huang Yu exited the upgrade interface and entered the Chaos Mall to search for Shadow Diamonds.

He is going to buy shadow diamonds to improve the teleportation function of the Oneworld Alliance, and by the way, to increase the level of the alliance certificate.

The level of the Alliance Certificate is linked to the highest level of its various functions.

If Huang Yu upgrades the alliance cooperation area to the third level and improves the alliance's transmission ability, even if the alliance meeting management and alliance release management are only level one, the world alliance will still be a third-order alliance.

Now that there are enough members of the alliance and enough trading columns, the most important thing for the Oneworld Alliance to improve now is to enhance its teleportation capabilities.

Only when the teleportation ability is improved, can Huang Yu provide magic-pattern possession services to other lords.

In addition, the shortening of the distance can also strengthen the connection between the members of the Oneworld Alliance, and Huang Yu also has the opportunity to grasp the information of other territories.

Shadow diamonds are extraordinary grade materials, a soul crystal worth 600,000, which is also considered to be very expensive among materials of the same grade.

However, Huang Yu was rich and powerful. After the products in the Points Mall and the Universal Store were sold one after another, the soul crystals in his hand had now increased to more than 24 million, enough to buy forty shadow diamonds!

Of course, Huang Yu doesn't need so many shadow diamonds yet.

There are still two in Zhuling's hand, Huang Yu has instructed her to make them into storage equipment, ready to be used by Cao Xing and Leiya.

In this way, each legion can have a storage equipment, which can reduce the burden of a lot of slot weights when going out to fight.

Huang Yu now only needs to guarantee the purchase of shadow diamonds to be able to upgrade the World Alliance to a Tier 4 alliance.

Entering the purchase interface of Shadow Diamond, Huang Yu increased the quantity to ten and clicked to buy.

[Would you like to pay 6 million soul crystals to purchase super-grade material Shadow Diamond x10? 】



The soul crystals on Huang Yu's account fell directly below 20 million, but it would be very easy to break through 20 million when some of the goods in the Points Mall were sold.

Holding ten shadow diamonds, Huang Yu turned on the World Channel, but to his surprise, the World Channel was extraordinarily lively today.

Even if only the information related to him or the information he is concerned about is displayed, the huge information scrolling interface is still several times a second.

This level of excitement is almost catching up with the seven days of the protection period.

Out of curiosity, Huang Yu intercepted a few paragraphs of information to check, only to realize that there were a lot of big events happening today.

The first is about yourself.

After being kicked out of the Oneworld Alliance by Huang Yu, the Seven Nights Lord retaliated and revealed the relevant details of the Oneworld Alliance on the World Channel, and carried out a certain degree of ugliness and distortion.

Although lords such as Zhongtian, Xuanji, and Xinghen will speak up in the future, what they cannot get will always be in commotion.

After learning that many high-grade, special goods, and magic-weave constructions that were previously sold on the trading platform Universal Store are now being sold in the Oneworld Alliance Points Mall.

Many human lords expressed their dissatisfaction, and subsequently, under the support of believers, began to criticize the Oneworld Alliance and its members, and launched a movement to resist the Oneworld Alliance members and their shops.

In this regard, Huang Yu was not angry at all.

On the contrary, he only felt pity for these human lords clamoring on the World Channel.

Huang Yu had less bones to feed, so they kept calling like the believers, as if Huang Yu owed them something.

Individual emotions are easily driven by groups, especially in the absence of practical means to restrain them, individuals will no longer be responsible for their actions.

At this time, people with poor self-control will reveal their blind obedience, paranoia, and fanaticism.

They began to underestimate the truth and reason, self-centered, and only knew simple and extreme feelings. They thought they were standing on the commanding heights of morality and truth, and attacked others.

And this kind of person is called keyboard warrior on Blue Star.

At this time, in the world channel, it was these people who denounced Huang Yu and other top lords.

Look at it rationally~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Huang Yu is not only right, but what he does can even be regarded as a conscience.

Every step he has taken so far, not only has he not exploited other human lords, but has also given them a lot of help to a certain extent.

But now those people have been carried away by their emotions, and their misfortune is rooted in Huang Yu's top lords.

Moreover, what makes Huang Yu laughable is that even with such a quarrel, the goods sold in the Huanyu store on the trading platform are not slow at all.

Eating milk and scolding her mother, she has a very high cultivation base.

It has to be said that Huang Yu's reputation is really strong, and things related to him occupy most of the pages, and only a small number of people are still discussing the major events that happened today.

The first thing is that the area where many lords responded was attacked by demons, and a large-scale abyss invasion was taking place in a corner of Chaos Continent.

The second thing is that the alliance of the gods of believers was upgraded to a fourth-order alliance last night, and the so-called joint offline meeting of the gods was held in the Silla territory.

This is why believers become active.

Breaking space barriers and allowing lords to meet in reality is of great significance to all human lords.

Coupled with the series of turmoil caused by the Lord of the Seven Nights as the fuse, the believers continue to belittle the Supreme Council and the Universal Alliance.

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