But Shen Qiye didn't expect that he had too much fun with the newly captured elf last night and was overworked, causing him to wake up too late this morning.

When he opened his eyes, he found that Huang Yu didn't even give a warning and kicked him out of the World Alliance.

In a fit of anger, Shen Qiye revealed all the information of the Oneworld Alliance to the World Channel, including the twelve golden figures, heroic spirits and special equipment in the cooperative war resource library.

And in the world channel, he attacked Huang Yu in his life and spread rumors.

Shen Qiye was originally angry.

In the past, there were too many people who scold Huang Yu, and it would not take long for this kind of thing to go silent.

But he didn't expect it just in time for the upgrade of the Alliance of the Gods to Tier 4 and the invasion of the Abyss Demon. .

Under the fire of the believers, the Universal Alliance was suddenly pushed to the cusp of the storm.

At first, Shen Qiye was a little complacent. Seeing so many people on the World Channel scolding Huang Yu and the One Universe Alliance, he felt very relieved.

For a time, he felt that quitting the Universal Alliance was not a big deal. With his strength, he was still able to flourish in the Chaos Continent.

What if you offend the lord of the universe?

Can the other party come and hit him along the Tinder interface?

As long as he develops the territory carefully, he may not be able to step on Huang Yu in the future!

But after Huang Yu upgraded the Oneworld Alliance to Tier 4 and a large number of elf troops appeared near the Qiye Territory, Shen Qiye couldn't sit still.

Yesterday, using a strong magnetic grid purchased from the Oneworld Alliance, he secretly led a sneak attack on a team of wind spirits and captured three coveted female wind spirits.

Shen Qiye thought that what he had done was flawless, but he did not expect that this matter would be revealed after only one night.

The wind spirit clan, who used to not violate the river water from the well, now came over the mountains to seek revenge, and blocked his territory as soon as they made a move.

The wind elf territory is more than 30 kilometers away from the Qiye territory, and its strength is slightly lower than that of the Qiye territory.

Shen Qiye was not afraid of them, and raised an army to defeat them.

But he did not expect that, after not dealing with each other for many days, a thousand troops suddenly appeared in this wind elves.

Moreover, the elves of these thousand people are all natural elves, and fighting in the forest can be described as a duck to water.

Although they are only excellent grade arms, but with the dual blessing of racial value and combat environment, this natural elves can exert a combat power that surpasses that of human perfect grade arms.

Shen Qiye's army had just walked out of the territory and had not yet confronted the elves head-on, so they suffered a lot from this natural elves.

And those elves didn't have the idea of ​​attacking the city, they just blocked the Qiye Territory and kept launching raids on the Qiye Territory.

Destroy the mineral resources and special buildings in the Seven Nights Territory, and kill ordinary citizens, troops and mounts in the Seven Nights Territory.

In just one morning, the people of Qiye Territory were panicked, and the loss was not small.

In order to take advantage, Shen Qiye spent almost all of his soul crystals in the Points Mall yesterday. Now he has no resources and no soul crystals. In desperation, he can only choose to ask for help.

However, the assistance given by the Second-Order Zhili Association's assistance request area was very limited. Shen Qiye had not yet obtained many arms and equipment, and his request for assistance that day reached the upper limit.

As a last resort, Shen Qiye could only bite the bullet and ask Huang Yu to let him join the World Alliance again.

To this end, Shen Qiye also gave some benefits to Lord Chitian, Lord Haichen, and Lord Creighton, and asked them to help to say good things.

The communication crystal in his hand vibrated, and Shen Qiye quickly opened it to check, which was the report of the only king-level unit under his command.

[Lord Lord, a team of wind spirits has just been discovered in the north of the city, and I have led the team to annihilate them all. . . . . . However, a rare-grade mine was destroyed, ninety-seven miners were buried in the ground, and their lives were unknown. Eleven soldiers were killed by the elves' suicide attacks. 】

Seeing the news from his subordinates, Shen Qiye's breath stagnated, and then he yelled:

"A bunch of trash, what do they eat!"

"Are the second-order rare-grade city walls and the three thousand defenders just decorations?"

"This will allow the enemy to sneak into the territory, destroy a mine, and kill more than 100 people. What use do I want you to do!"

After scolding hysterically for a while, Shen Qiye adjusted his mentality and endured the scolding to send a message to the king-level troops under him.

[Strengthen the defense of the city wall, find out how those elves sneaked into the territory as soon as possible, and send another 200 Yan Yan troops to defend the castle. 】

Yan Yan's army is the only extraordinary arm in the Qiye Territory, with a total of 2,000 troops. The king-level arm just now is the leader of Yan Yan.

In addition to these two thousand king-level arms, Shen Qiye also has a perfect-grade arm, an excellent-grade arm, and the total number of medium and high-grade arms is nearly 10,000!

It's just that the king-level arm is similar to Leia, a pure combat-type king-class arm. Although the combat power is strong, the commander's ability is quite ordinary.

The deployment of various arms, and even the defense of the territory, are formulated by some heroic units with commanding ability.

"Why don't you agree!"

"Lord Blazing Lord, these people won't take the benefits and do nothing!"

Looking back, seeing that Huang Yu hadn't entered the seminar group, Shen Qiye was a little crazy.

After that, he couldn't help but urged several lords.

【Ding! 】

[The Lord of the Universe has joined the seminar group. . . . . . 】

After a long wait, the Zhili seminar group suddenly flashed, followed by a row of faint prompts.

Seeing Huang Yu entering the seminar group, Shen Qiye suddenly felt a heart fall back into his stomach.

As long as Huang Yu is willing to join the seminar group, Shen Qiye feels that everything has to be discussed.

Thinking of what he did in the morning, Shen Qiye decided to lower his posture and swallowed his voice.

Anyway, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. After getting through those elves, he will get enough benefits from the points mall.

At that time, it is not the World Alliance who kicked him, but he is kicking the World Alliance.

[Lord Universe, I apologize to you for my irrational behavior this morning! 】

[My original intention is not that, the trouble is mainly because those **** believers are in the fire! 】

[Actually, I wanted to exchange Universal Coins to get points this morning, but something was delayed and I didn't have time. . . . . 】

If you allow me to join the oneworld alliance, I can exchange all my savings for oneworldcoin! The points I got, I only used it to ask for help and borrow things from the cooperative war resource library. 】

[Please give me another chance, for the Oneworld Alliance, I still use a certain value! 】

. . . . . .

After organizing the language and sending it out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shen Qiye waited impatiently for Huang Yu's reply.

And Huang Yu didn't let him wait, and within a few seconds, Shen Qiye saw Huang Yu's reply.

【That's it? 】


What's the meaning?

Shen Qiye was stunned and was about to ask when he saw a message prompt.

[The Lord of the Universe has left the seminar group! 】

"You can talk if you are not satisfied!"

"The resources in my territory can also be sold to the Points Mall!"

Seeing Huang Yu leaving, Shen Qiye was a little panicked, and sent Huang Yu a seminar invitation again.

[Your seminar invitation has been blocked by the other party! 】


Seeing the prompt, Shen Qiye quickly chose to add Huang Yu as a friend.

[You have been blocked by the other party and cannot send a friend request to the other party! 】

"It actually blocked me..."

Shen Qiye was stunned for a moment, and then his face was red and blue, and his heart was full of grief and anger.

"Lord Universe, I, Shen Qiye, are at odds with you!"

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