Hearing Mu Ping's words, Huang Yu finally knew that the magic-patterned metal ball was called the magic-patterned key.

That thing seems to be both the Adamantine Magic Light Cannon control device and the energy supply device.

Sure enough, when Zhuling pulled out the magic pattern key and twisted it lightly, the magic pattern key changed rapidly, instantly turning into a structure full of regular inlays.

Afterwards, Zhuling handed the magic pattern key to the assistant on the side.

The assistant took out eight energy crystals of the same size from the backpack and embedded them in the magic pattern key in turn.

Although these energy crystals are small, Huang Yu sensed a huge amount of energy from them. It should have been purified by Zhuling and others using special methods.

Looking at Mu Ping and Zhuling, Huang Yu said:

"Then let's do it in a hurry later. I will send one to Zhanyi City and Rising Sun City tomorrow!"

"You should send someone to follow you when the time comes."

"Let them instruct the soldiers in the sub-city to learn to use the Adamantite Magic Light Cannon as soon as possible."

Zhuling and Mu Ping nodded and said:

"Follow your orders! Lord Lord!"

Huang Yu nodded, took the magic pattern key from Assistant Zhuling's hand, and weighed it a few times.

It is quite heavy to start, cold and smooth, and the fine magic pattern is dark golden when it is not activated.

The main material of this magic key is also made of fine gold.

Although fine gold is not the highest-grade material in Universal City, it is among the many materials whose energy transmission efficiency is only inferior to that of magic gold.

However, Huang Yu only had one piece of extraordinary-grade magic gold, and it was one of his assessment rewards. . . . . .

"The movement of the adamantine magic light cannon, you guys think about whether there is any good way."

Looking at the magic pattern key, Huang Yu said:

"Besides, I have an idea, let's see if it works."

"I hope that a program of sleep or even self-destruction can be implanted in the magic pattern key of every adamantine magic light cannon."

"And this sleep and self-destruction program, no matter how far away, we can manipulate...and only we can manipulate it."

"Not only that, but some important magic-pattern constructs in the future should also have these functions."

Big killers like the Adamantite Magic Light Cannon can be used for profit, but they cannot be a tool for the enemy to fight against us.

Huang Yu didn't say the last sentence, but even a pure-minded Zhuling could hear the meaning of Huang Yu's words.

The Universal Territory can sell these equipment to other lords to help them defeat powerful enemies.

But if there is a lord who dares to defy Huang Yu's will, then Huang Yu doesn't mind temporarily invalidating the magic weave in his hand, or becoming a means of understanding them.

"Lord Lord, we have separated the magic pattern key and the adamantine magic light cannon, and we have considered this aspect."

Mu Ping said to Huang Yu with a serious face:

"What you said, we have now researched a little bit."

"It's not even just sleep and self-destruction, we're looking at remote control and localization functions."

"If the research is successful, we will not only be able to obtain the other party's position, but also use the magic pattern structure in the other party's hand to carry out it according to your ideas..."

"Very good!" Huang Yu interrupted Mu Ping's words and said with a smile: "You don't need to explain so much to me, you are all the top talents in the universe, I believe you can do it!"

After speaking, Huang Yu patted Mu Ping on the shoulder and encouraged:

"Tell me what you need!"

"For anything below the epic level, if you are lacking, ask me directly."

"I hope to see these results in the shortest possible time!"

Huang Yu is sincerely happy.

What he thought of, Zhuling and Mu Ping also thought of it, even more comprehensive and long-term than he thought.

In addition to this reason, there is another reason that makes Huang Yu happy.

That's the "remote location" feature.

Huang Yu has been worried about how to manage the Oneworld Alliance when the teleportation function is not turned on, to deter members of the alliance from being obedient, or to impose sanctions on members who betray the alliance.

The Chaos Continent is boundless. Even with Chaos Vision, Huang Yu can only see the distribution of territory within a radius of 100 kilometers.

Even if it rises to the fifth rank, or even rises to extraordinary, and the range of chaotic vision increases, one can only peep into the corner of the chaotic continent.

If someone in the One Universe Alliance really did something harmful to him, Huang Yu really had no effective means to impose sanctions on the other party in a short period of time.

The same question also appeared on Xiaoxiao and Believers in the World Channel.

Huang Yu had quite a few enemies, and when those enemies developed, they might really have an impact on the entire universe. . . . . .

. . . . . .

"Look, my lord, this is the scarlet glory we designed for the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry!"

Magic Pattern Research Institute.

A tiger and leopard riding a flame dragon horse is standing quietly in the experimental field in the center of the research institute.

He was wearing a set of scarlet armor, holding a long spear made of red gold wood in his hand, and the scarlet cloak was windless, covering most of the body of the tiger and leopard riding and the Yanlong horse, making the tiger and leopard riding very majestic .

When the Adamantite Magic Light Cannon was developed at the Magic Pattern Construction Center, the founders of the Blue Mountain Workshop also presented their results to Huang Yu.

After the green scale suit and the mountain forest phantom suit, the Magic Pattern Research Institute also created a set of equipment for Tiger and Leopard Riders.

At this time, Huang Yu, accompanied by Baili, Mao Jiang and others, came to check the suit called "Scarlet Glory".

Seeing that Huang Yu did not speak, Mao Jiang continued to explain the special features of this scarlet glory to Huang Yu with a respectful expression.

"The Scarlet Glory theme part~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is still a rare-grade heavy armor."

"In addition to the conventional magic-patterned constructions such as energy shields, crystal explosive arrows, and explosive magic pills, there are two main points about the special features of Scarlet Glory."

"The first point is the cape in Scarlet Glory."

"The design of this cloak is based on Emile's scarlet cloak. In addition to its outstanding spell resistance, it also has the functions of increasing the Tiger and Leopard Rider Soul Eater Feast and the Flame Dragon Horse's Wheel of Flames."

"In addition, the cloak of scarlet glory also has the ability to silence and change color..."

With Mao Jiang's explanation, the tiger and leopard riding in the venue also began to show the scarlet glory.

Under his control, the cloak completely wrapped the man and the horse, and then the color changed instantly, almost blending with the proving ground.

Afterwards, the tiger and leopard cavalry controlled the Yanlong horse and began to charge. The huge iron hoof of the Yanlong horse fell on the testing ground, but did not make the slightest sound.

"The second special feature of Scarlet Glory is that long spear made of red gold wood!"

As Mao Jiang opened his mouth, Tiger Leopard Rider stabbed out the unremarkable red gold wood spear in his hand.

call out!

In the harsh sound of breaking the air, a little cold mang passed through several iron puppets one after another. Huang Yu caught an energy shock and found that a smooth and regular round hole appeared on the foreheads of all the iron puppets.

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