"Tonight's beast tide is a rare opportunity!"

Leonidas turned his head and said to Atreus and Shaq:

"Whether it is the Orpheus Chapter or the Meteorite Cavalry, they all need to experience the baptism of battle."

"The flesh and blood of dead monsters can also meet the food needs for a period of time."

"Materials can also be provided to professionals in the Magic Weave Research Institute to be made into equipment and potions to reduce the financial burden."

The establishment of a new city will require a period of development to achieve self-sufficiency.

In order to support the sub-city as soon as possible and make it independent, Universal City has formulated a certain amount of support funds for Zhanyi City and Rising Sun City.

It includes a series of materials such as equipment, medicine, food, scrolls, etc., and implemented different assessment objectives for the two city masters.

As the city lord of the sub-city, Leonidas naturally did not want to be compared by Jiang Chengzi.

He is in high spirits now and wants to develop Rising Sun City as soon as possible.

Atreus was not interested in assessments, but when he heard Leonidas' words, he couldn't help but have an idea.

"Leonidas, it's better to call Ganix, Phaedra, Astinos and the others."

"Let's take the giant dragon and drive the wild monsters to Rising Sun City like the Lord Lord!"

"The five of us plus five giant dragons, and three extraordinary-grade skill scrolls and one epic-grade skill scroll, as long as you are careful, you shouldn't have to worry about any accidents."

"Anyway, the location of aliens within 100 kilometers is under our control."

"While driving away the beast tide, you can also survey the surrounding terrain."

Atreus looked at Leonidas with bright eyes, eager to try.

Since destroying the invading yak army, in order to garrison Rising Sun City, the silver of the sword in his hand has not seen blood for two days.

For a fighting madman like him, it was a very painful thing.

Atreus rolled his eyes, thought of something again, and said to Leonidas:

"It's not enough to just drive wild monsters and increase the intensity of the beast tide!"

"The Rising Sun City was first built, so we have to kill the alien flags to celebrate."

"Take the 'Zi' golden man with you, and let 500 Spartan warriors ride iron-feather griffins to follow us! "

"First destroy an alien territory, and then drive away the wild monsters..."

Shaq was left aside, and when he heard Atreus, his head grew a little bigger for a while.

He knew that the Universal Territory was powerful, but as for how powerful it was, he didn't know how powerful it was.

At this time, seeing Leonidas, he seemed to have a faint heartbeat, and he wanted to speak to stop it, but he didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, Leonidas was thoughtful. Although he longed for war, he calmed down after thinking for a while.

"Atris, Rising Sun City was just built, as a lord, I can't leave Rising Sun City at this time."

"And there are only five hundred iron-feather griffins in Rising Sun City, which are the main air combat units and cannot all leave the territory."

"Let's not mention the matter of destroying the alien race, it is feasible to drive away the wild monsters and increase the intensity of the beast tide."

"Let Rex drive my dragon. I'll give you another two hundred iron-feather griffins. You will lead the team to drive away the wild monsters."

"As for the alien races, after the beast tide has passed, we will concentrate our forces to remove them!"

Hearing Leonidas' words, Atreus was slightly disappointed, but he also knew that Leonidas was telling the truth.

The newly-born Rising Sun City is far less powerful than imagined. Most of the alien races that survived at this stage are not soft persimmons that can be handled by others.

It is not very difficult to win an alien territory with one golden man, one giant dragon, four dragon beasts and five hundred warriors.

Spartan warriors are indeed strong, but not all of them are invincible.

After taking orders from Leonidas, Atreus walked down Kunjinyan, and the contact person prepared to go out to expel the monsters.

However, at this moment, a sharp whistle sounded.

This is the warning method of the shadow of Sparta, from outside the city.

Atreus hurriedly returned to the city wall, and what he saw was Shaq, who looked nervous, and Leonidas, who had a grim expression and quickly mobilized the army.

"Gannix, you and Melendez hold on, the support will be here soon!"

"Astinos, organize the Stonehorn Knights out of the city!"

"Phaedra, ride your dragon and lead the Griffin Knights to the west of Rising Sun first!"

"Be sure to keep every construction worker safe!"

. . . . . .

Seeing Leonidas giving orders, Atreus knew something big was going on.

Hearing him talk about the safety of construction workers, Atreus couldn't help but look outside the city.

In the forest in the distance, there was a faint fire flickering, and the wisps of ash smoke only fluttered into the sky, and the shadows of some strange creatures could be vaguely seen.

According to the contract, Atreus summoned the red dragon Yai to come, and asked Leonidas.

"Leonidas, what happened?"

Hearing Atreus' question, Leonidas simply replied:

"Construction workers returning to Universal City were attacked!"

"Merendes and Ganix are leading the warriors against the enemy and protecting the construction workers back to Rising Sun."

"According to the information from Gannix, the attacker is most likely the demon that Lord Lord mentioned yesterday!"


Hearing Leonidas' words, Atreus immediately thought of the information from Huang Yu yesterday, making them beware of a race called demons in the near future.

This is a creature from another world, strong and aggressive.

Lord Lord does not know when, where and how they will appear. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Ow! !

A loud dragon roar.

The red dragon Yayi flew low along the Kunjinyan city wall with a gust of wind.

"Leonidas, I'll go take a look first!"

When the red dragon Yayi was about to approach, Atreus asked Leonidas for instructions, then jumped at the right moment, and landed firmly on the back of the red dragon Yayi across a distance of dozens of meters.

The moment Atres dropped his back, the red dragon Yayi slammed his wings.

The wings swayed with billowing dust, and the huge dragon body rose again, carrying Atreus to the west.

At the same time, the soldiers of the Orpheus Chapter began to pour towards the city wall, and the magic-guided cannons and the maglev screw-bed crossbow were also activated.

At the gates of Rising Sun City, stone horned beasts swarmed out of the gates with heavy steps.

The iron-feather griffins also flew into the air one after another, hovering in the air, and as long as they were assembled, they could fly to the western forest.

Leonidas frowned as he looked at the western forest.

At the gates of Rising Sun City, stone horned beasts swarmed out of the gates with heavy steps.

The iron-feather griffins also flew into the air one after another, hovering in the air, and as long as they were assembled, they could fly to the western forest.

Leonidas frowned as he looked at the western forest.

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