"Zhuzhao, Youying, if the situation is not right, return to the territory immediately."

"This beast tide is very special. If you find a monster, you must kill it as soon as possible!"

"Garcia, have the twelve town demon monuments been laid out?"

"You black melt guards are just fine to defend the city wall with peace of mind, don't be too aggressive."

"By improving your strength in this beast swarm, you will be able to participate in the conquest of the gray dwarf territory the day after tomorrow."

. . . . . .

Gallo Territory.

As the red moon vaguely appeared in the sky, there were more and more wild monsters outside the territory of Garo.

One after another, the roars of the beasts echoed on the grassland, and the scarlet-eyed wild monsters lurked in the lush grass, looking at the Garo territory surrounded by tall city walls.

As long as the last ray of sunshine in the west dissipates, these wild monsters will be driven by the desire to kill and rush towards the Garo territory.

The increased influence of the red moon not only gave birth to monsters, but also indirectly increased the scale and intensity of the beast tide.

Even though he had survived several beast tides, Jia Luo still did not dare to underestimate the beast tide tonight.

In order to prevent accidents from happening, Jia Luo even sent the newly purchased extraordinary arm, the Black Molten Guard, to the city wall to defend Jia Luo's territory with other arms.

And the reason why Jia Luo can afford the Black Molten Guard is directly related to her joining the Universal Alliance.

In the past few days, Jia Luo took his troops and swept the general area within 50 to 60 kilometers.

Whenever he encounters a powerful alien territory, Jia Luo will use the twelve golden men leased from the Oneworld Alliance, or use the heroic spirit Kongyu to summon the fifth-order heroic spirit Dirios to help in the battle.

Moreover, compared to the Twelve Golden Men, Garro prefers to summon Dirios.

The strength reached the fifth rank, the awakening of the holy soul "heroic benevolence", and Dilios, who has the eight-star holy artifact "the frontier of the universe".

Not only does Zhuzhao and Youying sigh with their own super-strong personal strength, but also has two great moves that are powerful enough to catch up with extraordinary spells.

Although the borrowing points are very high, and it is only borrowed once within 24 hours, it is the most cost-effective cooperative resource in Jia Luo's heart.

Just yesterday, Garro summoned Dirios to help out through the Heroic Soul Seal when he was conquesting a fourth-order believer's territory.

Even the four magic-guided artillery salvos failed to break through the third-order rare-grade city wall of the Crystal Clan.

But Dilios just released a world-opening front, and then bombarded the unfallen third-order rare-grade city wall with the magic cannon for two rounds.

In the follow-up battle, he single-handedly killed a pseudo-angel summoned by a believer, and another world pioneering front blew the believer's church into pieces together with its protective shield.

After releasing the front of the universe twice, Dilios returned directly to the universe city.

However, after losing the church, the people in the believer's territory also lost the increase in the power of faith.

The holy army of perfect grade was beaten back to its original shape, and the ordinary citizens became demented, and the entire territory still had some fighting strength with the fourth-order believer and mount.

Garro took the believer's territory with little effort.

After decomposing the lordship of the believers, Jia Luo obtained more than 4 million soul crystals.

Since she came to Chaos Continent, this is her biggest harvest!

After the One Universe Alliance recharged one million Universe Coins, Jia Luo planned to use the remaining soul crystals to add another extraordinary unit to the territory.

Taihua Ruishi is indeed very strong, fighting on the grasslands, so far he has never met an opponent.

However, once encountering an alien territory protected by high-grade and high-grade city walls, such as this fourth-order believer's territory, Taihua Ruishi, who is a cavalry, will find it difficult to use his hands and feet.

Jia Luo also cultivated several rare and excellent-grade arms, but as the enemies encountered became stronger and stronger, these arms were gradually unable to keep up with the needs of the war.

For this reason, Jia Luo specially screened for a night, and finally found a suitable extraordinary unit - the Black Guard!

After upgrading the Black Molten Guard camp to Tier 3, Garro summoned 500 Black Molten Guards.

After she had equipped the 500 Black Melt Guards with equipment, there were not many soul crystals on hand.

It takes a lot of soul crystals to cultivate an extraordinary army. Although Jia Luo has obtained the Black Melt Guard now, it will take a lot of time and financial resources to cultivate the Black Melt Guard.

Fortunately, she was the golden councilor of the Oneworld Alliance, so she could get the greatest help from the Oneworld Alliance, and the time should be shortened a lot. . . . . .


There is still a trace of fish maw white left on the western horizon, but there are wild monsters that can't stand it anymore.

Several black rock rhinos let out a low roar, their eyes were scarlet, covered with a faint red light, they quickly moved their heavy giant hooves, and slammed into the Garo territory.

In the grass and bushes behind the black rock rhinoceros, the wild monsters fluttered up and down, roaring a few times from time to time, or scrambling with other wild monsters.

Under the influence of Black Rock Rhino, the scene gradually began to become chaotic.

Whoosh whoosh!

With the sound of breaking the air, the crossbow on the city wall of Jialuo Territory activated.

Under the dim light before night fell, the crossbow arrow flew in front of the Black Rock Rhino without a trace.

Puff puff!

Several crossbow arrows precisely hit the clumsy Black Rock Rhinoceros, and the sharp arrows easily broke through the hard skin of the Black Rock Rhinoceros.


The black rock rhinoceros was in pain, screaming shrill and loud, staggered forward a step, and finally fell to the ground with a bang, crushing a large piece of grass, and the gushing blood appeared brighter and redder under the crimson moonlight.

However, this scene did not scare the wild monsters gathered behind.

Under the stimulation of blood~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the wild monsters became more and more manic, and gradually approached the territory of Jialuo.

Suddenly, three shadows jumped out from behind the beast tide.

Their demonic energy escaped, and the wild monsters they encountered seemed to be possessed by demons, and they no longer attacked each other, and quickly attacked the territory of Garo behind them.


Although he had never been attacked by monsters, when he saw the three monsters, Jia Luo immediately recognized that they were monsters.

She also saw the information shared by Huang Yu this morning, and at Huang Yu's suggestion, she went to Chaos Mall to buy twelve demon monuments.

Their demonic energy escaped, and the wild monsters they encountered seemed to be possessed by demons, and they no longer attacked each other, and quickly attacked the territory of Garo behind them.


Although he had never been attacked by monsters, when he saw the three monsters, Jia Luo immediately recognized that they were monsters.

She also saw the information shared by Huang Yu this morning, and at Huang Yu's suggestion, she went to Chaos Mall to buy twelve demon monuments.

She also saw the information shared by Huang Yu this morning, and at Huang Yu's suggestion, she went to Chaos Mall to buy twelve demon monuments.

She also saw the information shared by Huang Yu this morning, and at Huang Yu's suggestion, she went to Chaos Mall to buy twelve demon monuments.

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