The phenomenon that happened in the Galo Territory also happened in many human territories that purchased the Demon Suppression Tablet.

Many human lords began to praise the role of the demon-suppressing tablet in the world channel, and more and more lords purchased the demon-suppressing tablet in the Chaos Mall.

The Demon Suppression Tablet is only a rare grade of equipment, and a single one has limited effect.

But the good thing about this piece of equipment is that its anti-magic effects can be superimposed on each other.

As long as it is properly arranged, the influence of monsters on the beast tide will be minimized.

To the relief of many lords, the price of the Demon Suppression Tablet is very cheap, which is a drop in the bucket for most lords.

However, even so, there are some lords who, for some reason, are disdainful of the Demon Suppression Tablet produced by the Universal Territory, and some of them have paid a heavy price for underestimating this beast tide.

Black Flame Territory.

With the information prompt popping out, the golden protective shield covering the Black Flame Territory began to spread to the outside world, and the golden protective shield disappeared quietly after advancing two kilometers from the Black Flame Castle in the center of the territory.

This shows that the fire in the Black Flame Territory has just been promoted from Tier 3 to Tier 4.

Lord Black Flame stood on the castle and witnessed all this with his own eyes, but there was no joy in his expression, instead he was full of anxiety and despair.

Because not long ago, the second-order fine-grade city wall in his territory was broken by the monsters generated by the demonization of several fourth-order wild monsters.

Now there are wild monsters and monsters raging everywhere in the territory. Some of the people and warriors under his command are eaten without even slag, and some are affected by monsters, lose their minds, and pounce on their own kind.

In the entire Black Flame Territory, only the castle where he inhabited was left, and there were only more than 800 troops left under his command.

At this time, these troops were forming a formation outside the castle, and people were panicking and doing the last resistance.

Even if the territory is promoted to Tier 4 at this time, it will not have much impact on the entire situation.

"Why is this beast tide so fierce?"

"If I had known this, I should put aside my prejudice and buy a few monuments to the town of demons."

Lord Black Flame was very annoyed.

Because he has survived the two beast tides safely, and the confidence brought by the promotion of the territory to the fourth-order, makes him dismissive of monsters and beast tides.

As for the information shared by Huang Yu, Lord Hei Yan, like some of the lords, regarded it as a means for Huang Yu to cut leeks.

Out of some kind of psychology, he has an inexplicable hatred for top lords like Huanyu and Kashid.

In his eyes, these lords only became strong by sucking the blood of other lords, and they didn't have any kindness, and they didn't know how to support people with lofty ideals like him.

What it did was to exploit and oppress the vast majority of the lower-level lords.

Especially after "bashing" the lord of the universe several times on the World Channel and being completely blocked by Huang, the lord of Heiyan even swore that he would use his personal strength to develop and grow the territory of Heiyan.

When I have the opportunity to meet the lord of the universe in the future, I will tell him the truth of "30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi".

But he did not expect that his Black Flame Territory had just been promoted to the fourth rank, and then fell under the offensive of the beast tide.

Looking at the troops that were retreating outside the castle, Lord Black Flame was very anxious, and he called up the friend list to find a few friends he made in the world channel and ask for some help.

Most of these friends are just as cynical as him, disliked by top lords such as Huanyu and Kasd, and are unwilling to become human lords of believers.

However, just after opening the friend list, Lord Hei Yan's heart was half cold.

During the morning chat, there were hundreds of friends in the friend list, but now there are only a little more than half left, and the remaining lords have been removed from his friend list.

This shows that these lords have lost their lordship authority and territory, and they have probably lost their lives in the mouth of wild monsters.

Seeing this scene, Lord Black Flame couldn't help but feel anxious, searched among the remaining friends, found a lord with a good relationship, and sent a message to the other party.

[Brother, if you are here, can you support me with some soul crystals, equipment and arms, my territory can no longer be supported! 】

Lord Heiyan knew that his friends didn't get along very well, and he was only in the same league with himself, and only one person could not save the situation, so he was taller than the short one, and chose a few friends who were quite good. , ask the other party for support.

However, perhaps the beast tide was under too much pressure, and after waiting for a long time, Lord Black Flame received a piece of reply.

[Hei Yan, with your strength, how could you be forced to such a degree by the beast tide? Isn't your territory going to be upgraded to Tier 4? 】

After waiting for a long time, after waiting for such a nonsense, Hei Yan was dissatisfied in his heart, but he patiently explained to the other party.

[If it's just a beast tide, of course it won't force me to this level, those monsters are so disgusting... No, do you have any way to fight the monsters? Tell me now! 】

Halfway through the words, Lord Black Flame suddenly wondered if the other party knew some ways to fight monsters, and he couldn't help asking.

At the same time, he secretly scolded the other party. He didn't even tell him that there was a way to fight wild monsters. He lost a brother.

Soon, Lord Black Flame received a reply from the other party.

However, after seeing the other party's reply, Hei Yan's face instantly darkened.

【means? Didn't the lord of the universe tell you all? Buy a dozen demon-suppressing monuments, and it will not take long for those monsters to be suppressed like dead dogs... No, Hei Yan, don't tell me, there is not even a demon-suppressing monument in your territory. Arrange it? You're not that stupid, are you? 】


This bitch!

Seeing that the other party said he was stupid, Hei Yan was instantly furious. If it wasn't for the approaching beast swarm, he would have to greet the other party's 18th generation relatives carefully.

But forced by the situation, Hei Yan had to bow his head and ask for help.

[Now it's too late to set up the Demon Suppression Monument, dear brother, can you help me, as long as I can get through this I must be very grateful! 】

After sending this sentence, Hei Yan couldn't help but ask:

[Don't you hate the lord of the universe very much? Why buy his things and donate soul crystals to him? 】

After the news was sent, Hei Yan was stunned for a while, only to feel that this question was biased.

It's a pity that the friend list does not have the function of withdrawing messages. Hei Yan can only pray that this sentence will not irritate the other party.

The soldiers in the Black Flame Territory have been forced under the castle, and from time to time there are magic attacks bombarding the castle, making Hei Yan tremble.

After waiting for a while, Hei Yan received a reply from the other party.

【Is there something wrong with your brain? 】

[What does scolding the lord of the universe have to do with me using things from the universe? 】

[Just as stupid as you, you deserve to be invaded by the beast tide! 】


Seeing the other party's series of replies, Hei Yan was stunned at first, and then burned with anger.

Regardless of the surging beasts outside the castle, a large paragraph of text was edited to greet the relatives of the other party.

However, when he chose to send, his message was not sent successfully.

Instead, a message popped up.

[The message failed to send, the other party has deleted your friend and blocked you!]

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