Teleport function!

After reading the detailed information after Tinder's promotion to Tier 5, what Huang Yu is most concerned about is the teleportation function opened in Tier 5 territory!

The universe looked at the center of the obsidian.

There is a round stone platform ten meters in diameter, about sixty centimeters in height, and the whole body is white.

The stone platform is inlaid with blue gems, engraved with some mysterious symbols, surrounded by eight five-meter-high stone pillars, and the top of the stone pillars is composed of Xuankong jade.

Huang Yu originally thought it was a decoration of Obsidian Square, but when he checked the information, he found out that it was the teleportation circle of the universe.

With the establishment of sub-city, the most cumbersome thing in the universe is the transportation of personnel and materials between the main city and the sub-city.

Jiang Chengzi and Leonidas hadn't been back to Universal City since they became the city lords of the branch city.

When Huang Yu communicated with them, there was only one way to communicate crystals.

Whether it is Zhanyi City, Rising Sun City, or Jingbei City to be built next, they are hundreds of kilometers away from Huanyu City.

Even if there is a means of transportation such as a maglev, a round trip will take four or five hours.

The transportation efficiency of personnel and materials is particularly low.

Now that the teleportation function is enabled, although there is a limit on the number of people, it cannot be used by ordinary people, but it also greatly enhances the connection between the main city and the sub-city.

A fourth-order sub-city with 550 teleportation places can already be used for many things.

Moreover, Huang Yu checked the detailed usage of the teleportation function, and found that the teleportation from the main city to the sub-city did not interfere with each other.

In other words, Universal City now has two sub-cities, with a total of 1,110 teleportation places.

If there is a special situation, as long as there are enough soul crystals, the two branch cities can quickly support 1,110 troops in Universal City.

If the sub-city also reaches the fifth rank, and the teleportation function is turned on, there is no limit to the number of teleportation places.

Of course, these are all personnel transfers. If you use the transfer function to transfer materials to sub-city, you need to use a tricky method.

The teleportation function opened in the fifth-order territory is only for people.

However, the items and equipment held by the person will also be regarded as within the quota.

Note that items and equipment that are "held" when necessary, such as driving maglev vehicles, transport vehicles, etc., cannot enter the portal.

That is to say, as many things as the person who wants to transmit can take, they can transmit as many materials, and it is not possible to transport them with other tools.

And the items that a person can move is limited, even if Huang Yu surpasses the giant dragon, the mountain giant and the Balrog in strength, he cannot pick up a thousand units of Kunjinyan.

Moreover, the teleportation circle also has a limit on the size of the teleportation unit.

Every time the teleportation array is activated, all teleportation units cannot exceed a range of ten meters in diameter and five meters in height.

Beyond this range, it is not teleportation, but self-mutilation or even murder.

If Huang Yu wants to go to other branch cities, he must maintain his human form, and those giant dragons in the territory cannot ride on the teleportation formation above Tier 3.

"Using the transmission function, it is okay to transport some high-grade materials, but large-scale transportation is not feasible at present."

Huang Yu stood on the teleportation platform and reached out to touch the gems on the stone pillar.

However, after seeing the space ring on his finger, Huang Yu suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

"The space ring is also an item I hold. If the space ring is filled with materials, wouldn't it be possible to transport it on a large scale?"

"If this option works, the benefits don't stop there."

"Using the space ring, I can mobilize the battlefield killers such as the twelve golden figures and the adamantine magic light cannon at a very fast speed."

"Where it needs to be moved, the strength of the universe will not be too scattered."

. . . . . .

Thinking of this, Huang Yu's eyes lit up, and he touched the stone pillar of the teleportation platform, ready to activate the teleportation function.

The stone pillar lit up, and blue energy lines began to extend to the stone platform.

A mysterious energy filled Huang Yu's surroundings. When Huang Yu looked out, the scenes outside his sight were dislocated, distorted or even reversed, which made people feel slightly dizzy.

However, just when Huang Yu thought the transmission was going to be successful, those blue energy lines suddenly turned red.

Then, a voice of indistinguishable gender rang in Huang Yu's ear.

【warn! warn! 】

[It is found that the carrier carries space equipment or materials, which is easy to cause transmission accidents and has a great risk of transmission. Please confirm whether to continue the transmission! 】

[Note: Carrying space materials and equipment transmission will interfere with the normal operation of the teleportation array.

As a result, the teleportation array failed, the teleportation array restarted, and a teleportation quota was wasted.

If it is more serious, it will be separated from the transmission beacon, wandering in the void, or lost in the turbulent flow of time and space. . . . . . 】

[Transmission will start in ten seconds, please confirm whether to stop! 】


【Ten, nine, eight. . . . . . 】

. . . . . .

"No! No! No!"

Hearing the prompt from the teleportation platform, Huang Yu was stunned, and then immediately stopped the teleportation.

The red light of the teleportation array quickly receded, and it returned to normal after a while.

Huang Yu jumped off the teleportation formation, took a long breath, and suddenly had some lingering fears.

He was in the teleportation formation just now and was enveloped by that space-time energy. He really felt that he was going to be teleported away in the next moment.

It’s okay to say that the transmission is successful, but if the transmission fails, the consequences will be disastrous.

If he hangs up for this reason, then Huang Yu won't even have the chance to cry foolishly by himself.

"In the future, it is better not to do things of this experimental nature in person."

Huang Yu touched his nose. After UU read frightened, he felt dumbfounded.

This reminded him of the incident where he nearly committed suicide with his anti-magic lightsaber.

The strength beyond the grade gave him great confidence and confidence, but also made him a little proud and careless.

This incident taught him a lesson.

The dangers of Chaos Continent are not only wild monsters and aliens, but there are not a few things that can make him die.

If you are not careful, you may capsize in the gutter.

"Space materials and equipment cannot be transmitted together with the transmitter."

"It's a bit whimsical to want to rely on the space ring card bug."

"We must pay attention to this matter. In the future, the teleportation platforms in the main city and the branch cities must be specially guarded."

Huang Yu looked at the teleporter, slightly disappointed.

But think about it, using space equipment to quickly transport materials and even personnel, the transmission function of the territory is too heaven-defying.

With the upgrade of Tinder and the gradual enhancement of the teleportation function, it may be possible to do so.

But now the transmission function has just appeared, and only allows transmission between sub-city, the function is still very limited.

In addition to enabling the teleportation function, this upgrade of Universal City also added five new territories.

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