bang bang bang...

Two tall golden figures stepped forward, and behind them were more than a thousand Kate War Princesses.

Leia rode the Nether Star Wolf and walked in the forefront with the team, her face was not particularly good-looking.

Yesterday, she brought a Kate War Girl to Zhanyi City for support, but due to the erosion of demonic energy, she caused some trouble.

More than a thousand Kate Warriors only participated in the first half of the fight against the beast tide. In the second half, except for her and dozens of Kate Warriors heroes, other Kate Warriors retreated from the front line. .

In the face of the beast tide caused by monsters, they have become unstable factors.

Although it didn't have much impact on Zhanyi City's resistance to the beast tide, it was a big blow to the Kate warriors who participated in a large-scale war for the first time.

As extraordinary troops, they have their own pride.

If they are easily eroded by demonic energy, they will be **** in future battles, or even be hidden by the Lord, this is something that Leia and other Kate War Girls can't accept.

Gradually, Eve and the others have entered the coverage area of ​​Universal City Fire.

The outer city walls are still under construction, and there are only a few imperial guards patrolling the outer city.

However, there are not many wild monsters around Huanyu City, and the alien races are extinct, and there is basically no danger.

The residents work leisurely in the outer city. When they pass through the block, there will be lively screams from the surrounding shops, full of life.

Seeing this scene, Leia felt a lot more at ease.

The Lord must know that they have returned to Universal City, but no one has been sent to isolate them alone, indicating that they have not given up.

If they were worried that their demonization would affect the safety of the territory, they would not be allowed to enter Universal City.

And after stepping into the outer city, Leia felt that the irritability in her heart after being eroded by the demonic energy was quickly fading away.

The effect of the fourth-order pure demon domain in the universe is quickly eliminating the sequelae of their demonic erosion.

Even after the erosion of the demonic energy, the irritable and irritable companions gradually calmed down.

However, after their physical and bloodline abilities were stimulated, the characteristics of the wild monsters that appeared still existed.

Cat ears, canine teeth, fox tails... These special alienated organizations have aroused the curiosity of the territorial people encountered on the way.

However, maybe there is Huang Yu's "learning from the past", they did not show resistance and disgust, but expressed their welcome to the returning Kate War Girls.

Most of the ordinary citizens have no access to war, and have limited knowledge of the battle between the territory and the outside world.

But they know that these powerful units under the lord's command, every time they go out, are to guard the territory and guard their safety and happy life.

Especially under the propaganda of the government affairs department, the significance of the Hall of Valhalla, the cemetery of the martyrs and the monument has also been given the greatest importance.

Therefore, the ordinary citizens of the Universal Territory have great respect for the soldiers of each legion.

Although some of the Kate War Princesses have the characteristics of wild monsters, in the eyes of the people of the world, they are still human beings and warriors who protect their happy lives.

Under the kind eyes and welcome voices of the people, Leia and the other Kate warriors couldn't help but feel a lot more relaxed.

No matter what, they are still part of the land.

This land, as usual, will still accept them.


Under the guidance of a royal guard, Leia first sent the two golden men to the inner city, and then took Kate Warrior to the Kate Warrior Training Camp that was moved to the outer city.

But after they arrived, they found out that Kate, who was led by Eve, returned to the training camp one step ahead of her.

Lord Lord is also there, in addition, there are some experts and masters from the Magic Weave Research Institute, and the Arcanist of the Crown of Secrets.

Seeing Eve with a natural expression, Leia completely put her heart back into her stomach.

Driving You Xinglang, he came to Huang Yu, jumped off his mount, and saluted Huang Yu.

"Kate and Ji Leia, meet the lord!"

Huang Yu was talking to the mysterious Arcanist Levi, and after hearing Leia's voice, he turned around and said with a smile:

"Good work, Leia!"

"You take the other Kate warriors to rest first."

"Oh, by the way, have the 'Ugly' Jin and the 'You' Jin sent to the Magic Pattern Research Institute?"

Hearing Huang Yu's words, Leia subconsciously replied:

"My lord, the 'Ugly' Jin and the 'You' Jin have been sent to the inner city and handed over to the people from the Magic Pattern Research Institute."

Huang Yu nodded and didn't say more, but turned his head to continue chatting with Levi.

"Meditation is not so easy to master, is it?"

"Apprentices at the professional training base, but it takes a long time to learn to meditate."

"What's more, in principle, they are actually warriors."

Huang Yu's words did not shy away from Leia.

In fact, Eve was standing beside Huang Yu, listening with interest.

Leia knew Eve relatively well, so she could tell at a glance that someone didn't understand and pretended to understand.

On the side, Levi, after hearing Huang Yu's words, patiently explained to Huang Yu:

"Lord Lord, there is a misunderstanding in your sentence."

"Meditation is not exclusive to mages."

"The students of the professional training base were not mages before they mastered meditation."

"After they master meditation, they can freely mobilize their spiritual power and have the qualifications to become mage."

"And you also know that after becoming a mage, meditation will become more and more proficient and more efficient."

"And those who master extraordinary powers will be very efficient when they learn to meditate."

Hearing Levi's Huang Yu understood instantly.

In addition to some basic combat skills that he mastered after training with Ryana and others, meditation can be regarded as a skill he learned by himself.

And he mastered meditation very fast.

At first, he thought that it was because of his talent and intelligence, or because of the extraordinary great master Yi An who devoted himself to teaching, that he could get started in one day, master it in a week, and become proficient and perfect in a month.

Now it seems that that is the reason why his mental power is getting stronger and stronger as his level increases.

Listening to Huang Yu and Levi's chat, Leia looked at a loss.

Why does Lord Lord want to talk about meditation with Levi, the head of the mysterious school?

What should I do now?

The lord hasn't said yet, how to arrange the companions who are more severely eroded by demonic energy.

After hesitating for a while, Leia still spoke and asked Huang Yu:

"Lord Lord, Kate War Princess, who has been severely eroded by demonic energy, how should you settle it now?"

Hearing Leia's question, Huang Yu said indifferently:

"Don't worry, it's alright."

"You take them to the training camp to rest, and the Realm of Innocent can remove their negative effects."

"You don't have to worry about Kate's demonization in the future."

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