The training effect of the magic tower training camp is much stronger than Huang Yu imagined.

Especially after the battle is over, the targeted training is carried out on the problems exposed during the battle.

Under the action of that layer of light film, it can be said to be hands-on teaching.

In the magic tower training ground, Huang Yu once again trained the first plan.

[Completion degree of scheme 1: 21%]

【Do you want to continue training program 1? 】




According to the prompt, Huang Yu chose to continue the training plan one.

The battle target continued to rush towards Huang Yu as before.

And Huang Yu also responded to the target in accordance with the response method of plan one.

It was the first time he had dealt with that way before, so there were a lot of flaws in the action.

However, after training for so long, Huang Yu has mastered the basics of swordsmanship well.

The second time he swung the long sword, his movements became much more standard, and the light film only slightly modified his movements.


The blade flashed, the severed limb flew up, the training target disappeared, and Huang Yu received the message again.

[Completion degree of plan 1: 88%]

【Do you want to continue training program 1? 】



improved greatly!

After seeing the information prompt, Huang Yu felt a little excited and continued to train for plan one.

However, in the follow-up training, Huang Yu's movements were not mature and standard enough. It was not until the ninth swing of the sword that he improved the completion of plan one to 100%.

Huang Yu has sufficient physical strength, so far he has not felt the feeling of lack of strength.

After raising the completion degree of plan one to lv100, continue to train the remaining five plans and other actions.

It was not until an hour later, when the scheduled training time ended, that Huang Yu completed one third of the wrong segments.

But in this hour, Huang Yu had a lot of battle knowledge imprinted in his mind.

If all those wrong fragments can be corrected, Huang Yu's swordsmanship will definitely be improved to a higher level! .

But unfortunately, Huang Yu can't stay here forever.

The court meeting is about to start, and he has to rush to attend the meeting.

Before Huang Yu left, he also made a special trip to the genetic readjustment warehouse.

However, because the Magic Pattern Research Institute could not scan Huang Yu's information, naturally it could not prepare nutrient solution for him.

If Huang Yu had to use it, he could only choose the most basic body nourishing and healing nutrient solution.

This level of nutrient solution is basically useless to him.

After finishing the training completely, Huang Yu walked out of the magic tower training ground and used Hunyuan Wuji to step into the corridor outside the Tinder Hall.

Fifty royal guards, wearing purple-gold armor and holding spears, guarded both sides of the promenade.

As Huang Yu walked in, the imperial guards saluted one after another and said hello to Huang Yu.

These imperial guards were all arranged by Huang Yu on the promenade for hand hygiene in the palace.


The door of the Tinder Hall was pushed open by the imperial guards guarding the door, and Huang Yu stepped into the Tinder Hall just at this moment.

At this time, there were already more than 30 people in the fire hall, all of whom were the backbone of the universe, and they were discussing in the hall at this time.

However, as Huang Yu stepped into the Tinder Hall, everyone quieted down and returned to their positions.

Huang Yu calmly accepted the eyes and etiquette of the crowd, walked straight through the crowd, stepped on the countertop opposite the door, and sat on the main seat above.

This meeting is the largest since the establishment of the world territory.

Not only are the core leaders of the government affairs department, the Magic Pattern Research Institute, the Crown of Mysteries and other departments all present, but even the two city lords of the sub-city, Jiang Chengzi and Leonidas, also came to Universal City to participate in this event through the teleportation function. Field meeting.

Huang Yu looked at the backbones below and said:

"The meeting begins!"

"Since the two city lords also came to the scene, let's start reporting the work from you."

Hearing Huang Yu's words, Jiang Chengzi and Leonidas looked at each other, and finally Jiang Chengzi walked out first, summarizing the previous work of Zhanyicheng and the next work arrangement to Huang Yu.

Coming to Huang Yu and standing under the steps, Jiang Chengzi said:

"The impact of monsters has not affected the animal husbandry and agriculture of Zhanyi City. It has now returned to normal. In the next time, Zhanyi City plans to build the largest pasture in the world..."


"In the past few days, the wandering soldiers have already figured out an alien territory in the northeast of Zhanyi City."

"I plan to lead the army to conquer and destroy that alien race at noon today."


"Yesterday, the You Ning Army found that there are traces of dragon activity around Zhanyi City."

"Those traces do not belong to any giant dragon in Zhanyi City. It is initially suspected that it was left by the bronze giant dragon in the west."

"I suspect that the giant dragon has an idea for the City of Wings."


Jiang Chengzi explained the matter of Zhanyicheng, and it seemed that he was already prepared.

As for what Jiang Chengzi said, Huang Yu was only concerned about one thing, and that was that the bronze dragon on the west side of Zhanyi City seemed a little dishonest.

In Zhanyi City, there are "Wu" Jin and "Xu" Jin people, and an adamantine magic light cannon was placed in front of the beast tide.

In addition, there are many magic-guided cannons and maglev spiral crossbows, more than 10,000 high-grade arms, three extraordinary-grade skill books, and an epic-grade skill book.

Even without Huang Yu in charge, if the bronze dragon dared to invade Zhanyi City, Jiang Chengzi could make it come and go.

The only thing Huang Yu was worried about was that he would encounter a sneak attack by the giant dragon when the Zhanyicheng army was on their expedition, or when they were fighting fiercely with the enemy.

However, with Jiang Chengzi's talent, he can naturally consider this aspect.

His plan to go out to alien races has not changed because of should have been prepared long ago.

Huang Yu sat upright on the seat, tilted his head slightly, resting his cheeks with one hand, and drooping the other hand on the armrest of the throne.

After Jiang Chengzi reported all the important matters, he chatted with him a few words, and after letting him return to his place, he turned his attention to Leonidas.

"Lord Lord, the troll territory east of Rising Sun City has been a little active recently."

"Yesterday, there was a little friction with the Knights of the Meteor Mountain who cleaned up the wild monsters."

"Now Ganyx is tracking the whereabouts of this troll army with the Shadow of Sparta."

"The Spartan Legion is ready, and when Gannix determines the trajectory of the troll legion, we will go out and annihilate it."

"After destroying this troll army, we plan to take advantage of the situation to destroy that troll territory!"

That fourth-order troll territory?

Hearing Leonidas' words, Huang Yu immediately thought of several powerful enemies around Rising Sun City that he had seen through Chaos Vision after the establishment of Rising Sun City.

And the fourth-order troll territory is one of them.

"Be careful, and pay more attention to other alien races around you before starting the war, so as not to be taken advantage of by other enemies."

Huang Yu instructed, and asked Leonidas about the construction of Rising Sun City, and then asked Celine to report on the work.

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