There were ten faces in front of them, with different looks, male and female, all of them floating in the air at this time, looking at Huang Yu indifferently.

They didn't say a word, their expressions didn't change, and they didn't seem interested in anything.

Huang Yuyi was in trouble, and he had no idea what to do.

When no one is by my side, how can I use it?

Huang Yu looked at the face in the middle, which was a female face with soft facial features.

If this face grows on a human body, it is actually quite beautiful, but at this time relying on a pale face floating in front of the eyes, it looks particularly scary.

Out of habit, Huang Yu checked her information first.


[Introduction: The believer of the Thousand-faced Demon God, wandering outside the reincarnation of time and space, is now somewhere in the Chaos Continent, wearing his face can wake him up and issue a mission to him. 】

[Level: None]

[Potential: None]

. . . . . .


1. Causal borrowing: The faceless person survives in the current world by borrowing the identity of other things. After borrowing, the faceless person will master the memory, ability, habits, etc. of the identity, and survive in the world instead of the borrowed person.

After being borrowed by the Faceless One, the borrowed person will be erased by the law of the world due to loss of identity.

But the faceless person must clean up the cause and effect of the old identity before replacing the new identity, otherwise he will never be able to borrow the second identity.

If the identity cannot be changed in time, the faceless person will spend his life in the current identity and fall into the reincarnation of time and space instead of the original identity.

After the faceless person leaves their identity, they will also lose the ability to change their identity.

In addition, there is a possibility of failure in causal borrowing. The stronger the borrowing target, the higher the popularity, and the higher its own status, the more difficult it is to borrow successfully. . . . . .

(Note: When the faceless person acts on the body, in order not to be seen by others, the sense of existence of the faceless person will be quite weak.

But even so, if they are noticed by other beings, they will lead to the obliteration of the laws of the world.

Therefore, the faceless people usually use the identity of others to live to hide themselves. )

2. Disillusionment without truth: The faceless person can become anything that he has seen, even to the extent that it is fake and real.

Except for some special means, it is difficult for others to see the true and false of the things that the Faceless has transformed into.

If it cooperates with the ability to borrow from cause and effect, the faceless will replace the changing things to survive in the world, and even the law-level ability will not be able to dig out its heels.

3. Church Guidance: There are faceless people all over the world, and through the temple, they can locate and exchange information with each other.

It's just to prevent exposure to the law, the information between the faceless can only be passed between the faceless and not to others.

But the sanctuary is the intersection of all information, and the controller of the sanctuary can obtain information from the faceless ones, but only the faceless ones marked by the sanctuary.

In addition, as long as the controller says the task, the faceless can complete it under the guidance of the church.

However, the time required to complete the task is related to the difficulty of the task. If the difficulty of the task exceeds the ability of the Faceless, the Faceless will refuse to execute it. . . . . . 】

. . . . . .

After reading the information panel of the Faceless, Huang Yu couldn't help swallowing his throat.

It is true that on the information panel, the Faceless has no name, no rank, no potential, and it is completely impossible to see its strength.

However, the three core abilities of the Faceless Man made Huang Yu feel horrified.

He couldn't help thinking of the faces he saw when he entered the Thousand Faces Church.

At a glance, there are tens of thousands of those faces, and this is the faceless person who is looking at the Thousand Faces Church.

Faceless in the dark, I don't know how many there are.

Will there be a faceless person by my side, who replaces the identity of the territorial citizen and lives silently in a corner of the universe?

If such a person is silent for a long time, it will not cause too much damage to the universe and Huang Yu.

After all, the Faceless has no desire or desire, and does not want to attract attention from the outside world. The only goal is to achieve eternal life and eternity by breaking away from the reincarnation of time and space.

But once the faceless is controlled by others, it can have a great impact on the universe.

If Huang Yu's enemy has mastered a faceless man, then Huang Yu will have to worry whether his maid, housekeeper, or even a soldier will one day poison him in his meal, or cut him with a dagger when he is asleep. Break his throat. . . . . .

Of course, with Huang Yu's strength, unless the faceless person's ability to borrow identity is stronger than him, the possibility of wanting to assassinate him is still very low.

However, if it is true that the Faceless are scattered all over the world as the information panel says, then this will be an extremely terrifying force!

"This kind of special personnel must all be in my hands!"

Huang Yu closed the information panel of the Faceless, and did not rush to wear the face of the Faceless, and then opened the Chaos Mall to search for all the products related to the Faceless.

He intends to buy all the commodities related to the Faceless, and completely grasp this power in his hands.

However, what surprised Huang Yu was that there was nothing related to the Faceless, whether it was a class of arms, occupation scrolls, or special buildings.

Even among the products of the alien race, there is no such thing as the Faceless.

Huang Yu searched for the God of Thousand Faces again. After the list was refreshed, there were a few things related to the God of Thousand Faces, but none of them mentioned the faceless group.

It seems that this group, like the purpose they pursue, is not in the reincarnation of time and space, forgetting the past, present and future.

If it weren't for the fact that he was in the Thousand Faces Church, Huang Yu would even think that what he had just experienced was a dream. UU reading

At the same time, Huang Yu also had a question in his heart.

Everything related to the Faceless Man disappeared from the Chaos Mall because he purchased the Temple of Thousand Faces.

Or is it that the Thousand-faced Temple and the Faceless are a whole, unique in the Chaos Mall?

If it is the former, an existence like the Thousand-faced Sanctuary should not be just a special building of epic level.

If it is the latter. . . . . . Huang Yu clearly remembered that "uniqueness" did not appear when he purchased the Thousand Faces Church.

Huang Yu didn't struggle with this matter for too long. There are some things that he can't touch right now. As long as the faceless person can only control him, that's a good thing.

Picking up the face, Huang Yu put it on his face after investigating it with Chaos Vision.

In an instant, the sky was spinning, the distorted continent, the blue sky, the crystal wall surrounded by colorful energy, and then the line of sight instantly freezes.

What appeared in front of Huang Yu's eyes was a gray world.

Looking at the unfamiliar world in front of him, Huang Yu was stunned for a while, and a question emerged in his heart.

This is where?

The next moment, a cold voice sounded in Huang Yu's heart.

"My lord, this is the kingdom of shadows!"

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