The stone lizard under the crotch leaped out from the abdomen of a stone horned beast, and Feiba took the opportunity to throw out a long whip, throwing off the Spartan warrior on the back of the stone horned beast.

Feiba didn't have time to make up for the knife, and the stone lizard quickly jumped from the back of the stone horn beast to the ground, dodging the attacks of several Spartan warriors.

However, in Feiba's view, there is basically no possibility of survival if he falls from his mount during the charge.

The galloping beast in the back will crush all the obstacles it encounters under its feet.

However, compared to the Spartan warriors, the Troll Ripper led by Feba was even more uncomfortable.

After all, the gap between mounts and equipment is still there, and not all Rippers, like Feiba and some heroic arms, can flexibly control the stone lizards to shuttle between the rushing beasts.

A quarter of the stone lizards were knocked away by the stone horns the first time they collided with the Spartan warriors.

The troll tearer on its back was either trampled into a meat pie by a stone horn beast, or killed by a Spartan warrior.

And the troll tearer mixed into the Spartan warrior formation can be said to be on the brink of death every step of the way.

A little careless, is to be smashed to death.

Between the stone horn beasts that Feiba led the Troll Ripper to shuttle through, almost every moment, the Troll Ripper died tragically.

The stone lizard's attack power cannot bite the stone horned beast's hard skin like metal and rock at all, and the claw blades and weapons of the troll tearer rarely have the ability to hurt the stone horned beast.

They can only attack the Spartan warriors on the backs of the stone horned beasts, but the Spartan warriors are the first batch of extraordinary arms in the world territory, and they have existed since the establishment of the territory.

Although their basic parameters are a little weaker than other extraordinary arms, their average level has reached the fourth rank. Not only are they luxuriously equipped, but everyone has a lot of potions on them.

The difficulty of the Spartan warriors is much higher than Feba imagined.

But looking at the increasingly chaotic enemy formation, Feiba gradually calmed down.

Now, the war situation is deflecting in the direction it thought, and from the moment it turned around, its goal was not to fight the Spartans to the end.

But to make this charge of heavy cavalry chaos, it is best to stop and have to solve internal hidden dangers.

Only in this way, it will have enough time to deal with the Spartan warriors, and even hope to drag the lord to lead reinforcements.

In the face of a heavy cavalry that stopped charging and was still in chaos inside, as long as the lord led his troops to press over, the probability of defeating this human heavy cavalry was very high.

At that time, the trolls will turn defeat into victory, and get a lot of equipment, potions and super-grade mounts!

If we can keep all these two thousand Spartan warriors, not only will this battle not be a loss, it can even be regarded as a **** profit!

However, it is not difficult to achieve such a goal.

Feiba not only wanted to hold the Spartan warriors long enough, but also ensured that his lord was willing to send troops to save him, and the speed must be fast enough.

Even if it takes a while, when the reinforcements arrive, they may only have a chance to collect their corpses. . . . . .

Faba led the troll tearer through the enemy line, and with his agile figure, disrupted the formation of the Spartan warriors.

Many Spartan warriors began to besiege the Troll Ripper, and there were six Spartan heroes against Feiba!

Gradually, Feiba could feel that the charge speed of the Spartan warriors was much slower.


Xionghong's horn sounded.

Several Spartan heroes who surrounded Feiba were stunned for a moment, and then they simply let Feiba go, and drove their stone horned beasts to charge forward.

At the same time, almost every Spartan warrior who fought with the Troll Ripper gave up his opponent, returned to his position, and continued to charge forward while maintaining the formation.

Even if some of them were accidentally injured or even killed by the Troll Ripper, the rest of the Spartan warriors had no intention of returning to help, and they still rushed forward without hesitation.

Suddenly, the speed of the Spartan warrior's charge continued to accelerate again.

The opponent left without hesitation, leaving Feiba a little dazed. It drove the stone lizard to shuttle between the enemy lines, and during the period dragged two Spartan warriors from the stone horn beast's back, and even used its sharp claws. blade, decapitated a Spartan warrior.

It's just that the Spartan warriors are getting more and more difficult to deal with. They are no longer confronting the troll tearer. After encountering the troll tearer, they will evade and dodge, and then attack with various flying weapons.

And every time they leave in one wave, they will never die with the troll tearer. Even if a troll tearer rushes forward, the Spartan warriors will use all kinds of equipment to force them back.

As if in a hurry, I only know how to rush forward.

"not good!"

Looking at the Spartan warriors who had a resolute expression, completely ignored himself and the Troll Ripper, and formed a team to charge forward, Feiba suddenly woke up, and then his expression changed greatly.

It suddenly understood that these humans had no intention of stopping to solve them at all!

The goal of the Spartan warriors is the five hundred troll tearers fleeing ahead, the troll reinforcements that may appear, and even the fourth-order troll territory!

Thinking of this, Feiba was a little panicked.

Don't look at the fact that they just turned the formation of the Spartan warriors upside down, but if the Spartan warriors are desperate to charge, there is really no way for the Troll Ripper to stop them.

Although the Troll Ripper has just brought a lot of trouble to the Spartan warriors, in fact, their arms damage is far greater than that of the Spartan Since breaking into the Spartan army Since then, Faba has been avoiding head-to-head confrontations with the Spartan teams.

They are more of wandering in the gaps, causing panic and disrupting the formation of the Spartans.

But now, the Spartan warriors are the same, and there is only one goal, and that is to move forward, move forward, and move forward!

Even if the enemy is around, they will not stop charging forward.

In front of the rolling army, the more than 200 Troll Rippers under Feiba's team were rather insignificant.

Even if they tried their best to die with the two hundred Spartans, they could not stop the progress of the Spartans.

The remaining Spartan warriors will continue to charge, catching up with the 500 troll tearers fleeing in front, and rushing away the reinforcements who came to rescue Feba until they reach the foot of the city wall of the fourth-order troll territory.


The loud trampling sound of giant hoofs was instantly reduced, and there was no shadow of the stone horn beast in the loess in the sky.

Faba took the remaining more than one hundred troll tearers and ran through the formation of the Spartan warriors charging, but Faba did not feel any joy in his heart.

It turned the direction of the stone lizard, watched the back of the Spartan warrior charging, and gritted its teeth to drive the stone lizard to charge.

It felt like it had to do something about it.

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