Two steep and tall cliffs suddenly appeared in the outer city of the Universal Territory, extending from the southwest to the southeast, with a total length of more than ten kilometers.

Seen from the air, the two cliffs form a horseshoe-like shape, with both ends closed, like a crescent moon.

This is the legendary building that Huang Yu just spent 37 million soul crystals to buy—Dragon Valley!

The two cliffs in the Dragon Valley are extremely steep, and it is impossible for ordinary people to climb.

And its periphery is wrapped by a magical energy field. Without the permission of the owner of Dragon Valley, no creature will want to turn in from the air or the cliff.

Huang Yu originally wanted to put the Dragon Valley around the fire, and use the special energy field of the Dragon Valley to add a natural protection to the castle.

But after thinking about it carefully, I gave up this idea and put the Dragon Valley in the outer city instead.

With the multiple protections of the lord statue, Kunjinyan city wall and the forbidden wall, the fire in the castle does not pose much risk at all.

And Dragon Valley is quite special. Huang Yu has to meet many people every day, and he will deal with other territories in the future. He does not want to expose the internal situation of Dragon Valley to too many people.

Huang Yu flashed and appeared in the Dragon Valley.

The structure of Dragon Valley is not much different from ordinary valleys, only the peaks on both sides are high and steep.

The highest peak in the center is more than 2,000 meters high, which is extremely incompatible with its width, like a sword buried in the universe.

These sharp-blade-like peaks are barren, but all kinds of energy concentrations are very high.

Huang Yu patted the mountain wall next to him. Under normal circumstances, his slap would be enough to break gold and gravel, but it only left a light mark on the cliff.

It was only then that Huang Yu discovered that the main components of the Dragon Valley were all special building materials.

These mountains are mainly composed of three special building materials.

There is a sturdy, unbreakable, rare-grade special building material with excellent explosion-proof properties - obsidian.

There is an exclusive material of the giant dragon family, a rare-grade material that contains abundant life energy—Dragon Belly Stone.

There is another kind of Lingxi stone that Huang Yu is more familiar with.

Lingxi stone has the function of adsorbing and purifying energy, which is also one of the reasons for the extremely high energy concentration of Dragon Valley.

With the blessing of such a huge amount of spiritual tidal stones, the Dragon Valley will become the best cultivation place except for Huang Yu's side.

"Legendary grade arms buildings are extraordinary."

"If you exploit the Dragon Valley as a mineral resource, you might earn hundreds of millions."

"But...what about my dragon?"

There are also large and small caves on the cliffs of the mountain. Huang Yu counted them. There are twenty small caves, ten medium ones, and two opposite main peaks, each with a hole with a diameter of 20 meters. Huge cave.

But there were no dragon eggs or young dragons in the cave, which made Huang Yu a little strange.

Bring up the information panel of Dragon Nest to view the information.

【Dragon Valley】

【Level: Level 1】

[Note: Upgrading to Tier 2 requires 680,000 soul crystals, 800,000 units of stone, 640,000 units of fine iron, 1,000 units of obsidian, 1,000 units of tidal stones, 1,000 units of dragon belly stones, and 0-1,000 units of excellent grade or above, and Special building materials that match the attributes of Dragon Nest. 】

[Introduction: One of the original clans of the giant dragon family was the initial incubation and cultivation of offspring of giant dragons. . . . . .


1. Lone Dragon Summoning: For every 100,000 Soul Crystals, you can perform a Lone Dragon Summoning, and the lord will get a vibrant dragon egg at worst, and there is also a chance to directly summon hatchlings (tier 1) and young dragons (tier 2). rank), and even the juvenile dragon (rank 3).

If a young dragon (fourth-order) and an adult dragon (fifth-order) are summoned, they can also be successfully summoned to the Dragon Valley.

Mature dragons (sixth-order supernatural) and giant dragons of the highest level cannot be summoned by Lonely Dragon.

The dragon eggs that the lords searched for themselves can also be put into the Dragon Valley to hatch, and the outside dragons can also be active in the Dragon Valley.

[Note: The dragon's nest in the current Dragon Valley can accommodate 20 dragon eggs, young dragons, and young dragons, 10 juvenile dragons, 10 young dragons, and 2 adult dragons. ]

[Note: Tier 1 Dragon Valley cannot accommodate adult dragons and above. ]

2. The Domain of Dragons: All the giant dragons, dragon beasts and sub-dragon species living in the Dragon Valley will grow faster, their bodies will also be subtly enhanced, and they can quickly recover their physical strength and injuries.

In addition, the dragon beast can naturally master the ability to breathe, and the dragon who awakens its true name can quickly access the magic ability in the inheritance memory. . . . . . 】

. . . . . .

[Note: currently included soul: 0]

[Note: Currently, the souls of 10 dead can be transformed into heroic spirits! Every time a Heroic Spirit is transformed, 10,000 Soul Crystals are consumed! 】

. . . . . .

"It actually costs 100,000 soul crystals to summon?"

After seeing the information panel of Dragon Valley, Huang Yu began to suspect that he sold more than 20 dragon eggs, and the 37 million soul crystal flowers he collected were not worth it.

Each time a solitary dragon is summoned, only 100,000 soul crystals are needed, but a giant dragon egg worth 500,000 soul crystals can be obtained as a guarantee, and there is a chance to directly summon hatchlings, young dragons, juvenile dragons and even young dragons and adult dragons. .

Not only does it reduce the probability of dragon beasts being born, but it also saves some of the time and materials needed to cultivate dragons.

but. . . . . . The giant dragon eggs that Huang Yu bought before cost only 25,000 each.

But thinking about it carefully, the Lone Dragon Summoning is actually quite favorable. One hundred thousand soul crystals can get a giant dragon egg, which is already the most favorable way for Huang Yu to come into contact with other than the discounted artifact.

Moreover, it is not every day that the discounted artifacts can refresh the giant dragon It has been so long since the fire devoured the scales of the ancestor dragon, and Huang Yu has only encountered it once.

Even after buying them, those giant dragon eggs are not easy to hatch.

Of the fifty dragon egg yolks, only nineteen hatched, and the rest were either cut off or their vitality was constantly escaping.

Among the nineteen giant dragons hatched, twelve were dragon beasts, and the breathing ability mastered was inspired by Huang Yu himself.

It is not realistic for Huang Yu to rely on discounted artifacts to build a giant dragon army.

Through the solitary dragon summoning, not only can the number of giant dragons be increased, but even if a dragon beast is hatched, its strength is stronger than that of Huang Yu's own hatching.

What's more, the Dragon Valley also has the ability of the dragon domain, which is extremely strong for dragons, dragon beasts and sub-dragon species.

In addition to giant dragons and dragon beasts, there are more than 2,000 sub-dragon species—Yanlongma.

The number of dragon's nests is indeed limited, but the dragon's valley is so large that as long as it does not occupy the dragon's nest, the dragons, dragon beasts and flame dragon horses that Huang Yu hatched before can also move in the dragon's valley.

The only problem is that the dragon's space becomes crowded.

But Huang Yu believed that in his "teaching", the dragons should not have any opinion. . . . . .

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