The Lone Dragon Summoning Array is still running, while Huang Yu is looking for a way to break the curse of his true name.

But after rummaging through Chaos Mall, he couldn't find a way.

The curse of the real name is the most expensive method for the dragon family to deal with the enemy. The content of the curse is determined by the resentment of the dragon before its death, and there is no way to crack it.

Unable to crack the real name curse, Huang Yu began to think about how to cover up the real name curse.

The summoned dragons could perceive the situation in the Dragon Valley, but Huang Yu found that these dragons did not know the identity of the summoner.

Whether it was the second-order black dragon or the first-order red copper dragon just now, it was only after seeing/perceiving the existence of Huang Yu that they discovered Huang Yu's human identity and the real name curse left by Ostra.

What if Huang Yu hides himself and waits for the Lone Dragon to summon successfully, then come over?

Or directly transform into a dragon and release the power of the dragon that is stronger than the real dragon. Can the fake be fooled by the real dragon?

After all, the summoned dragons are of low level and limited abilities. After Huang Yu's transformation into a dragon, it is difficult to see through them.

And the giant dragon family is Mu Qiang's race, and Huang Yu's powerful aura might be more attractive to young dragons.

Just do it!

Huang Yu immediately turned into a dragon, and his huge body was blocked in the Dragon Valley. Due to the obstruction of the cliffs on both sides, the pair of giant wings could not even fully unfold.

Then Huang Yu released his coercion with all his strength, and the white dragon Finas and the other two dragon beasts stumbled and fell to the ground with awe in their eyes, and bowed their heads to Huang Yu.

More than 100 flame dragon horses were even more unbearable, slumped to the ground, their bodies trembling, and even a few flame dragon horses with low potential were incontinent on the spot. . . . . .

Huang Yu didn't care about these, and the three pairs of demon eyes stared at the Lone Dragon Summoning Array, waiting for a new summoning target.

The energy surged, and it took a long time to condense again, but this time it was a dragon egg that appeared in the Lone Dragon Summoning Array.

[A green dragon egg has been found, do you want to summon it? 】

. . . . . .

After preparing for a long time, he was greeted with a dragon egg, and Huang Yu immediately wanted to refuse the summon.

Compared with the dragon eggs with more uncertainties after hatching, Huang Yu prefers the dragons that have hatched and awakened their real names.

[If the lord refuses to summon, this solitary dragon summoning will end, and the 100,000 soul crystals that have been paid will not be returned! 】

[Please confirm whether to give up this Lone Dragon Summoning? 】

. . . . . . .

"I rely on!"

After seeing the information prompt, Huang Yu couldn't help but let out a foul language.

"Why can the giant dragon give up the call of the solitary dragon, but not the lord?"

Huang Yu was very speechless, feeling that Dragon Nest was a little bit against himself.

As a last resort, he could only choose to summon the green dragon egg first, otherwise, his 100,000 soul crystals would be lost.

After Huang Yu confirmed the call, a green dragon egg suddenly appeared in the center of the circle.

And the teleportation formation quickly fell silent, giving Huang Yu a feeling that he had finally finished his errand.

"I don't believe it anymore!"

"Continue to summon!"

One hundred thousand soul crystals were scattered again, and the Lone Dragon Summoning Array slowly started to search for the summoning target.

After a while, a new summon target appeared.

[A newborn red dragon (first-order) has been found, do you want to summon it? 】

. . . . . .

"The probability of summoning a hatched dragon is quite high!"

Seeing the red dragon appearing in the summoning circle, Huang Yu immediately confirmed the summoning, and at the same time released his coercion to attract the red dragon's attention.


The red dragon in the summoning circle let out a naive roar. Huang Yu used the hand of his soul to modify the memories of so many giant dragons. His mastery of dragon language can also be said to be proficient.

The little guy in the ancient dragon teleportation array was really careful to ask what kind of dragon he was and why he had never seen it in his heritage memory.

As for the real name curse on Huang Yu, the young dragon subconsciously ignored it.

After all, the battle between dragons is no less than the struggle between dragons and aliens, and it seems that it is not difficult to understand the curse of the real name.

Huang Yu glanced at the young dragon, with an air of arrogance, as if he was too lazy to answer.

At the same time, he mobilized the power of his own dragon power and pressed against the young dragon in the summoning circle, as if to warn it, roll over quickly if you want to come to the Dragon Valley, and kill it if you dare to talk nonsense.

The arrogance of the giant dragon family is engraved in their bones. As the dominant race in the sky, no matter how high the sky is, their hearts are so high.

Huang Yu's performance at this time was in perfect harmony with the habits of the giant dragon clan.

Sure enough, although he knew that Huang Yu couldn't do anything to himself, after feeling Huang Yu's terrifying and pure dragon power, the red dragon subconsciously agreed to the call of the solitary dragon.

As the clan of the giant dragon family, Dragon Valley can allow giant dragons with strong territorial awareness to coexist here, which naturally has its attraction.

Accelerating growth, quickly mastering inheritance spells, enhancing physical fitness, enhancing potential and other functions are extremely attractive to young dragons who are still underage and struggling to survive in the wild.

The Lone Dragon Summoning Formation was silent. A red dragon, which was more than six meters long and looked stunted, was lying in the center of the Formation, looking at Huang Yu in awe.

After coming to Dragon Valley to face Huang Yu, Greco realized what a terrible guy he just talked to.

The turbulent, almost substantive dragon might, as huge as a mountain, has a ferocious yet beautiful body. . . . . . The same clan in front of him will not be a strong dragon!

but. . . . . . Is something not quite right?

Why did he look at me and laugh when he was majestic just now?

Before Greco could figure out what was wrong, he was caught by Huang Yu, and before he could resist, the red dragon Greco turned black and fell into a coma.

Huang Yu looked at the red dragon in his was full of joy. After using the hand of the soul to make Greco unconscious, he activated the power of chaos, and he was familiar with the modification of Greco's memory, and in his soul Added prohibition.

In less than half an hour, he was transformed into a member of Huang Yu, the Lord of the Faith Dragon.

Greco seemed to have fallen into a long dream. When he woke up and saw Huang Yu, he knelt on the ground subconsciously, bowed his head and shouted with respect:

"Lord of the Dragon!"

Afterwards, the memories of the dragon lord came pouring in, and it gradually knew its origin.

It was the Lord of the Dragon who created it, and the Lord of the Dragon who rescued it from the perilous wilderness.

Its body, soul and even memory are inherited from the Dragon Lord.

In this world, the Dragon Lord is all it is!


Huang Yu looked at Greco and nodded with satisfaction.

Although this red dragon is a little stunted, it should be able to recover after staying in the Dragon Valley, and it will become stronger in the future.

When it grows to Tier 2, it will be handed over to the Twilight Raider to drive it.

Let the red dragon Greco go to the dragon's nest to recover, Huang Yu turned to look at the Lone Dragon Summoning Array, and invested 100,000 soul crystals to continue the summoning.

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