"No wonder the area of ​​the Dragon Valley will shrink."

"With the architectural features of fourth-order space compression, you don't have to worry about Dragon Valley occupying too much fire coverage in the future."

Huang Yu looked at the information panel of Dragon Valley and was very satisfied with the architectural feature of space compression.

When Dragon Valley was just established, Huang Yu was still a little worried.

Although Huanyu City is a fifth-order city, the total area covered by fire is only 140 square kilometers.

The Dragon Valley alone occupies one-fifth of the area covered by fire, which greatly compresses the space for mining areas, farms, pastures, mount nests, arms buildings, and territorial residential areas. Tinder coverage area planning.

The coverage area of ​​fire and the radiation area of ​​territory are two completely different concepts.

The radiation area of ​​the territory is determined by the strength of the territory and the control over the surrounding area.

This part of the land cannot be equipped with buildings purchased in Chaos Mall, and can only be developed by the territory itself.

The current Northeast development project in the Universal Territory is planning to use this part of the land.

The fire coverage area refers to the area of ​​the fire radiation area. People and things in this area can enjoy the blessing of a series of characteristics and abilities such as territory characteristics, architectural characteristics, and lord statue functions. For any territory, it is a It is very precious, and one square meter is less than one square meter.

The first-order Dragon Valley occupied one-fifth of it all at once, which made Huang Yu feel a little distressed.

You must know that many of the characteristics and abilities of the Universal Territory are of quite high grade, which greatly increases the territory.

If one-fifth of the area was wasted, it would be considered a loss to Universal City.

Now the emergence of the fourth-order feature - space compression, immediately compresses the fire coverage area occupied by Dragon Valley to about ten square kilometers, and timely alleviates the problem of wasted fire coverage area.

In addition to the fourth-order architectural feature of space compression.

Dragon Valley has also acquired the architectural features of fourth-order spiritual wisdom and fifth-order dragon body nourishment.

These two architectural features

Because the Dragon Domain function of Dragon Valley is consistent with the capabilities of these two building characteristics, these two building characteristics have turned into special enhancements to the Dragon Domain.

The grade of Dragon Valley is too high, and the special building materials that Huang Yu can use are limited. The building characteristics of the initial awakening are relatively conventional and have no distinctive features.

However, after the Dragon Valley was upgraded to a third-order building, the third function opened made Huang Yu's eyes shine.

The dragon is reborn!

It can revive the dead dragon into a dragon egg. The hatched dragon also has the genetic ability and memory before it, and has the attribute of rapid growth!

This is equivalent to quickly creating dragon rebirthers and dragon traversers.

Moreover, it is still a giant dragon reincarnated by the strong and rebuilt through time!

And there are a lot of such dragons in the Chaos Mall!

Their real names, leftover materials, and even flesh and blood can be found by peeling the cocoons.

Huang Yu guessed that the creatures that appeared in the Chaos Mall, and even some arms buildings, have actually died out in the reincarnation of time and space.

It's just that the Chaos Mall is more detached than the Dragon Valley. It can not only "reincarnate" these creatures, but also maintain their combat power at the level before their death.

You can even sell reincarnated items, skills, and even body tissues at the same time as they are sold.

This can be verified by simply searching for relevant information.

For example, the eighth-order legendary dragon - Black Death Bellerion, Huang Yu first knew part of its real name "Bellerion". According to Bellerion's search in the Chaos Mall, Huang Yu could also find, for example, "The Horn of the Black Death", "Bellerion" dragonglass and other items.

The dragon crystal is equivalent to the heart of a giant dragon. Once it is separated from the body or destroyed, even the legendary giant dragon will fall.

"The higher the level of the reincarnation medium, the more complete the real name, and the less soul crystals you pay..."

Huang Yu glanced at the five giant dragons in the Dragon Valley, then shook his head and gave up experimenting with these little guys, and instead searched in Chaos Mall.

Soon, Huang Yu found a reincarnation target.

[Epic hero unit of the giant dragon family - Grace Christian: The green dragon Grace has a name that resounds throughout the history of the giant dragon: Charm Dance.

Being able to make a name for herself in the long history of the giant dragon family with her sixth-order strength stems from Grace's unique beauty and her dissolute nature than any giant dragon.

Charming Dance Grace is interested in "hunting" the strong dragons, and its hunting method is to make other dragons kneel under its skirt through the dance that charms the dragon's heart.

After being promoted to Transcendent with the ability to change shape, the charm dance Grace was even more out of control, her eyes were raised from dragons to more races, and she left behind "Harida" and "Carolina". . . . . . Equal name.

In the legend of the giant dragon family, even Bahamut, the platinum dragon god, seems to have had a relationship with Grace.

It's just that it is unknown whether this is a rumor spread by the five-colored dragon. . . . . 】

【Current Quantity: Unique】

[Price: 18.6 million soul crystals! 】

. . . . . .

Charming Dance Grace is a well-known dragon. Just through the introduction, Huang Yu got part of his real name.

Grace Christian...Harida...Carolina...

Whether the real name field behind it is accurate remains to be verified, but it is also part of Grace's reincarnation information.

As for the reincarnation medium, Huang Yu searched the Chaos Mall and quickly found a lot.

[Perfect-grade material - Specimen of the genital cavity of Grace Dance: The collection of the legendary dragon Raging Fire·Guajardo, this ugly legendary dragon has a weird collection habit. . . . . . 】

[Extraordinary grade material - dragon crystal of the extraordinary dragon Grace. . . . . . 】

[Excellent grade material - Green Dragon Dragon Scale: The product of the extraordinary transformation of the dragon Grace. . . . . . 】

. . . . . .

Huang Yu bought the materials~www.wuxiaspot.com~ for a total cost of less than 120,000 soul crystals, and then placed them on the altar next to the dragon reincarnation magic circle in the Dragon Valley.

[Whether to carry out dragon reincarnation? 】


[Please enter the real name field of the reincarnated dragon! 】

"Grace Christian; Harida; Carolina..."

[Verification of real name. . . . . . The reincarnation medium is being verified. . . . . . Verification passed! 】

[This reincarnation needs to pay 36900 soul crystals, do you want to reincarnate? 】


. . . . . .

"150,000 soul crystals can get a reincarnated dragon egg!"

"And after hatching, the real name will be awakened, and the dragon can be quickly promoted to the sixth order."

"This deal is a good deal!"

Huang Yu immediately chose to reincarnate, and the messy materials on the altar were mixed together by an invisible energy and turned into the shape of an egg.

After a while, the mixture of flesh and bones gradually became alive, and a breath of life was born.

Then, green scales grew on the flesh and blood, completely wrapping the flesh and blood, turning it into a complete dragon egg.

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