After hatching, Grace Dance found her current situation in her memory.

It is now in Dragon Valley, and was resurrected by Dragon Valley's owner using Dragon Reincarnation.

Although he is in the legendary Dragon Valley, after seeing the giant dragon mixed with the humble dragon beast, and even the more humble sub-dragon species.

In addition to being disgusted by Grace, her hundreds of years of dragon life experience also made her smell a lot of something wrong, and she subconsciously wanted to escape from the Dragon Valley while the owner was not there.

Although the strength is only first-order, Grace believes that with the innate advantages of the reincarnated dragon, it can also live well in this world.

The reason why Grace is called the "Charm Dance", in addition to its far-flung name, actually refers to its elegant, dexterous, and superb dance-like flying methods.

Therefore, after simply checking the strength of the wings, Grace did not hesitate too much, jumped out of the dragon's nest full of confidence, and rushed to the high altitude that she missed for a long time.

Grace first clinged to the steep mountain wall, and quickly performed a few difficult rolls and flips. She showed her elegant figure to a few "little guys" not far away, and then spread her wings indifferently, using a Small spells create air currents to climb into the air.

However, it was obviously full of air, but Grace was surprised to find that not only did she not fly up, but she was falling down at a faster and faster speed.

Grace didn't know what was wrong, but her body's instinct made it start flapping its wings desperately, trying to drive the body to fly upwards.

But everything it did was in vain, the body showed no signs of rising, and the speed of falling was getting faster and faster.

No-fly area!

Looking at the ground getting closer, Grace realized what was going on, and she couldn't help but start to panic.

The dragon's nest it hatched was more than a thousand meters above the ground!

Even before reincarnation, with the blessing of an extraordinary body, it fell unprepared from this height, even if it survived, it would pay an extremely heavy price, not to mention that it is only a young dragon with a level of only lv1.

It fell to the ground like this, and it only had one fate, that is, it turned into a pool of **** corpses.

Grace naturally could not accept the consequences.

After you die once, you will know how happy it is to be alive.

What's more, as a giant dragon, it jumped off a cliff and fell to his death. Just because of the cause of death, it can gain popularity among the giant dragon family as well as before his death.

Moreover, this cause of death is not only stupid, but also very ugly, it is simply an insult to the name of his own charm dance!

Feeling the whistling airflow in her ears, Grace held back her fear and released the airflow spell in reverse, pushing herself onto the cliff.

Then grab your limbs to the cliff to slow your fall.

It's just that its response is a bit slow, its own falling speed is extremely fast, and the new baby dragon's body strength is not high.

The relatively strong hind limbs were not much better. The fingers were broken and broken, the sharp nails were also tossed off a few pieces, and the two hind paws were rubbed into blood.

The severe pain caused Grace to scream, but she still didn't dare to relax.

Although the move just now made it descend a little slower, its body was still descending at a lethal speed.

It's a pity that the mountains in the Dragon Valley are not only steep, but also very flat. It is difficult to find even a crack, and Grace can't even find a focal point.

Apart from leaving four bloodstains on the mountain wall, he couldn't stop his falling tendency at all.

Grace was so sore that she almost fainted, but the mental power far surpassed the normal young dragon's mental strength, giving it more energy to fight against death.

She hit herself with a stronger airflow, then spread out her wings, and the entire dragon body was flat and tightly attached to the cliff.

The wind on the back was like a palm, pressing Grace against the cliff.

The dragon scales rubbed against the cliff, and a few sparks emerged, marking fine traces.

But because the speed of the fall was too fast, the dragon scales began to fall off, and the exposed skin began to come into close contact with the cliff.

The original four bloodstains became a thicker bloodstain.

When Grace approached the bottom of the mountain, its abdomen had become bloody, and its severely injured limbs could not even climb, so it could only nest at the bottom of the mountain.

After Huang Yu came to Dragon Valley, what he saw was such a scene.

A miserable-looking green dragon was expelling the flame dragon horses around it in disgust, but its seriously injured body was not enough to support it to expel it in person, so it could only intimidate the flame dragon horse with its highly poisonous dragon breath.

The function of the lord statue "This side of the universe, no flying" has been turned on. Without Huang Yu's permission, the Green Dragon Charm Dance Grace could not fly.

The green dragon almost committed suicide because of this, leaving Huang Yu's hundreds of thousands of soul crystals in vain.

"Who are you!"


"The owner of Dragon Valley?"

As soon as Huang Yu appeared, Grace the Green Dragon initiated a series of inquiries.

It smelled a familiar breath, but the real name curse on Huang Yu's body made it not easy for him to know Huang Yu's identity.

Huang Yu looked at the sluggish charm dance Grace and smiled, but did not speak, but unfolded the body of the dragon.


A pair of giant wings that covered the sky and the sun suddenly unfolded, and a giant dragon with a body length of over 100 meters suddenly appeared in the Dragon Valley.

The giant dragons, dragon beasts, and flame dragon horses wandering around stood on the ground one after another, looking at Huang Yu in awe.

Looking at Huang Yu, who was ferocious after transforming into a dragon, the green dragon Grace was shocked.

It has never seen such a ferocious, nor has it felt such a strange breath, this breath makes it fearful, and at the same time has a strange attraction.

Extraordinary dragon?

Impossible, without feeling the extraordinary qualities. . . . . . But there is an even more powerful quality!

Grace looked at Huang Yu, her eyes changed from fear to curiosity, and from curiosity to covetousness.

A pair of eyes shined brightly, as if seeing some rare treasure, and even crawled forward for a distance regardless of the injury on his body, and couldn't wait to ask:

"What kind of dragon are you?"

Looking at Grace, Huang Yu opened his huge mouth and spit out a dragon language:

"I am human."

"Also the owner of Dragon Valley!"

"Soon, I will also be your master."


Hearing Huang Yu's answer, Grace was stunned, and before she could figure out the reason, her eyes went dark.

The elemental energy surged, and Grace's body flew lightly in front of Huang Yu.

"In order to prevent unnecessary resistance, it is better to cut off your mental power."

Huang Yu said to himself, and then released the hand of the soul and the power of chaos to the green dragon Grace, and began to modify the inheritance memory of this giant dragon.

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