The scales, flesh and bones on the altar of reincarnation were mixed into a ball, and then gradually became vivid and their vitality became stronger and stronger.

After the fiery red scales wrapped it, Huang Yu felt the fluctuation of his soul.

Red Dragon Chloe reincarnated successfully!

Huang Yu picked up this dragon egg of the same size as the green dragon Grace when it had not hatched, turned on Chaos Vision to check the internal structure of the dragon egg, and compared it with Grace's dragon egg.

After discovering that the dragon egg of the red dragon Chloe had no flaws, Huang Yu was relieved.

He was worried just now that if the body of the reincarnated dragon is defective due to the lack of dragon crystals, then the behavior of saving money for the reincarnated dragon would not be worth the gain.

Now it seems that he should be thinking too much.

All the characteristics of the dragon egg of the red dragon Chloe are very good, and if there are no defects after hatching, then when he is reincarnated as a giant dragon next, as long as he obtains a complete real name, he can give up using the dragon crystal as a reincarnation medium. Thus leaving a soul crystal.

Returning the dragon egg of the red dragon Chloe back to the dragon's nest, Huang Yu opened the Chaos Mall, preparing to reincarnate a few dragons.

The page of the Chaos Mall still stays on the page of the red dragon "Flaming Arc" Chloe. Huang Yu was about to search for the real name of the next giant dragon, but suddenly found that the first item in the Chaos Mall had disappeared.

And that item is a unique giant dragon epic hero unit - Chloe Amisitia, worth 20.6 million soul crystals!

Huang Yu searched the green dragon "Charm Dance" Grace again, and found that the unique "Charm Dance" Grace also disappeared from the Chaos Mall.

There is only one reason for this result, that is, the two giant dragon hero arms have been bought.

Naturally, Huang Yu would not think that at this stage, any lord could spend tens of millions of soul crystals to buy two epic dragons, not even the lord of the dragon clan.

The reason why these two dragons disappeared from the Chaos Mall was that Huang Yu reincarnated them into the Dragon Valley.

Each real name is unique, which is why the dragon is unique.

It is impossible for two dragons with the same real name to exist in the chaotic world. Huang Yu reincarnated them in the Dragon Valley, and others could not summon them to the Chaos Continent through the Chaos Mall.

After thinking of this, Huang Yu couldn't help feeling excited.

"The reincarnation of Grace, the charm dance, is like digging a treasure!"

"Not only will the cost of my reincarnating dragon be greatly reduced, but I can also have a group of special arms that only belong to me."

"For me, the importance of 'real name' is no longer on the same level as Long Jing."

Dragonglass is a material with excellent performance, especially suitable for use as an awakening medium or power supply core, and its status is equivalent to the Titan Heart.

But when a creature is promoted to extraordinary, energy characteristics like "Dragon Crystal" crystallize, and its importance will only become lower and lower.

The existence above the supernatural, although the battle still has to be physically confronted, but the importance of the soul is also increasing day by day.

Even if their bodies are completely destroyed, as long as their souls are intact and their spiritual power is strong enough, they may have the chance to be reborn.

A super race like a giant dragon can easily enter the extraordinary as long as it grows normally.

But they will only regard the dragon who awakens the real name as the dragon family. Even if a dragon beast is promoted to the extraordinary or even the sanctuary, as long as it does not obtain the real name, it will not be recognized by the dragon family.

Dragon>Dragon Beast>Dragon Species>Dragon Blood Creatures. . . . . . This kind of contempt chain almost engraved in the dragon's bones, even Huang Yu can't change it.

For super races, the real name is far more important than the crystallization of energy characteristics, which is the symbol of their soul and the key to unlocking the memory of inheritance.

After reincarnation, Dragon Crystal can naturally condense, but there is only one real name.

The real name is also the biggest difference between the super race and other races.

Regardless of whether the abyss demons are strong or weak, even the weakest demon soldiers have almost unlimited growth space.

In the Chaos Continent, except for super races and lords of various races, other creatures have potential limitations.

To break this limitation, the difficulty is not generally high.

Huang Yu pondered the meaning behind the "real name", followed the vine and found the prototype of the "real name" on the Chaos Continent.

On the Chaos Continent, only warrior-level troops and special professionals will have their own names.

In order to facilitate management, all the citizens of the world territory now have their own names and identification numbers, but these are artificially acquired by the government department.

And once the warrior-level arms are promoted to hero arms, they will become "unique" existences in the Chaos Continent, and they usually have the potential to enter the extraordinary.

The king-level arms are not much more to say, the sixth-order transcendence is not difficult for them, and the eighth-order legend is their limit.

Atreus, Ryana, Jiang Chengzi. . . . . . These names are far less complex than the real name of the dragon, but it is also possible that they are the "uniqueness" of these people.

Huang Yu felt that the real name should not be as simple as it seems, maybe it has something to do with the "God-level" that no one has touched yet, or even the laws of the world.

Write down this matter and hand it over to You An and the Crown of Mysteries for research. Huang Yu uses the real name in the memory of the green dragon Grace to continue the reincarnation of the giant dragon.

The price of materials related to the legendary dragon is very high, and the reincarnation cost is not low. In addition, these dragons are monsters that have lived for thousands of years and have all kinds of trump cards.

Huang Yu's mental strength has not yet reached that It is impossible to modify the memory of these giant dragons, and it is very likely that the car will overturn.

Therefore, Huang Yu gave up without hesitation for the "Three Kings" who were higher than the "Charming Dance Seven Ministers", and the dragons who chose to be reincarnated were all epic dragons.

"Blue Dragon Nenad Amarilia.... Known as the 'Storm Cloud' and the 'Seven Charismatic Dancers', he masters powerful lightning spells..."

"The Brass Dragon Sheikh Adan Asensio . . . , the fierce name of 'Brass Fury' spreads in the dragon epic, because he disdains to be in the company of the 'Meiwu Seven Ministers', and he is with Meiwu. Grace fell out . . . "

"Silver Dragon Gregory Moriarty..., one of Grace's most proud works, recognized as the No. 1 among the 'Seven Dancers', and was called by the Silver Dragons for the 'Son of the Fallen'

Originally, she hated and hated the charm dance Grace, and was an enemy of her everywhere.

Later, he was captured by the charm dance Grace, experienced an unknown encounter with the dragon, and turned into a die-hard fan of the charm dance Grace. . . . . . "

Huang Yu selected three dragons from the dragons controlled by Grace Dance, a blue dragon, a brass dragon, and a silver dragon.

The reason for choosing these three giant dragons that once reached the sanctuary rank is because the introduction information of these three giant dragons more or less implies that their mental state is not stable enough.

And such a giant dragon, Huang Yu is more likely to correct its memory.

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